
The conferece fee is 500 Euro (it includes accomodation and full board at Bolshie Koty, excursions, transport to and from Irkutsk). Payment only by cash (EURO or USA Dollars) upon the arrival.

Visa is needed for all foreigners. Please fill full registration form, some of the data are needed for visa.

When do we depart from Irkutsk on 5th July?
The ship to Bolshie Koty is departing from Irkutsk at 14.45 pm (new schedule).

How do one get from Moskow to Irkutsk?
Aeroflot provides two suitable flights -- according to a new schedule first arrives at 5:20 am, second at 11.10 am-- (this means that you have to depart from Moscow on 4th July).

Will anybody meet us at the airport in Irkutsk on 5th July?
We will meet you up at the airport at 6:00 am and 12:00 am. We are planning to gather later at the Irkutsk State University.

How do one get back from Bolshie Koty on 9th July?
The only flight from Irkutsk to Moskow is early morning, while ship goes back form Bolshie Koty in the middle of the day.
We will take ship to Irkutsk on 9th (at 12:30 pm). You will possibly need a Hotel at Irkutsk to depart next morning. (Hotel in Irkutsk is not included in the conference fee. We can organize the hotel for you on your request).

If you would like to spend some time in Moskow.
Please provide the dates suitable for you in registration form.