Invited talks & seminars:
E-MRS Fall Meeting 2024, 16-19 September 2024, Warsaw, Poland:
(invited talk): Anisotropic physical properties of the layered magnetic crystals, M. Birowska; -
14.02-16.02.2024, OPON 2024 7$^{th}$ International Workshop on the optical properties of nanostructures, Wrocław, Poland, (invited talk):Tuning magnetic and optical properties of layered MPX$_3$ crystals,
M. Birowska; -
05.12.2023, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany, (invited seminar,on-line):
Spin-orientation-dependent optoelectronic properties of 2D MPX$_3$ crystals., M. Birowska; -
2D Workshop on 2D materials, 15.11-17.11.2023, Grenoble, France:
Magnetic Genome of layered crystals in atomic limit, M. Birowska; -
ECOSS36, 36$^{th}$ European Conference on Surface Science, 28.08-01.09.2023, Łódz, Poland,
(featured talk): Recent Advances in Thermoelectric properties of MXenes-based nanomaterials and beyond, S. Bandaru, A. M. Jastrzębska, M. Birowska; -
Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology, 3$^{rd}$ March 2023: “Magnetic fingerprints in electronic and optical studies of 2D magnetic crystals”,
M. Birowska; - 7$^{th}$ Polish Conference „Graphene and 2D materials”, 12-14 September, Łódź 2022: “Magnetic fingerprints in electronic and optical studies of 2D magnetic crystals”, M. Birowska;
- University of Regensburg, Faculty of Physics, 24$^{th}$ March 2022: “Ab initio studies of 2D magnetic crystals”, M. Birowska;
- AstraZeneca R&D Poland, 14$^{th}$ July 2021: “Exploration of the properties of 2D materials using Machine Learning method”, M. Birowska
- E-MRS Fall Meeting 2019, 16-19 September 2019, Warsaw, Poland: “Can the magnetic order of MnPS$_3$ be inferred from the absorption spectrum? The ab initio studies of the optical properties of a 2D magnetic MnPS$_3$ material”; M. Birowska and Jens Kunstmann;
- JKU Johannes Kepler Universitat Linz, Austria, 29$^{th}$ March 2019: “Van der Waals materials and magnetism”; M. Birowska;
- Technische Univeristat Dresden, Germany, 5$^{th}$ February 2019: “The theory of two-dimensional materials and magnetic nanostructures”; M. Birowska;
- ICM summer school, 28.06-09-07.2021, Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling UW: “Applications of advanced data processing in life sciences”, lecturer Akademia ICM, M. Birowska.
International Conferences
E-MRS Fall Meeting 2024, 16-19 September 2024, Warsaw, Poland:
(contributed talk): Strain-induced effects in electronic properties of thin layers of ScB, M. Birowska, S. Bandaru, A.M.Jastrzebska; - 52th International School & Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors “Jaszowiec 2024”, 15-21 June, Szczyrk, Poland; (contributed talk): Various anisotropies in atomically thin AFM MPX$_3$ crystals, M. Birowska; (poster): Leveraging Machine Learning and Statistical Methods for Predicting Excitons in Two-Dimensional Materials, M. Szyszko, M. Marchwiany, T. Wozniak, M. Birowska; (poster): Prediction of the gfactors of TMD heterobilayers using Machine Learning Methods, K. Gałązka, M. E. Marchwiany, M. Birowska, T. Woźniak, M. Birowska.
E-MRS Fall Meeting 2023, 18-21 September 2023, Warsaw, Poland:
(contributed talk): Recent advances in tuning magnetism in MPX$_3$ vdW layered crystals, M. Birowska; (contributed talk): Review on thermoelectric properties of MXene-based structures and other 2D materials, S. Bandaru, A.M.Jastrzebska, M. Birowska; - 36th European Conference on Surface Science, “ECOSS36”, 28.08-01.09.2023, Łódz, Poland; (contributed talk): Band gap engineering of two-dimensional ScB MBene, S. Bandaru A. M. Jastrzębska, M. Birowska; (contributed talk): Magnetic fingerprints of 2D antiferromagnetic crystals, M. Birowska.
- 51th International School & Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors “Jaszowiec 2023”, 17-23 June, Szczyrk, Poland; (contributed talk): Magnetic signatures in structural, electronic and optical properties of 2D MPX3 crystals, M. Birowska; (poster): _Tunable valley splitting in 2D MPX3 crystals, M. Rybak, M. Birowska; (poster): Optical markers of magnetic phase transition in layered CrSBr, M. Rybak, W. Linhart, M. Birowska, P. Scharoch, R. Kudrawiec.
- JEMS2022 Joint European Magnetic Symposia, 24-29 July, 2022 Hybrid Conference Warsaw, Poland; (contributed talk): Scarce ferromagnetic interactions in monolayers of MPS$_3$; C. Autieri, G. Cuono, C. Noce, M. Rybak, K. M. Kotur, C. E. Agrapidis, K. Wohlfeld, M. Birowska;
50th International School & Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors “Jaszowiec 2022”, 4-10 June, Szczyrk, Poland; (poster): Theoretical studies of the optical properties of MPX3 (X=S,Se) -2D magnetic crystals; M. Rybak, P. E. Faria Junior, T. Wozniak, P. Scharoch, and M. Birowska;
(poster) Unveiling magnetic properties of transition metal phosphorus trisulfides; C. Autieri, G. Cuono, C. Noce, M. Rybak, K. M. Kotur, C. E. Agrapidis, K. Wohlfeld, M. Birowska; -
E-MRS Spring Meeting 2022, 30 May - 3 June, Virtual Conference
(contributed talk): Excellent excitonic properties and non-zero valley splitting in 2D antiferromagnetic MPX$_3$ crystals; M. Rybak, P. E. Faria Junior, T. Wozniak, P. Scharoch, J. Fabian, J.Kunstmann and M. Birowska.
- 49th International School & Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors “Jaszowiec 2021”, 1-10 September: (contributed talk) Large exciton binding energies in vdW layered magnet MnPS$3$ and related systems; _M. Birowska , P. E. Faria Junior J. Fabian and J. Kunstmann; (poster) The influence of the magnetic ordering on the electronic properties of bilayer NiPS$3$/FePS$_3$ – an ab inito study of vdW heterostructure; _K. Kotur, M. Birowska ; (poster): Optical properties of transition metal trichalcogenides MPX3: a first principle study of 2D magnets; M. Rybak, T. Woźniak, P. F. Junior, P. Scharoch, M. Birowska_; (poster): Dielectric properties of transition metal trichalcogenides MPX3, A. Skolasińska, M. Birowska; (poster): Structural search and stability prediction of new MxB1-x phases based on ab inito calculations and Machine Learning Methods, M. Sokołowski, M. Marchwiany, A. M. Jastrzębska and M. Birowska; (poster): Exploring Electronic Properties of Functionalized 2D MBenes -Graphene Like 2D Boron Sheets, V.G.Nair, K. Kotur, A.M. Jastrzębska and M. Birowska
- Intermag 2021, 26-30 April 2021, Virtual Conference (contributed talk): 2D Magnetic Crystals: Can we Probe Magnetic Order? Theoretical Study of vdW Layered MnPS3 Crystals Exhibiting Large Exciton Binding Energy. M. Birowska, P.E. Faria Junior and J. Fabian; (contributed talk):The Impact of the Intralayer and Interlayer Magnetism on the Electronic Properties of vdW Heterostructure NiPS3/FePS3 – a Theoretical Approach. K. Kotur and M. Birowska.
- 65th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials MMM, Virtual Conference (Oral Presentation): Controlling magnetic properties of the van der Waals crystal MnPS$3$ via the absorption spectrum, _M. Birowska and J. Kuntsmann.
- MXene 2020, 3-7 August, 2020, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, USA, move to on-line conference, (poster): Surface-Related Features Responsible for Cytotoxic Behavior of MXenes Layered Materials Predicted with Machine Learning, M. Birowska, M.Marchwiany, M. Popielski, J. A. Majewski, A. M. Jastrzębska.
- SPICE-Workshop: 2D van der Waals Spin Systems, 4-7 of August, 2020, moved to on-line conference, (poster): 2D magnetic crystal: An ab initio study of MnPS3, M. Birowska.
- Beilstein Nanotechnology Symposium 2019, 15-17 October Mainz Germany (poster): Multilayered 2D sheets of Ti2NTx MXene: anticancer, selective and stable after delamination. A. Szuplewska, A. Rozmysłowska-Wojciechowska, T. Wojciechowski, Sz. Późniak, M. Birowska, M. Popielski, M. Chudy, W. Ziemkowska, L. Chlubny, D. Moszczyńska, A. Olszyna, J. A. Majewski, A. M. Jastrzębska.
- E-MRS Fall Meeting 2019, 16-19 September 2019, Warsaw, Poland: (invited talk):Can the magnetic order of MPS$3$ be inferred from the absorption spectrum? The ab initio studies of the optical properties of a 2D magnetic MnPS3 material, _M. Birowska and Jens Kunstmann; (contributed talk): Ab initio study of mixed manganese nickel phosphorus trichalcogenides- 2D layered materials, Aleksandra Jankowska and M. Birowska; (poster): The impact of the different stacking configurations of the monolayer of NiPS3 and graphene layer on the electronic properties of NiPS3 structure. Tomasz Necio and M. Birowska.
- 48th ’Jaszowiec’ International School and Conference on the Physics Semiconductors, Szczyrk, Polska, 8-14 VI 2019; (contributed talk): Chemical phase separation as the origin of nematic properties of alloys. M. Birowska, J. A. Majewski and T. Dietl; (poster): First principle studies of structural and electronic properties of Ti3C2 and Ti2C layered materials crucial for bioactivity of MXenes, M. Popielski , M. Birowska , J. A. Majewski and A. M. Jastrzębska.
- E-MRS 2019 Spring Meeting, Nice, France, 27-31 May 2019 (poster): Influence of surface oxidation on cytotoxicity of titanium carbides monolayers. A.Szuplewska; A. Rozmysłowska-Wojciechowska; S. Poźniak; T. Wojciechowski; M. Birowska; M. Popielski; M. Chudy; W. Ziemkowska; L. Chlubny; D. Moszczyńska; A. Olszyna; J. A. Majewski; A. M. Jastrzębska;
- 5th WCMS, Rome, Italy, 6-8 March 2019 (contributed talk): Ab initio Studies of Structural and Energetic Properties of Ti3C2 and Ti2C Structures Crucial for the Bioactivity of MXenes, M. Birowska, M. Popielski, J. A. Majewski, A. M. Jastrzębska;
- E-MRS 2018 Fall Meeting, Warsaw, Poland, 16-21 Sep 2018, (contributed talk): How to obtain non-degraded Black Phosphorus in air? M. Birowska, J. M. Urban, M. Baranowski, P. Płochocka, N. Gonzalez Szwacki, (poster): Stability and properties of nitrogen-rich carbon nitride 1D nanostructures, T. Woźniak, A. Siklitskaya, M. Birowska, N. Gonzalez Szwacki;
- 47th ’Jaszowiec’ International School and Conference on the Physics Semiconductors, Szczyrk, Polska, 16-22 VI 2018; (contributed talk): Ab initio studies of structural, electronic, and optical properties of few-layer black phosphorus encapsulated with hexagonal boron nitride, M. Birowska, J. M. Urban, M. Baranowski, P. Plochocka, N. Gonzalez Szwadzki;
National Conferences
KKN21 „National Conference on Superconductivity Materials - Strong Correlations, Topology”, 22-26 September 2024, (invited talk): The role of the electron correlations effects on electronic and magnetic properties of 2D antiferromagnetic crystals, M. Birowska .
9th Polish Conference „Graphene and 2D materials”, 13-16 September 2024,
(contributed talk): Strain-induced effects in the electronic structure of thin layers of ScB, S. Bandaru , M. Rybak, A. Jastrzębska, M. Birowska; (contributed talk): Computational analysis of two-dimensional alloy based systems, M. Szyszko, M. Marchwiany, M. Birowska, (contributed talk): Revealing anisotropic features in structurally isotropic MPX3 monolayers, M. Birowska.
- 6th Polish Conference „Graphene and 2D materials”, 13-16 September, online, (contributed talk): Excitonic properties of transition metal trichalcogenides MPX3, M. Birowska, Paulo E. Faria Junior, J. Fabian and J. Kunstmann; (contributed talk): Electronic struture of novel 2D MAB phases, V. G. Nair , M. Birowska, A. M. Jastrzębska,
- 5th Polish Conference „Graphene and 2D materials”, 19-21 September Szczecin, (contirbuted talk): M. Birowska and Jens Kunstmann; Theoretical studies of the optical properties of MnPS3 – a 2D magnetic material; (contirbuted talk): A. Jankowska and M. Birowska; Theoretical studies of mixed phosphorus trichalcogenides; (contirbuted talk): T. Necio and M. Birowska; Theoretical studies of van der Waals heterostructure NiPS3/graphene.
- IV Ogólnopolska Konferencja Zaawansowane Materiały i Nanotechnologia, Warszawa, 18–19 May 2019 (contirbuted talk): A. Jankowska, M. Birowska; The structural and magnetic properties of NiPS3, a two-dimensional layered material. - Sympozjum Młodych Naukowców, Wydział Fizyki UU , 6-7 April 2019 **(contirbuted talk): A. Jankowska, M. Birowska; Energetics and structural properties of monolayer of NiPS3.
- 4th Polish Conference „Graphene and 2D materials”, 24-26 September Szczecin, (contirbuted talk): M. Birowska, J. M. Urban, M. Baranowski, P. Plochocka, N. Gonzalez Szwacki; Badania właściwości wibracyjnych kilku warstw dwuwymiarowego czarnego fosforu otoczonego heksagonalnym azotkiem boru; (poster): Teoretyczne właściwości strukturalnych i energetycznych dwuwymiarowych struktur Ti2C i Ti3C2; M. Birowska, J. A. Majewski , A. M. Jastrzębska.
Introduction to ab-initio simulation, online VASP workshop, November 8 - 12, 2021
V. G. Nair - International Workshop on Recent Developments in Electronic Structure (ES21), 12-15 July 2021: (poster) First-principles study of magnetic bilayer of NiPS3/FePS3, K. Kotur and M. Birowska
20th workshop on crystal structure prediction with USPEX code, 17-19 November 2021
Skolkovo Insititute of Science and Technology, Moscow, Russia, V. G. Nair - 2nd FunMAX workshop 2021, September 14-17 at Krasnoyarsk (Russia) V. G. Nair, K. Kotur, A. M. Jastrzębska and M. Birowska , (poster):Surface functionalization of 2D Mo$_2$B$_2$ MBenes: A First principle Approach
MiniModes 2021 Photonics School, June 2021,
Structural search and stability prediction of new MxB1-x phases based on ab inito calculations and Machine Learning Methods
Marek Sokołowski, M. Marchwiany, M. Birowska;
- Workshop on Computational Physics and Materials Science, 8-10 Jan 2020: Total Energy and Force Methods 2020, Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain; (poster): T. Necio and M. Birowska, An ab-initio investigation of a 2D magnet in the presence of graphene.
- Materials Design S.A.R.L. workshop, Warsaw, Poland, Nov 5 2015: Atomic-Scale Insights Into Materials: Their properties and computational solutions, Szwadzki