Parametrization of the Compton spectra
for gamma-gamma collider at TESLA
Prepared by A.F.Zarnecki
Please refer to: A.F.Zarnecki, Acta Phys.Polon. B34 (2003) 2741-2758.
First version, Nov. 21, 2001
Updated, March 26, 2003
- Fortran source of parametrization:
- Special routines for very fast event generation:
compazgn.f and
- Dedicated routine for calculating two-photon invariant
mass distribution compazw.f
(based on numerical integration of the spectra)
- Short description (text file)
- Plots showing comparions of photon energy distribution and
polarisation with spectra generated by V.Telnov, for
100 GeV,
250 GeV and
400 GeV electron beam energy.
- Plots showing comparions of two-photon W (center-of-mass energy)
distribution with spectra generated by V.Telnov,
for different beam energies and for
different spin L states.
Normalization is given by the parametrization
- Comparison of photon energy correlations for 250 GeV beam, for
all events and for
L=0 events only.
- Normalization of the parametrization
(single photon).
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