Faculty of Physics Warsaw University

The Faculty Institutes and other units Education
-- General info
-- People
-- Faculty Council
-- Open positions
-- Purchase bids
-- How to get here
-- Conferences
-- Publications
-- Faculty prizes
-- Computing
-- Forms
-- Medical examinations, insurances, ...
-- Alumni and clubs
-- Archive (Internet and Hoza)
-- News group fuw.talk (internal)
-- Institute of Experimental Physics
-- Institute of Theoretical Physics
-- Institute of Geophysics
-- Astronomical Observatory
-- Chair of Mathematical Methods in Physics
-- Computer Centre
-- Libraries: books and journals online
-- Dean's Office
-- Administration and other services
-- Maria Curie Training Site
-- Student's guide
-- Courses in English
-- Academic calendar and time schedule
-- USOSweb
-- Socrates-Erasmus, Erasmus-Mundus, Leonardo da Vinci
-- Laboratories and student seminars
-- Lecture notes
-- Lectures and laboratory for schools
-- Tuesdays at Hoza
-- Physics for everyone (incl. Science Festival)
-- Teachers' education
-- BSc. studies
-- Mini-guide on student computer network
-- Environmental physics (BSc. and MSc. studies)
-- Student governments, scientific groups and clubs
-- News group fuw.student (internal)
-- Student WWW Server (tempac)
-- Discussion groups on physics (pl.sci.fizyka)
-- Student matters at Warsaw University
-- International contacts
-- Academic Internet TV
-- Student portal Planner
-- Student News
Physics Links
-- World Year of Physics 2005
-- Physics in WWW
-- Scientific news
-- E-prints and journals
-- Physics conferences
-- Scientific grants
-- Job announcements
-- Physics institutes in the World
-- Physics institutes in Poland
-- Physics of elementary interactions in Poland
-- Polish Nuclear Physics Network
-- Physics documents in Poland
-- Polish Physical Society
-- Warsaw Branch of PPS
-- Foundation Pro Physica
-- Warsaw University
-- Studies in Mathematical and Natural Sciences (MISMaP)
-- Study Programme in Enviromental Protection (MSOS)
-- Heavy Ion Laboratory
-- News from the Ochota Campus
-- Institute for Nuclear Studies
-- Polish science (IPC)
-- Science in Poland, educational information
-- Polish Home Page
-- WWW search engines
-- Magazins and Newspapers (Donosy)
-- Books on line, cinema, TV,...
-- Travel
-- Weather
 ZA,  MJ -  

WWW fuw.edu.pl