The zero-quasiparticle HFB state (6), representing the
lowest configuration for a system with even number of fermions,
corresponds to a filled sea of Bogoliubov quasiholes with negative
quasiparticle energies, see Fig. 1. In a one-quasiparticle state representing a
state in an odd nucleus, a positive-energy quasiparticle state
is occupied and its conjugated quasihole partner is empty. The
corresponding wave function can be written as
The blocking can also be implemented, for some configurations, by introducing two chemical potentials for different superfluid components (two-Fermi level approach, 2FLA)[95,96] As demonstrated in Ref.[93], such procedure is equivalent to applying a one-body, time-odd field that changes the particle-number parity of the underlying quasiparticle vacuum. For polarized Fermi systems, in which no additional degeneracy of quasiparticle levels is present beyond the Kramers degeneracy, the 2FLA is equivalent to one-dimensional, non-collective rotational cranking.
When describing properties of odd-mass nuclei, one selects the lowest
quasiparticle excitations and carries out the self-consistent
procedure based on these blocked candidates (19). Naturally,
one must adopt a prescription to be able to determine, at each
iteration, the index
of the quasiparticle state to be blocked
[97]. Such a unique identification can be done by means
of, e.g., the overlap method of Ref.[98]. After the
HFB iterations are converged for each blocked candidate, the state
corresponding to the lowest energy is taken as the ground state of
an odd-mass nucleus, and the remaining ones are approximations of the
excited states. A similar procedure can be applied to
many-quasiparticle states, e.g., two-quasiparticle states in
even-even and odd-odd nuclei, three-quasiparticle excited states in
odd-mass nuclei, and so on.
The state (19) represents an odd-Fermi system that carries
nonzero angular momentum; hence, it breaks the time
reversal symmetry. If the time reversal symmetry is enforced,
additional approximations have to be applied based on the Kramers
degeneracy. One of them is the equal filling approximation (EFA),
in which the degenerate time-reversed states and
are assumed to enter the density matrix and
pairing tensor with the same weights[99,94]. For
instance, the blocked density matrix of EFA reads:
Although for the functionals restricted to time-even fields, the
time-reversed quasiparticle states and
exactly degenerate, this does not hold in the general case. Here,
the blocking prescription may depend on which linear combination of
those states is used to calculate the blocked density matrix. This
point can be illuminated by introducing the notion of an alispin[100], which describes the arbitrary unitary
mixing of
). As
usual, the group of such unitary mixings in a
space can be
understood as rotations of abstract spinors, which we here call
alirotations of alispinors. If the time-reversal symmetry is
conserved, the blocked density matrix becomes independent of the
mixing coefficients
, that is, it is an aliscalar. In the
general case where time-reversal symmetry is not dynamically
conserved, however, the blocked density matrix is not aliscalar.
Here, the blocked density matrix may depend on the choice of the
self-consistent symmetries and the energy of the system may change
with alirotation.
The key point in this discussion is the realization that blocking must depend on the orientation of the alignment vector with respect to the principal axes of the mass distribution. To determine the lowest energy for each quasiparticle excitation, self-consistent calculations should be carried out by varying the orientation of the alignment vector with respect to the principal axes of the system[101,102]. While in many practical applications one chooses a fixed direction of alignment dictated by practical considerations, it is important to emphasize that it is only by allowing the alignment vector to point out in an arbitrary direction that the result of blocked calculations would not depend on the choice of the basis used to describe the odd nucleus. Illuminating examples presented in Ref.[100] demonstrate that the choice of the alignment orientation does impact predicted time-odd polarization energies.
Examples of self-consistent HFB calculations of one-quasiparticle states can be found in Refs.[103,104,100,105,106] (full blocking) and Refs.[107,108,109,110] (EFA).