Taft algebras are finite dimensional algebras distantly related to the CCR-algebra. They admit a Hopf algebra structure and they were introduced by Taft in order to show that the antipode of a finite dimensional Hopf algebra can be of an arbitrary (even) order. Remarkably every Taft Hopf algebra admits infinitely many coideal subalgebras, which is in contrast with the case of group algebras associated with finite groups and Hopf algebras of functions on finite groups (in the latter two cases they correspond to subgroups of a given group). In my talk I will: i) describe coideals of Taft Hopf algebras; ii) explain the concept of (co)integrals on coideal subalgebras of a Hopf algebras and describe them in case of the Taft Hopf algebra; iii) give a sketch of the theory of (co)integrals on coideal subalgebras of general Hopf algebra. Partially based on joint work with A. Chirvasitu and P. Szulim.
room 2.23, Pasteura 5 at 10:15
Rafał Roman Suszek (KMMF)
The geometrodynamics of topologically charged extended objects, in particular that of loops and paths, in the homogeneous space AdS_5 x |S^5 of the supersymmetry Lie supergroup SU(2,2|4) has long been known to play an important role in modern attempts, based on the so-called AdS/CFT correspondence, at understanding the non-perturbative quantum mechanics of realistic strongly coupled systems with gauge symmetry, such as, e.g., the quark-gluon plasma. An important feature of the dynamics is an asymptotic transition into its fairly well-understood counterpart on the super-Minkowski space under the İnönü-Wigner contraction su(2,2|4)/(so(4,1) x so(5)) -> siso(9,1|32)/so(9,1). A rigorous treatment of the gauge field coupling to the topological charge carried by these objects, leading through a supersymmetry-equivariant Dirac-type geometrisation of the corresponding class in the Cartan-Eilenberg cohomology of SU(2,2|4), paves the way to a geometric quantisation of the dynamics and a systematic construction of supersymmetric defects central to the AdS/CFT correspondence, and so offers hope for an in-depth elucidation of the higher geometry behind the holographic principle.In my talk, I shall recapitulate the construction of the so-called super-σ-model on a homogeneous space of a supersymmetry Lie supergroup G associated with a distinguished super-cocycle χ in the Cartan-Eilenberg cohomology of the latter, and the ensuing non-linear realisation of supersymmetry, as well as its gauged linearised variant - Siegel's κ-symmetry. I shall also discuss at length a recently proposed scheme of equivariant geometrisation of χ that employs integrable supercentral extensions of the Lie superalgebra of G induced by the super-cocycle through the standard correspondence between the Cartan-Eilenberg cohomology of the Lie (super)group and the Chevalley-Eilenberg cohomology of its Lie (super)algebra. An intricate topological interpretation of the ensuing supersymmetry extension in terms of the Kostelecký-Rabin winding charge shall be given, and due emphasis shall be laid upon the issues of (weak) κ-equivariance of the geometrisation and its compatibility with the İnönü-Wigner contraction on the base supermanifold. The general construction shall be illustrated with the examples of the super-1-gerbe associated with the super-3-cocycle of Metsaev and Tseytlin, and the super-0-gerbe associated with Zhou's super-2-cocycle.
room 2.23, Pasteura 5 at 10:15
Stanisław Głazek (IFT WF UW)
Collisions of gluon strings
Szacuje się, że zderzenia strun gluonowych mogą powodować azymutalna zmienność krotności i pływu eliptycznego rzędu kilku procent w peryferycznym rozpraszaniu proton-protonw LHC.
It is estimated that collisions of gluon strings can cause azimuthal variation on the order of one to ten percent in the multiplicity and elliptic flow in peripheral proton-proton scattering at LHC energies. room 2.23, Pasteura 5 at 10:15
Jeremy Faupin (University of Lorraine, Metz)
In this talk, we will consider an abstract pseudo-hamiltonian given by a dissipative operator of the form H=H_V-iC^*C, where H_V=H_0+V is self-adjoint and C is a bounded operator. Such operators are frequently used to study scattering theory for dissipative quantum systems. We will recall conditions impliying the existence of the wave operators associated to H and H_0, and we will see that they are assymptotically complete if and only if H has no spectral singularities in its essential spectrum. In mathematical physics, spectral singularities have been considered in many different contexts. We will review several possibilities equivalent definitions of a spectral singularity. For dissipative Schrodinger operators, a spectral singularity corresponds to a real resonance, or, equivalently, to a point of the positive real axis where the scattering matrix is not invertible. The talk is based on two articles. The first ons is joint work with Jurg Frohlich and the second one is joint work with Francois Nicoleau.
room 2.23, Pasteura 5 at 10:15
Jacek Wojtkiewicz (KMMF)
Some selected connections between Riemann Hypothesis and physics (mainly statistical mechanics) will be raised and shortly discussed.
room 2.23, Pasteura 5 at 10:15
Jacek Miękisz (MIMUW)
The first part of the presentation is a colloquium-style introduction to the mathematics of quasicrystals as seen from the theoretical physicist point of view. We will discuss simple examples of optimization problems in kissing numbers, packing spheres, non-periodic tilings, and classical-lattice gas models of statistical mechanics. We will also formulate the main open problem - the existence of non-periodic Gibbs measures for finite-range Hamiltonians. In the second part of the talk, we will discuss various connections between ergodic theory, substitution dynamics, dynamical systems of finite type, and classical lattice gas-models. I will outline a research project supported by NCN Harmonia grant "Mathematical models of quasicrystals". We are looking for young people to collaborate within the framework of the grant.
room 2.23, Pasteura 5 at 10:15
Yafet Sanchez Sanchez (Max Planck Institute)
In this talk, I will present some motivations and technical difficulties that appear when one tries to do Quantum Field Theory in spacetimes with limited regularity. I will focus particularly on the causal propagator and the two-point function of the quasi-free states and its relationship with adiabatic states. Because this is a work in progress only preliminary results and general strategies will be discussed.
room 2.23, Pasteura 5 at 10:15
Jacek Wojtkiewicz (KMMF)
Riemann $\zeta$ Function, Distribution of Primes, and Riemann Hypothesis (after Riemann & along Edwards
Ogólne fakty o funkcjach $\zeta$ i $\xi$ Riemanna będą zapodane, i jak to przez Riemanna do wyprowadzenia wzoru na rozkład primes'ów zostało wykorzystane, i jak mimochodem hipoteza Riemanna się pojawiła, jako wzmianka -- ale po pół wieku już własnym życiem żyła; Riemanna ciąg myśli przedstawić zamiaruję, do czego książkę Edwardsa nagminnie wykorzystuję, abyście w klimaty problemu za $ 1,000,000 wprowadzeni zostali, i trochę nad tą zagadką -- Szanowni Słuchacze -- podumali. P.S. Do opowiedzenia dowodu (?) Atiyaha kompetencji mi brakuje; Jeśli kto potrafi -- niech do wygłoszenia tutaj zaproszony się czuje.
Presentation of Fiemann' reasoning leading to an expression for distribution of primes will be given. Genesis of Riemann Hypothesis will be mentioned. room 2.23, Pasteura 5 at 10:15
Galina Filipuk (MIMUW)
Aspects of Painleve equations