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Seminarium Wirtualne GQFI-WST

2019/2020 | 2020/2021


2020-12-16 (Środa)
Zapraszamy na spotkanie o godzinie 17:00  Calendar icon
Xiao-Liang Qi (Stanford)

Effective entropy of quantum fields coupled with gravity

Entanglement entropy quantifies the amount of uncertainty of a quantum state. For quantum fields in curved space, entanglement entropy of the quantum field theory degrees of freedom is well-defined for a fixed background geometry. In this paper, we propose a generalization of the quantum field theory entanglement entropy by including dynamical gravity. The generalized quantity named effective entropy, and its Renyi entropy generalizations, are defined by analytic continuation of a gravitational path integral on replica geometry with a co-dimension-2 brane at the boundary of region we are studying. We discuss different approaches to define the region in a gauge invariant way, and show that the effective entropy satisfies the quantum extremal surface formula. When the quantum fields carry a significant amount of entanglement, the quantum extremal surface can have a topology transition, after which an entanglement island region appears. Our result generalizes the Hubeny-Rangamani-Takayanagi formula of holographic entropy (with quantum corrections) to general geometries without asymptotic AdS boundary, and provides a more solid framework for addressing problems such as the Page curve of evaporating black holes in asymptotic flat spacetime. We apply the formula to two example systems, a closed two-dimensional universe and a four-dimensional maximally extended Schwarzchild black hole. We discuss the analog of the effective entropy in random tensor network models, which provides more concrete understanding of quantum information properties in general dynamical geometries. By introducing ancilla systems, we show how quantum information in the entanglement island can be reconstructed in a state-dependent and observer-dependent map. We study the closed universe (without spatial boundary) case and discuss how it is related to open universe. Link: https://mpi-aei.zoom.us/j/94382199742
2020-11-25 (Środa)
Zapraszamy na spotkanie o godzinie 15:00  Calendar icon
Marina Huerta (Centro Atomico Bariloche)

Entanglement, Global Symmetries and Topological contributions

2020-11-11 (Środa)
Zapraszamy na spotkanie o godzinie 17:00  Calendar icon
Victor Gorbenko (Stanford and IAS)

Bra-ket wormholes in gravitationally prepared states

We consider two dimensional CFT states that are produced by a gravitational path integral. As a first case, we consider a state produced by Euclidean AdS2 evolution followed by flat space evolution. We use the fine grained entropy formula to explore the nature of the state. We find that the naive hyperbolic space geometry leads to a paradox. This is solved if we include a geometry that connects the bra with the ket, a bra-ket wormhole. The semiclassical Lorentzian interpretation leads to CFT state entangled with an expanding and collapsing Friedmann cosmology. As a second case, we consider a state produced by Lorentzian dS2 evolution, again followed by flat space evolution. The most naive geometry also leads to a similar paradox. We explore several possible bra-ket wormholes. The most obvious one leads to a badly divergent temperature. The most promising one also leads to a divergent temperature but by making a projection onto low energy states we find that it has features that look similar to the previous Euclidean case. In particular, the maximum entropy of an interval in the future is set by the de Sitter entropy. Link: https://mpi-aei.zoom.us/j/91635160656
2020-10-21 (Środa)
Zapraszamy na spotkanie o godzinie 17:00  Calendar icon
Jorrit Kruthoff (Stanford)

Bootstrapping Matrix Quantum Mechanics (NOTE UNUSUAL TIME!)

2020-10-14 (Środa)
Zapraszamy na spotkanie o godzinie 15:00  Calendar icon
Horacio Casini (Centro Atomico Bariloche)

Entropic order parameters for the phases of QFT

2020-10-07 (Środa)
Zapraszamy na spotkanie o godzinie 15:00  Calendar icon
Alexandre Belin (CERN)

Gravitational path integral from the T^2 deformation