Wydział Fizyki UW > Badania > Seminaria i konwersatoria > Exact Results in Quantum Theory & Gravity
2021-06-11 (Piątek)
Zapraszamy na spotkanie o godzinie 14:15  Calendar icon
Rostyslav Hryniv (Ukrainian Catholic University)

Generalized soliton solutions on the Korteweg-de Vries equation

(Joint seminar with Jagiellonian University and Adam Mickiewicz University)

The Korteweg--de Vries (KdV) equation is a non-linear dispersive equation describing shallow-water waves and possessing many intriguing properties. One of them is existence of the so-called soliton solutions representing solitary waves travelling with constant speed and shape, as well as a special way in which several such solitons interact. Another interesting fact is that solutions of the KdV can be obtained as solutions of the inverse scattering problem for the family of associated Schroedinger operators, as discovered by S.Gardner, J.Green, M.Kruskal and R.Miura in 1967, and the classical soliton solutions of the KdV correspond precisely to the so-called reflectionless potentials (I.Kay and H.Moses, 1956).
The aim of this talk is two-fold. Firstly, we characterise the family of all Schroedinger operators with integrable reflectionless potentials and give an explicit formula producing all such potentials. Secondly, we use the inverse scattering transform approach to describe all solutions of the KdV equation whose initial (t=0) profile is an integrable reflectionless potential. Such solutions will stay integrable and reflectionless for all positive times and can be called generalized soliton solutions of KdV. This research extends and specifies in several ways the previous work on reflectionless potentials by V.Marchenko, C.Remling et al. and generalized soliton solutions of the KdV equation introduced by V.Marchenko in 1991 and F.Gesztesy, W.Karwowski, and Z.Zhao in 1992. The talk is based on a joint project with B.Melnyk and Ya.Mykytyuk (Lviv Franko National University).
2021-05-28 (Piątek)
Zapraszamy na spotkanie o godzinie 14:15  Calendar icon
Joseph Viola (Université de Nantes)

The spectral decomposition and the Schrödinger evolution for non-self-adjoint degree-2 Hamiltonians

Certain well-known techniques in quantum mechanics fail when one considers non-self-adjoint Hamiltonians (which appear, for instance, in kinetic theory). Elementary models include the Davies operator / complex harmonic oscillator -(d/dx)^2 + i x^2 and the harmonic oscillator with complex shift -(d/dx)^2 + x^2 + ix.In particular, the decomposition in eigenfunctions generally diverges and the Schrödinger evolution is no longer mass-preserving. We will discuss how complex extension of wave-packet decompositions gives us sharp estimates controlling these phenomena. In particular, we will discuss a recent result (joint with B. Mityagin and P. Siegl) on the hypoelliptic Laplacian on the circle, drawing from other works (with A. Aleman, M. Hitrik, K. Pravda-Starov, and J. Sjöstrand) and fundamental classical works by J. Sjöstrand and L. Hörmander.
2021-05-21 (Piątek)
Zapraszamy na spotkanie o godzinie 14:15  Calendar icon
Itay Griniasty (Cornell University)

Generating multiple surfaces from a single inhomogeneous anisotropically deforming sheet

Can we make a flat sheet transform first into Rodin's thinker and then Michelangelo's David? Here, we derive a general solution to this inverse design problem for inhomogeneous, anisotropically deforming materials. Such actuating materials include 3D printed hydrogels that swell or "Baromorphing" pneumatic elastomers. In these materials local variations of the director field and deformation factors along and across the director field produce global shape changes. These multiple local degrees of freedom allow a single sheet to deform into multiple desired surface geometries in response to external actuation. Actuation by two external parameters, enables the sheet to cycle through a closed loop in conformation space to swim or do work. To solve the inverse problem, we use the curvatures of the target shapes to derive an integrable system of differential equations for the sheet's local degrees of freedom. We then provide an algorithm for integration of this system of equations that allows us to systematically find all solutions to the problem. This approach paves the way to find solutions optimized for different criteria including ease of manufacture, deformation pathway, and work efficiency.

(Meeting ID: 861 0663 2208 Passcode: 673023)
2021-05-14 (Piątek)
Zapraszamy do sali 1.40, ul. Pasteura 5 o godzinie 14:15  Calendar icon
Katarzyna Rejzner (University of York)

Stany termalne w modelu Sine-Gordon w sygnaturze Lorentzowskiej

Thermal states in Sine-Gordon model in Lorentzian signature

Referat ten dotyczy masywnego modelu Sine-Gordon (dla wartości stałych sprzężenia, dla których teoria jest UV-skończona) w stanach termalnych na 2-wymiarowej przestrzeni Minkowskiego. W najnowszej pracy (z D. Bahns oraz N. Pinamonti) udało się nam połączyć metody perturbacyjnej algebraicznej kwantowej teorii pola w sygnaturze Lorentzowskiej ze starszymi wynikami, znanymi w Euklidesowej kwantowej teorii pola. W rezultacie, otrzymaliśmy dobrze zdefiniowane oddziałujące obserwable w masywnym modelu Sine-Gordon.
Link: https://zoom.us/j/9082277774?pwd=dzV1dDN2ajg1RldCRXlYUXVScDJ5dz09

This talk concerns massive Sine-Gordon model in the ultraviolet finite regime in thermal states over the two-dimensional Minkowski spacetime. In the recent joint work with D. Bahns and N. Pinamonti we have applied the methods of perturbative algebraic QFT in Lorentizan signature combined with some estimates inspired by older Eucildean QFT results to construct interacting observables in the massive Sine-Gordon model in thermal states.
Link: https://zoom.us/j/9082277774?pwd=dzV1dDN2ajg1RldCRXlYUXVScDJ5dz09
2021-04-30 (Piątek)
Zapraszamy na spotkanie o godzinie 14:15  Calendar icon
Léo Morin (ENS Rennes)

Spectral theory of the semiclassical magnetic Laplacian

We consider a Schroedinger operator with purely magnetic field: The magnetic Laplacian. We will see how a non-vanishing magnetic field divide the spectrum into Landau levels in the semiclassical limit. Using a normal form, we can describe the contribution of each Landau level in the whole spectrum. We will deduce a Weyl law and a precise description of semi-excited states.
2021-04-23 (Piątek)
Zapraszamy na spotkanie o godzinie 14:15  Calendar icon
Jan Chojnacki (FUW)

Cosmological predictions from infinite classical action

The destructive interference of the neighboring field configurations with infinite classical action in the gravitational path integral approach serves as a dynamical mechanism resolving the black hole singularity problem. It also provides an isotropic and homogeneous early universe without the need for inflation. The path integral approach yields a powerful framework in the quantum theory. It emphasizes Lorentz covariance and allows for the description of non- perturbative phenomena. In the path integral, one sums over all possible configurations of a field(s) weighted by exp(iS[\Phi])], where S[\Phi] is the classical action of the theory. In the Minkowski path integral, the classical action approaching infinity causes fast oscillations in the exponential weight and hence the destructive interference of the neighboring field configurations. Such configurations do not contribute to the physical quantities. Furthermore, in Wick rotated path integral is weighted by exp(-S[\Phi]), and the field configuratioon which the action is infinite do not contribute at all. This provides theoretical motivation for the Finite Action Principle, saying that an action of the universe should be finite. This principle has a significant impact on the nature of quantum gravity and the cosmological evolution, once the higher-curvature terms are included. In the framework of Horava-Lifshitz gravity, field configurations with finite classical action describe a universe with a homogeneous and isotropic beginning, without black hole singularities and ghost particles. Zoom: Meeting ID: 861 0663 2208 Passcode: 673023
2021-04-16 (Piątek)
Zapraszamy na spotkanie o godzinie 14:15  Calendar icon
Vitaly Moroz (Swansea University)

Thomas-Fermi type models for graphene

(joint seminar with UJ and UAM)

We discuss density functional theories of Thomas-Fermi and Thomas-Fermi-von Weizsacker type which describe the response of a single layer of graphene to an external electric charge. Mathematically, this amounts to the analysis of two nonlocal variational problems which involve Coulombic terms and a Hardy type potential. We develop the variational framework in which the proposed energy functionals admit minimizers and prove the uniqueness and regularity of the ground states for the associated Euler-Lagrange equations which involve the fractional Laplacian. In addition, we discuss positivity and decay rate of the ground states and present several open problems. This is a joint work with Jianfeng Lu (Duke) and Cyrill Muratov (NJIT, USA).
2021-04-09 (Piątek)
Zapraszamy na spotkanie o godzinie 14:15  Calendar icon
Michał Wrochna (Université de Cergy-Pontoise)

Spectral actions on asymptotically Minkowski spacetimes

(Joint seminar with Jagiellonian University and Adam Mickiewicz University)

The spectral theory of the Laplace–Beltrami operator on Riemannian manifolds is known to be intimately related to geometric invariants such as the Einstein-Hilbert action. These relationships have inspired many developments in physics including the Chamseddine–Connes action principle in the non-commutative geometry programme. However, a priori they do only apply to the case of Euclidean signature. The physical setting of Lorentzian manifolds has in fact remained largely problematic: elliptic theory no longer applies and something different is needed.In this talk I will report on joint work on this problem with Nguyen Viet Dang. We consider perturbations of Minkowski space and more general spacetimes on which the d’Alembertian P is essentially self-adjoint (thanks to recent results by Dereziński–Siemssen, Vasy and Nakamura–Taira). It is then possible to define functions of P, and we demonstrate that their Schwartz kernels have geometric content largely analogous to the Riemannian setting. In particular, we define a Lorentzian spectral zeta function and relate one of its poles to the Einstein–Hilbert action, paralleling thus a result in Euclidian signature attributed to Connes, Kastler and Kalau–Walze.The primary consequence is that gravity can be obtained from a spectral action directly in Lorentzian signature. The proofs involve mathematical ingredients from Quantum Field Theory on curved spacetime, in particular the Feynman propagator.Zoom Meeting ID: 830 2558 9543 Passcode: 263370)
2021-03-31 (Środa)
Zapraszamy na spotkanie o godzinie 14:15  Calendar icon
David Matejov (Charles University, Prague)

Uniqueness of extremal isolated horizons and their identification with horizons of all type D black holes

In our talk, we systematically investigate axisymmetric extremal isolated horizons (EIHs)defined by vanishing surface gravity. In the first part of our talk, using the Newman-Penrose formalism, we derive the most general metric function for such EIHs in the Einstein-Maxwell theory, which extends the previous result of Lewandowski and Pawlowski. We prove that it depends on 5 independent parameters, namely deficit angles on thenorth and south poles of a spherical-like section of the horizon, its radius (area), and total electric and magnetic charges of the black hole. In the second part of our talk, we identify this general axially symmetric solution for EIH with extremal horizons in exact electrovacuum Plebański-Demiański spacetimes, using the convenient parametrization of this family by Griffiths and Podolský. They represent all (double aligned) black holes of algebraic type D without a cosmological constant. Apart from a conicity, they depend on 6 physical parameters (mass, Kerr-like rotation, NUT parameter, acceleration, electric and magnetic charges) constrained by the extremality condition. We were able to determine their relation to the EIH geometrical parameters in full generality as well as in several interesting subclasses, such as accelerating extremely charged Reissner-Nordström black hole (C-metric) or extremal accelerating Kerr-Newman etc. ZoomMeeting ID: 861 0663 2208 Passcode: 673023
2021-03-26 (Piątek)
Zapraszamy do sali 1.40, ul. Pasteura 5 o godzinie 14:15  Calendar icon
Oskar Grocholski (FUW)

Bessel operators as a toy model of Wilsonian renormalization

The Bessel operator, that is, the Schroedinger operator on the half-line with a potential proportional to 1/x^2, has been extensively studied in the momentum representation. It has been noticed that it can be used as an illustration of K. Wilson's approach to renormalization.I will explain the mathematics that underlies the Wilsonian renormalization applied to inverse-square potentials. I will discuss how to make the momentum approach rigorous, including all its tools such as cut-offs and counterterms, and how it relates to the self-adjoint realizations of the operator in the position space.
Link: zoom.us (Meeting ID: 861 0663 2208, Passcode: 673023)
2021-03-19 (Piątek)
Zapraszamy na spotkanie o godzinie 14:15  Calendar icon
Paweł Duch (Universitaet Leipzig)

Renormalization of the stochastic quantization equation of the Phi^4_3 model with the use of the Polchinski flow equation

Stochastic quantization is a method of constructing models of Euclidean quantum field theory with the use of stochastic partial differential equations driven by a random force called the white noise. Stochastic quantization equations of nontrivial QFT models are typically ill-posed. They require renormalization and admit only distributional solutions. A general solution theory for such equations was developed only recently by Martin Hairer. His breakthrough work triggered much interest in singular stochastic PDEs in the mathematical community and was awarded the Fields Medal in 2014.

In the first part of the talk, I will give a short introduction to the stochastic quantization technique. In the second part, I will outline a new method of constructing solutions of singular stochastic PDEs. I will illustrate the method with the example of the stochastic quantization equation of the Phi^4 model in 3 dimensions. A distinctive feature of my construction is the use of the Wilsonian renormalization group theory and the Polchinski flow equation.
2021-03-12 (Piątek)
Zapraszamy do sali 1.40, ul. Pasteura 5 o godzinie 14:15  Calendar icon
Abhishek Goswami (Department of Mathematics, SUNY)

Mass generation of fermions via the Higgs mechanism

In the Standard Model of particle physics, the interaction of a particle with the Higgs boson is responsible for its mass generation. This principle is known as the Higgs mechanism. Fermions interact with the Higgs boson through a Yukawa coupling constant. The presences of a Higgs-like particle and the Yukawa coupling have now been confirmed at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC). In this talk, I will discuss rigorous, non-perturbative proof of the fermion mass generation. I will start with a weakly coupled U(1) Higgs-Yukawa theory on a unit lattice in d=4 and show exponential decay of two-point fermion correlation function. This is the mass gap. Mass gap implies that all the particles in the theory i.e. the U(1) gauge boson, the Higgs boson and the fermions have a non-zero physical mass.
Passcode: 651058
2021-01-29 (Piątek)
Zapraszamy do sali 1.40, ul. Pasteura 5 o godzinie 14:15  Calendar icon
Maciej Łebek (IFT UW + CFT PAN)

Single- to many-body crossover of a quantum carpet

Quantum mechanics is a theory that provides us with the wave picture of matter and it explicitly brings phenomena such as interference into the description of particles. These aspects are thoroughly illustrated by the phenomenon of quantum carpet. Quantum carpets are highly coherent interference patterns found in the evolution of the wave function describing particles in certain confined geometries. I will review known results and the most important concepts such as quantum revivals. In particular, recently carpets were found in many-body fermionic systems. Then, I will move on to new results in interacting bosonic systems, where we study carpets for all values of interaction between particles using exact Gaudin's solutions constructed with the Bethe ansatz techniques.
(Meeting ID: 861 0663 2208, Passcode: 673023)
2021-01-22 (Piątek)
Zapraszamy do sali 1.40, ul. Pasteura 5 o godzinie 14:15  Calendar icon
Yik Man Chiang (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

Resolving apparent singularities of Heun connections

We give a geometric interpretation about the method of resolving apparent singularities of Heun equations, a class of Fuchsian type linear differential equations. It turns out that the resolving singularity technique are used in various branches of applied mathematics and mathematical physics. We shall briefly introduce the use of Heun equations and its confluent counterparts in some of these applications. In particular, we apply the geometric interpretation in connecting the hypergeometric-type expansions solutions to Heun equations obtained by Erdelyi from the 1940s.
(Meeting ID: 861 0663 2208, Passcode: 673023)
2020-12-18 (Piątek)
Zapraszamy do sali 1.40, ul. Pasteura 5 o godzinie 14:15  Calendar icon
Yik Man Chiang (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

Picard's theorems with respects to difference operators

The classical Picard theorem (A meromorphic function that misses three values must reduce to a constant) can be regarded as a result about differential operators. We introduce the recent rejuvenation of the classical result to include various difference operators related to special functions. We shall deduce these new results as consequences of relevant Nevanlinna theories. We shall also discuss potential implications and what we still do not understand of these theories.
Link: zoom.us
2020-12-11 (Piątek)
Zapraszamy na spotkanie o godzinie 14:15  Calendar icon
Chiu-Yin Tsang (The University of Hong Kong)

Formal hypergeometric function series with I-adic topology

It is well-known that Heun equations always admit a power series (local) solution at a regular singularity. On the other hand, such a local solution can be expanded into an infinite sum of hypergeometric functions. In this talk, we will give a unified approach to these series, which mimic the construction of p-adic numbers. Also, we will discuss its algebraic interpretations of the series of hypergeometric functions.
Link: zoom.us
2020-12-04 (Piątek)
Zapraszamy na spotkanie o godzinie 14:15  Calendar icon

no seminar this week

2020-11-27 (Piątek)
Zapraszamy na spotkanie o godzinie 14:15  Calendar icon
Paweł Caputa (IFT UW)

Exactly solvable deformations in Quantum Theory & Gravity

Exactly solvable deformations in Quantum Theory & Gravity

I will give a short introduction to the so-called "TT-bar" deformations of quantum field theories in two dimensions. I will describe how, using Burger's equation and geometric methods, one can derive the energy spectrum and a few other aspects of deformed theories. Finally, I will discuss the interpretation of these results from the perspective of gravity in Anti-de Sitter spacetimes.
2020-11-20 (Piątek)
Zapraszamy na spotkanie o godzinie 14:15  Calendar icon
Carlos Tamarit (Technische Universität München)

The strong CP problem, the infinite volume limit, and cluster decomposition

While CP violation has never been observed in the strong interactions, the QCD Lagrangian admits a CP-violating topological interaction proportional to the so called theta angle, which weighs the contributions to the partition function from different topological sectors. The observational bounds are usually interpreted as demanding a severe tuning of theta ≤ 10^(-10)which constitutes the so-called strong CP problem. In this talk we challenge this view and argue that in the infinite volume limit the theta angle drops out of correlation functions, so that it becomes unobservable and CP remains a good symmetry. We arrive at this result either by using instanton computations or by constraining the dependence of the partition function on the spacetime volume and the fermion masses by imposing cluster decomposition and compatibility with the index theorem. We further show that in large but finite spacetime volumes, cluster decomposition can be satisfied up to volume-suppressed corrections without the need to sum over topological sectors. The resulting partitions functions lead again to no CP violation. Zoom Meeting ID: 861 0663 2208, Passcode: 673023
2020-11-13 (Piątek)
Zapraszamy do sali 1.40, ul. Pasteura 5 o godzinie 14:15  Calendar icon
Maciej Lisicki (IFT UW)

Pumping and swimming: two faces of phoretic flows

Janus particles with the ability to move phoretically in self-generated chemical concentration gradients are model systems for active matter. On the other hand, chemically active surfaces can lead to microscale flow generation, bacoming an effective pumping mechanism in inertia-less small-scale flows. In this talk, I will review briefly both phenomena relating to the same concept of phoretic flow generation. Asymmetry needed for the flow to be initiated can be induced by geometry or by chemical patterning. I will show examples of both ways and some developments in biomimetic systems of phoretic swimmers.
The link to join the meeting is: Link
2020-11-06 (Piątek)
Zapraszamy do sali 1.40, ul. Pasteura 5 o godzinie 14:15  Calendar icon
Avery Ching (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

The geometry of Rodrigues' formulae

Certain classical special functions can be expressed by Rodrigues' type formulas, such as the Jacobi polynomials, generalized Laguerre polynomials, and Hermite polynomials (do not forget the most important example: monomials with negative powers.). In this talk, we will explore the common topological nature behind these formulas. Various orthogonal properties will become direct consequences from this viewpoint.
2020-10-30 (Piątek)
Zapraszamy na spotkanie o godzinie 14:15  Calendar icon
Adam Bednorz (IFT UW)

Free will in quantum physics

We will argue that free will or the freedom of choice is a necessary concept in physics. Free will with locality leads to the no-signaling principle,but it is in conflict with local hidden variables in quantum physics.It can be shown by Bell paradoxes — a violation of certain inequalities or equalities. The equalities are used in the Conway-Kochen free will theorem and Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger experiment. We will discuss also various done and not yet done experiments testing free will.Zoom ID: 861 0663 2208 Passcode: 673023
2020-10-23 (Piątek)
Zapraszamy na spotkanie o godzinie 14:15  Calendar icon
Marcin Napiórkowski (KMMF)

Optimal rate of condensation for trapped bosons in the Gross-Pitaevskii regime

We study the Bose-Einstein condensates of trapped Bose gases in the Gross-Pitaevskii regime. We show that the ground state energy and ground states of the many-body quantum system are correctly described by the Gross-Pitaevskii equation in the large particle number limit, and provide the optimal convergence rate. Based on joint work with P.T. Nam, J. Ricaud and A. Triay.

Zoom meeting ID: 861 0663 2208 Passcode: 673023
2020-10-16 (Piątek)
Zapraszamy na spotkanie o godzinie 14:15  Calendar icon
Jerzy Lewandowski (IFT UW)

Penrose's spacetime singularity theorems winning the Nobel Prize

Zoom. Meeting ID: 861 0663 2208, Passcode: 673023