In this section, we evaluate and interpret the effective s.p. contributions to the total angular momentum. Table 3
displays effective s.p. angular momenta
the s.p. orbitals of interest. The relative uncertainties in calculated
values are on average larger than those for
effective s.p. quadrupole moments. This is due to the fact that, on the
mean field level, polarization effects pertaining to the angular
momentum are more complex than those for quadrupole moments: they
involve not only shape changes but also the variations of time-odd mean
fields [41,42,43]. For eight proton states calculated
in both approaches, the mean uncertainties are
in CHF+SLy4 and CRMF+NL1, respectively. The same holds also
for the set of 18 neutron states, where the average uncertainties are
in CHF+SLy4 and CRMF+NL1, respectively.
Table 3 also compares CHF+SLy4 expectation values of the
s.p. angular momentum
their effective counterparts
It is seen that these two quantities differ considerably.
As discussed in Ref. [42],
this is due to both shape polarization and
time-odd mean-field effects. It is also
important to remember that, unlike the cranked Nilsson scheme,
in self-consistent models the expectation value
of the projection of the s.p. angular momentum on the rotation
cannot be extracted from the slope of its
s.p. routhian versus rotation frequency [44].
Our results indicate that the additivity principle for angular momentum
alignment does not work as precisely as it does for quadrupole moments.
This conclusion is in line with a similar analysis in the
region of superdeformation [45,46]. A configuration
assignment based on relative alignments depends on how accurately these
alignments can be predicted. For example, the application of effective
(relative) alignment method in the
region of
superdeformation requires an accuracy in the prediction of relative
angular momenta on the level of
non-intruder and intruder orbitals, respectively
[13,47,8]. In the highly deformed and SD nuclei from
mass region, these requirements for accuracy are
somewhat relaxed (see Refs. [48,49]). We expect
that in the
region, the relative alignments should be
predicted with a precision similar to that in the
region. However, for a number of orbitals (for example,
), the
calculated uncertainties in
are close to
, and this probably prevents reliable assignments based on
the additivity principle for the configurations involving these
orbitals. The situation becomes even more uncertain if several orbitals
with high uncertainties in
are occupied.
Let us also remark that while theory provides effective alignments at a fixed rotational frequency, relative alignments extracted from experimental data may show appreciable frequency dependence (see for instance Ref. [45]). Therefore, for reliable configuration assignments, measured relative alignments should be compared with calculated ones over a wide frequency range.