Faculty of Physics University of Warsaw > Events > Seminars > Joint Seminar on Quantum Information and Technologies

Joint Seminar on Quantum Information and Technologies

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until 2023/2024 Quantum Information Seminar


2016-06-23 (Thursday)
room 1.01, Pasteura 5 at 10:30  Calendar icon
Margherita Mazzera (ICFO Barcelona)

Solid state quantum memories for light

2016-06-09 (Thursday)
room 1.02, Pasteura 5 at 10:30  Calendar icon
Kavan Modi (Monash University, Melbourne, Australia)

Full and efficient characterisation of non-Markovian quantum processes

In science, we often want to characterise processesundergone by a system; this allows us to both identify the underlyingphysics and to predict the future of the system. If the state of thesystem at any time depends only on the state of the system at theprevious time-step and some predetermined rule then these dynamics arecharacterised with relative ease. For instance, the dynamics ofquantum mechanical systems in isolation is described in this way. But,when a quantum system repeatedly interact with an environment, theenvironment often ’remembers’ information about the system's past.This leads to non-Markovian processes, which depend nontrivially onthe state of the system at all times during its evolution and they arenot, in general, be easily characterised using conventionaltechniques. Since the early days of quantum mechanics it has been achallenge to describe non-Markovian processes. Here we will show thatusing operational tools from quantum information theory we can fullycharacterise any non-Markovian process. In general the fullcharacterisation is not efficient, as it requires exponentially largenumber of experiments. To overcome this obstacle we map the fullprocess to a many-body state. We show that this can be achieved byusing linear (in the number of time steps) amount of bipartiteentanglement. Next, the state can be measured to any desiredprecision, thus the process can be characterised to any desiredprecision. Finally, we define a natural measure for the degree ofnon-Markovianity.
2016-06-02 (Thursday)
room 1.02, Pasteura 5 at 10:30  Calendar icon
Jan Czajkowski (IFT UW)

Many body effects in quantum metrology

2016-05-24 (Tuesday)
room 1.02, Pasteura 5 at 15:15  Calendar icon
K Thyagarajan (Physics Department, IIT Delhi, New Delhi, India)

Recent activities in guided wave quantum optics at IIT Delhi (UWAGA inny dzień i godzina)

Guided wave quantum optics using optical waveguides for various quantum optics applications is very attractive for practical implementation of quantum photonics. In this talk I will present two of our recent work in the area of guided wave quantum optics; one involves spontaneous parametric down conversion in planar waveguides with advantages of both bulk and channel waveguides and the other is possibility of mimicking two dimensional waveguide arrays used for analyzing quantum random walk with a one dimensional array which is much easier to implement practically.
2016-05-19 (Thursday)
room 1.02, Pasteura 5 at 10:30  Calendar icon
Piotr Roztocki (INRS-EMT, Varennes, Canada)

Quantum State Generation via Integrated Frequency Combs

Quantum mechanics can be used to overcome several crucial technological challenges. Among the many quantum platforms, photon states are of interest because of their high coherence, ease of transmission, and ease of manipulation. These properties make optical quantum states particularly interesting for applications in secure communications and quantum computation. However, the complexity of optical (and other) quantum sources limits the access to, control over, and scalability of generated states. On-chip quantum photonics can address these limitations, as the generation of complex photon states on a compact platform will enable low-cost, straightforward experimental access to states, enabling large-scale implementations. However, on-chip optical quantum sources have until now been limited to the generation of individual two-photon states and cannot yet reach the performances of non-integrated optical sources.In my talk, I will present a new approach for the generation of optical quantum states on a compact chip. I will show that optical frequency comb sources can be used to generate quantum states of light, addressing several performance and scalability issues. In particular, we demonstrated the first generation of pure heralded single photons, cross-polarized photon pairs, as well as two- and multi-photon entangled quantum states in optical frequency combs, distributed over hundreds of frequency modes, using an on-chip nonlinear micro-cavity.
2016-05-12 (Thursday)
room 1.02, Pasteura 5 at 10:30  Calendar icon
Paweł Mazurek (Uniwersytet Gdański)

Phase-like transitions in low-number quantum dots Bayesian magnetometry

2016-05-05 (Thursday)
room 1.02, Pasteura 5 at 10:30  Calendar icon
Łukasz Pawela (IITIS PAN)

Asymptotic distances of random quantum states and random quantum channels

Properties of random mixed states of dimension $N$ distributed uniformly with respect to the Hilbert-Schmidt measure are investigated. We show that for large $N$, due to the concentration of measure, the trace distance between two random states tends to a fixed number ${\tilde D}=1/4+1/\pi$, which yields the Helstrom bound on their distinguishability. To arrive at this result we apply free random calculus and derive the symmetrized Marchenko--Pastur distribution, which is shown to describe numerical data for the model of coupled quantum kicked tops. Asymptotic value for the root fidelity between two random states, $\sqrt{F}=3/4$, can serve as a universal reference value for further theoretical and experimental studies. Analogous results for quantum relative entropy and Chernoff quantity provide other bounds on the distinguishablity of both states in a multiple measurement setup due to the quantum Sanov theorem. We study also mean entropy of coherence of random pure and mixed states and entanglement of a generic mixed state of a bi--partite system. For quantum channels, we show that their level density is also described by the Marchenko-Pastur distribution. This allows us to deduce some properties of the diamond norm of large dimensional quantum channels.
2016-04-28 (Thursday)
room 1.02, Pasteura 5 at 10:30  Calendar icon
Marcin Jarzyna (IFT UW)

Superadditivity in communication from a quantum parameter estimation perspective

2016-04-21 (Thursday)
room 1.02, Pasteura 5 at 10:30  Calendar icon
Remigiusz Augusiak (CFT PAN)

Inequivalence of entanglement, steering, and Bell nonlocality for general measurements

2016-04-14 (Thursday)
room 1.02, Pasteura 5 at 10:30  Calendar icon
Roberto Pierini (University of Camerino, Włochy)

Entanglement in anisotropic space-time

It is well known that deviation from conformal invariance is associated with particles creation from vacuum in an expanding universe. It can be achieved if the field is massive or non-conformally coupled or the space-time is anisotropic. Here, we study entanglement associated to the created particles, through Von Neumann entropy, and compare the three different contributions for a scalar field in an homogeneous universe. Furthemore, we directly relate cosmological parameters to entanglement.