Next: Acknowledgements
Up: Additivity of effective quadrupole
Previous: Variance and distribution of
The additivity principle in
highly and SD rotational bands of the
region has been studied within the
cranked Hartree+Fock theory based on the SLy4 energy density functional
and the cranked
relativistic mean-field theory with the NL1
Lagrangian. The main results can be summarized as follows:
- The two sets of effective s.p. charge quadrupole moments
, transition quadrupole moments
, and effective angular momenta
have been produced. This rich output
allows for an easy and simple determination of
transition quadrupole moments
in highly deformed and SD bands in the
mass region.
In some cases,
configuration assignments based
on the relative (effective) alignment method can
be done based on the
calculated values of effective angular momenta
(see, however,
Sec. 3.3).
- Our statistical analysis of distributions of residuals confirms that
the additivity principle is well fulfilled in the self-consistent
approaches that properly take into account polarization effects.
- The contribution from the triaxial degree of freedom to the transition
quadrupole moment is usually small, but it cannot be ignored when
aiming at a quantitative reproduction of experimental data. The average
values is greater in the CHF+SLy4 model than in CRHF+NL1,
thus suggesting that the potential energy surfaces produced
in the former model are more
- For the majority of s.p. orbitals, there is a considerable
difference between the effective and bare expectation values
of one-body operators.
This indicates the importance of polarization effects (shape polarization for
quadrupole moments and the shape and
time-odd-mean-field polarization for
angular momentum alignment).
- With very few exceptions, there is a great deal of
consistency between CHF and CRMF results for the effective s.p.
moments and alignments.
So far, the additivity principle has been investigated only for
highly deformed or SD bands in the 
mass region. It would be interesting to extend such studies to
other high spin structures. The most promising candidates are: (i) terminating
bands in the
mass region characterized by very weak pairing
and appreciable
-softness [14], and (ii)
SD rotational bands in the
regions of superdeformation [46]. Work along these lines is in progress.
Next: Acknowledgements
Up: Additivity of effective quadrupole
Previous: Variance and distribution of
Jacek Dobaczewski