
You can find the location of our department on Google Maps,20.985824,1313m

Location of our department.

Restaurants in neighbourhood of the hotel

Mexican restaurant Blue Cactus, Zajączkowska 11 Street, menu available in English

Italian restaurant ROMA, Artura Grottgera 2 Street, menu available in English

Neighbourhood of Hera Hotel (,21.0308797,18z)

Transport from the hotel

On Thursday morning one of us will come to the hotel (around quarter past eight) to help you with getting to the Physics Department.

Bus schedule and connections can be looked up (in English) at:

In particular, from Hera Hotel, you can take:
Hotel Hera → Faculty of Physics: Bus no 167 from bus stop “SPACEROWA to bus stop “OCH-TEATR”
Hotel Hera → Old Town: Buses no 116, 180, 503 from bus stop “SPACEROWA” to bus stop “UNIWERSYTET”

We would recommend to buy two one-day tickets for 15 PLN each (you can do it after arrival at the Airport); you can also search for other possibilities at

Unfortunately, there is no direct bus from the airport to the hotel.

TRW (Tomasz Werner AT fuw edu pl)