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Scientific papers



Popular papers

Published in popular mathematial-physical-astronomical monthly Delta of Polish Mathematical Society, Polish Physical Society and Polish Astronomical Society:

  • A. Hryczuk, R. Żak Piłeczka w szklance wody (Plastic Ball in a Glass of Water), Delta, 353 (2003)
  • A. Hryczuk, R. Żak Niebieski las (Blue Forest), Delta, 351 (2003) 4 [pdf, 551 KB]
  • A. Hryczuk, R. Żak O unoszeniu się ciał na wodzie (About Floating of Bodies), Delta, 347 (2003) 11 [pdf, 812 KB]


Master thesis



  • Lecture notes on Cosmology from lectures given by prof. Viatcheslava Mukhanov, written with T. Jeliński and M. Świerczek (lectures 1 - 4)
  • Lecture notes on Cosmology from lectures given by prof. Viatcheslava Mukhanov, written with dr K. Turzyński (lectures 5 - 7)
  • Exclusion plots for axion experiment [pdf, 301 KB]
  • Axion search in photon-regeneration experiment [pdf, 935 KB]


  • AT-MTM Seminar, Axion search [pdf, 2153 kB]
  • II Physical Laboratory, Wyznaczanie stałej sieci kryształu metodą DSH (in Polish) [ppt, 7802]

Lat changed:

by andrzej hryczuk

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