Faculty of Physics University of Warsaw > Events > Seminars > Seminar of Theory of Relativity and Gravitation
2021-09-24 (Friday)
room 1.40, Pasteura 5 at 11:15  Calendar icon
Johannes Münch (Aix-Marseille)

The Physical Relevance of the Fiducial Cell in Loop Quantum Cosmology

2021-06-11 (Friday)
join us at 11:15  Calendar icon
Maciej Ossowski (IFT UW)

Singular story of non-singular spacetimes with the NUT parameter

The spacetimes with the NUT parameter are commonly associated with the unwanted defect in the form of the singular axis of symmetry. On the other hand, introducing the NUT parameter to the Schwarzschild solution completely regularizes the singularity at r=0. Luckily Misner found a way to also cure the singularity at the axis by compactifying the orbits of the time symmetry. I will discuss how these results extend to spacetimes with the Kerr parameter, cosmological constant and acceleration and the consequences for horizons and cosmology. Zoom Meeting ID: 814 7211 6408 Passcode: 795365
2021-06-04 (Friday)
join us at 11:15  Calendar icon
Chris Van Den Broeck (National Institute for Subatomic Physics, Amsterdam & Utrecht University)

Probing strong gravity with gravitational waves

The direct detection of gravitational waves from coalescing binary neutron stars and black holes has given us access to strong gravity in an unprecedented way, opening up new opportunities to test alternative theories of gravity and the nature of compact objects. Though the gravitational wave signals are weak, their detailed shape carries a wealth of information about the nature of the source that emitted them, as well as about the nature of gravitational waves themselves. Observing the way two black holes spiral towards each other and merge, has enabled us to probe the genuinely strong-field dynamics of vacuum spacetime for the first time. Moreover, the propagation of gravitational waves over large distances can be investigated in detail, with a view on constraining the graviton mass as well as other effects that would induce dispersion of gravitational waves in vacuum. With a network of gravitational wave detectors, also the polarization content of gravitational waves can be determined. Finally, over the next few years, after planned upgrades of Advanced LIGO and Virgo, we will start probing the nature of compact objects themselves, with a view on testing the no hair conjecture and the area increase theorem, and searching for (quantum) modifications of Kerr black holes.
2021-05-28 (Friday)
join us at 11:15  Calendar icon
Maciej Kolanowski (IFT UW)

Charges in the asymptotically de Sitter spacetimes

Our talk will start with a (hopefully) pedagogical introduction to the topic of asymptotically de Sitter spacetimes. Afterward, we will construct 'conserved' charges a'la Wald and Zoupas at a conformal infinity and prove their uniqueness under a natural set of assumptions. We will finish with a small comment on how to distinguish the de Sitter group within a group of all asymptotic symmetries. Zoom meeting id: 814 7211 6408 Passcode: 795365
2021-05-21 (Friday)
join us at 11:15  Calendar icon
Przemysław Małkiewicz (NCBJ)

Primordial Fields in Quantum Cosmological Spacetimes

Quantum cosmological models are commonly described by means of semiclassical approximations that may smooth out important effects to include which a more detailed treatment is needed. I will first try to define the general framework of primordial fields in quantum spacetimes that may be employed in theories of the origin of primordial structures in the Universe. Then I will discuss the role of quantum uncertainties of the background geometry in the propagation of fields. I will investigate the extent to which the uncertainties may affect the primordial amplitude of gravitational waves. Making use of the WKB approximation I will derive an analytical formula for the amplitude spectrum as a function of the quantum dispersion of the background spacetime. Zoom Meeting ID: 814 7211 6408 Passcode: 795365
2021-05-14 (Friday)
join us at 11:15  Calendar icon
Jerzy Kowalski-Glikman (NCBJ & UWr)

Corners of gravity: Gravity as a constrained BF theory

In my talk I will argue that it is of interest to investigate gravity in bounded regions, stressing the relevance of corner symmetry algebra. Then I will present an alternative formulation of gravity as a constrained BF theory, which makes it possible to construct the corner charges and their algebra keeping the manifest Lorentz symmetry. I will briefly discuss the obtained results.Zoom Meeting ID: 814 7211 6408 Passcode: 795365
2021-04-30 (Friday)
join us at 11:15  Calendar icon
Jacek Tafel (IFT UW)

Stationary vacuum metrics with smooth null scri

We consider vacuum Bondi-Sachs metrics admitting conformal compactification which is smooth up to the null infinity. We expand metric and the Einstein equations into inverse powers of the affine distance. Metric coefficients are defined in a recursive way. In the case of stationary symmetry low order equations imply that solutions tend asymptotically to the Kerr metric. A remaining freedom is analyzed. Zoom Meeting ID: 814 7211 6408 Passcode: 795365
2021-04-23 (Friday)
join us at 11:15  Calendar icon
Woei Chet Lim (University of Waikato)

BKL and spike dynamics near spacelike singularities

It is widely known that, near spacelike singularities, most worldlines would undergo the so-called Belinski-Khalatnikov-Lifshitz (BKL) singularity dynamics, which is an infinite sequence of Kasner saddle states connected by Taub transitions.Some worldlines however would undergo highly inhomogeneous spike dynamics, which is an infinite sequence of Kasner saddle states connected by spike transitions.I will describe these dynamics using the Hubble-normalised orthonormal frame formulation of Einstein's field equations, which is very useful for spatially homogeneous models (we get a system of ordinary differential equations), and also suitable for inhomogeneous models.My contributions in this area are the discovery of the exact solutions which describe the spike transitions, and the development of a numerical zooming technique specially designed for spike simulations.I will illustrate the spike transitions with snapshots of the Hubble-normalised state space trajectories, and point out interesting features.Zoom Meeting ID: 814 7211 6408 Passcode: 795365
2021-04-16 (Friday)
join us at 11:15  Calendar icon
Hongguang Liu (FAU, Erlangen)

Improved Effective Dynamics of Loop-Quantum-Gravity Black Hole and Nariai Limit

We propose a new model of the spherical symmetric quantum black hole in the reduced phase space formulation. We deparametrize gravity by coupling to the Gaussian dust which provides the material coordinates. The foliation by dust coordinates covers both the interior and exterior of the black hole. After the spherical symmetry reduction, our model is a 1+1 dimensional field theory containing infinitely many degrees of freedom. The effective dynamics of the quantum black hole is generated by an improved physical Hamiltonian ${\bf H}_\Delta$ where the holonomy correction is implemented by the $\bar{\mu}$-scheme regularization with a Planckian area scale $\Delta$. The effective dynamics recovers the semiclassical Schwarzschild geometry at low curvature regime and resolves the black hole singularity with Planckian curvature. Our model predicts that the evolution of the black hole at late time reaches the charged Nariai geometry ${\rm dS}_2\times S^2$ with Planckian radii. The Nariai geometry is stable under linear perturbations but may be unstable by nonperturbative quantum effects. Our model suggests the existence of quantum tunneling of the Nariai geometry and a scenario of black-hole-to-white-hole transition. During the transition, the linear perturbations exhibit chaotic dynamics with Lyapunov exponent $\lambda=2\pi T_{\rm dS}\sim \Delta^{-1/2}$ relating to the Hawking temperature $T_{\rm dS}$ of ${\rm dS}_2$. In addition, the Nariai geometry in our model provides an interesting example of Wheeler's bag of gold and contains infinitely many infrared soft modes with zero energy density. These infrared modes span a Hilbert space carrying a representation of 1-dimensional spatial diffeomorphisms (or the Witt/Virasoro algebra) which are conserved charges of the effective dynamics by ${\bf H}_\Delta$.Zoom Meeting ID: 814 7211 6408 Passcode: 795365
2021-04-09 (Friday)
join us at 11:15  Calendar icon
Katja Sagerschnig (CFT)

Ambient metrics, tractors, and special conformal structures

Zoom Meeting ID: 814 7211 6408 Passcode: 795365