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Basics of pairing correlations
In quantum mechanics of finite many-fermion systems, pairing
correlations are best described in terms of number
, where
represents any
suitable set of single-particle (s.p.) quantum numbers. Thus we may have,
for plane waves of spin-
particles (electrons);
for spin-
nucleons localized in space at position
; and
for fermions moving in a spherical potential
well. Since
, the number operators are
projective; hence, one can - at least in principle - devise
an experiment that would project any quantum many-fermion state
into its component with exactly one fermion occupying
. As the rules of quantum mechanics stipulate, any such
individual measurement can only give 0 or 1 (these are the
eigenvalues of
), whereas performing such measurements
many times, one could experimentally determine the
occupation probabilities
Along such lines, we can devise an
experiment that would determine the simultaneous presence of two
fermions in different orthogonal s.p. states
. Since the corresponding number operators
commute, one can legitimately ask quantum
mechanical questions about one-particle occupation probabilities
, as well as about the two-particle occupation.
The latter one reflects the simultaneous presence of two fermions in state
In this way, one can experimentally determine the pairing correlation
between states
as the excess probability
(1) |
of finding two fermions simultaneously over that of finding them in
independent, or sequential, measurements. Such a definition of
pairing is independent of its coherence, collectivity, nature of
quasiparticles, symmetry breaking, thermodynamic limit, or many other
notions that are often associated with the phenomenon of pairing. In
terms of occupations, pairing can be viewed as a measurable
property of any quantum many-fermion state.
Obviously, no pairing correlations are present in a quantum state
that is an eigenstate of
such as the Slater determinant.
The beauty of the BCS ansatz is in providing us
with a model
-fermion state, in which pairing correlations are
explicitly incorporated:
(2) |
where the summation
runs over the representatives of pairs
) of s.p. states (that is, any one state of
the pair is included in the sum, but not both),
are real positive numbers,
are arbitrary
complex phase factors, and
is the overall normalization
It now becomes a matter of technical convenience to employ
a particle-number mixed state,
(3) |
in which the pairing correlations (1) are:
(4) |
In terms of the s.p. occupations, the state
the standard BCS form:
(5) |
In this many-fermion state, the s.p. states
are paired, that is,
can be viewed as a
pair-condensate. For
=1, the pairing correlation
(1) equals 1/4; in fact, in this state,
it is twice more likely to find a pair of fermions
=1/2) than to find these two fermions
independently (
=1/4). For particle-number
conserving states (2), the occupation numbers can be
calculated numerically; qualitatively the results are fairly similar,
especially for large numbers of particles.
At this point, we note that the most general pair-condensate state (3)
has the form of the Thouless state,
(6) |
in which pairs (
) do not appear explicitly. However,
there always exists a unitary transformation
of the antisymmetric
that brings it to the canonical form
Bloch-Messiah-Zumino theorem[9,10]). Therefore,
pairs are present in any arbitrary Thouless state (the so-called
canonical pairs), and they can be made explicitly visible by a simple
basis transformation.
The canonical pairs exist independently of any
symmetry of the Thouless state. In the particular case of a
time-reversal-symmetric state,
they can be associated with the time-reversed s.p. states,
. The ground-states of even-even nuclei
can be described in this manner. However, the appearance of pairing
phase does not hinge on this particular symmetry - states in
rotating nuclei (in which time-reversal symmetry is manifestly
broken) can also be paired. In this latter case the canonical states
are less useful, because they cannot be directly associated with the
eigenstates of the HFB Hamiltonian.
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Jacek Dobaczewski