1 |
Polarized Parton
Densities from the Fits to the Deep Inelastic Spin Asymmetries on
Nucleons |
J. Bartelski, S. Tatur |
Acta Physica Polonica B32, 2101 - 2114
(2001) |
2 |
TESLA Technical Design Report. pt. 3: Physics at an e+e- Linear
Collider |
P. Chankowski, B. Grzadkowski, P. Jankowski, J. Kalinowski, M.
Krawczyk, J. Zochowski et al.,
(2001) |
3 |
Delta M(s)/Delta M(d), sin 2
beta and the Angle gamma in the Presence of New Delta F=2 Operators |
P. Chankowski, J. Rosiek, L. Slawianowska, A. Buras |
Nuclear Physics, B619, 434 - 466 (2001) |
4 |
Unification |
P. Chankowski, A. Ioanissian, S. Pokorski, J.W.F. Valle |
Phys. Rev. Letters 86, 3488-3491 (2001) |
5 |
Decays of B0(d,s) Mesons in the MSSM with Large tan
beta |
P. Chankowski, L. Slawianowska |
Acta Physica Polonica B32, 1895 - 1907
(2001) |
6 |
B0(d,s) ->
mu+mu- in the MSSM |
P. Chankowski, L. Slawianowska |
Phys. Rev. D63, 054012
(2001) |
7 |
warped brane worlds |
A. Falkowski, |
Proc. of the Int. Europ. Conf. on HEP,
Budapest, (2001) |
8 |
Angular Distribution of Leptons from Top Quark Decays |
B. Grzadkowski, Z. Hioki |
preprint IFT-41-01 (2001) |
9 |
Triviality and Stability Bounds in Effective Theories |
B. Grzadkowski, J. Wudka |
preprint IFT-35-01 (2001) |
10 |
Consistency Bounds on the Higgs-Boson Mass |
B. Grzadkowski, J. Wudka |
preprint IFT-37-01 (2001) |
11 |
Triviality and Vacuum Stability Bounds on the Higgs-Boson Mass
beyond the Standard Model |
B. Grzadkowski, J. Wudka |
Acta Physica Polonica (2001) |
12 |
CP Violation in Higgs Boson Interactions |
B. Grzadkowski, J. Pliszka |
Acta Physica Polonica (2001) |
13 |
Testing Scalar Sector CP Violation in Top Quark Production and
Decay at Linear e+e- Colliders |
B. Grzadkowski, J. Pliszka |
Physical Review (2001) |
14 |
Introduction |
J. Kalinowski, T. Abe et al. |
15 |
Lepton Flavor Violation in a Linear Collider: the Role of
Charginos |
J. Kalinowski, M. Guchait, P. Roy |
Eur. Phys. J. C21, 163 - 169 (2001) |
16 |
Reconstructing the
chargino/neutralino system at e+e-
colliders |
J. Kalinowski |
to be published in Proceedings of Rencontres du Vietnam '2000
(2001) |
17 |
Phenomenology of the
Chargino and Neutralino Systems |
J. Kalinowski |
of Int. Linear Collider Workshop '2000, Batavia, 434 - 438 (2001) |
18 |
(g-2)mu Data and the Lightest Higgs Boson in 2HDM(II) |
M. Krawczyk |
preprint IFT-2001-40 (2001) |
19 |
(g-2)mu Data and the Lightest Higgs Boson in 2HDM(II) |
M. Krawczyk, B. Badelek, J. Kwiecinski, A. M. Stasto |
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. (2001) |
20 |
(g-2)mu Data and the Lightest Higgs Boson in 2HDM(II) |
M. Krawczyk, P. Jankowski, A. De Roeck |
Instrum. Meth. (2001) |
21 |
of the Isolated Photon at HERA in Next-to-Leading Order QCD |
M. Krawczyk, A. Zembrzuski,
Phys. Rev. (2001) |
22 |
Reach of
Future Colliders in Probing the Structure of the Photon |
M. Krawczyk, S. Söldner-Rembold, M. Wing,
preprint IFT-2001-13 (2001) |
23 |
Superconducting Electron Positron Linear Collider with an
Integrated X-ray Laser Laboratory. Technical Design Report. pt. 6:
Appendices. Chapter 1: The Photon Collider at TESLA |
M. Krawczyk et al.,
(2001) |
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TESLA: The Superconducting Electron Positron Linear Collider with an
Integrated X-ray Laser Laboratory. Technical Design Report. pt. 6:
Appendices. Chapter 2: THERA: Electron Proton Scattering at
s**(1/2) Approx. 1-TEV |
M. Krawczyk et al.,
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Heavy Quark
Photoproduction at THERA |
M. Krawczyk, P. Jankowski, M. Wing,
preprint IFT-2001-8 (2001) |
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The Prompt
Photon Photoproduction at THERA |
M. Krawczyk, A. Zembrzuski,
preprint IFT-2001-10 (2001) |
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The New (g-2)
for Muon Measurement and Limits on the Light Higgs Bosons in 2HDM
(II) |
M. Krawczyk,
preprint IFT-2001-5 (2001) |
28 |
Standard Model-like
Scenarios in the 2HDM and Photon Collider Potential |
M. Krawczyk, I. Ginzburg, P. Osland,
Proceedings of 5th
International Linear Collider Workshop, Batavia, October 2000, 304 -
311 (2001) |
29 |
Potential of photon
collider in resolving SM like scenarios |
M. Krawczyk, I. Ginzburg, P. Osland,
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. (2001) |
30 |
Resolving SM-like
scenarios via
Higgs boson production at photon collider: I. 2HDM versus SM |
M. Krawczyk, I. Ginzburg, P. Osland,
Proc. of 2nd ECFA/DESY Study 1998-2001, 1705 - 1733 (2001) |
31 |
Standard Model-like
scenarios in the 2HDM and photon collider potential |
M. Krawczyk, I. Ginzburg, P. Osland,
preprint IFT-2001/2 (2001) |
32 |
Survey of present data
on photon structure function and resolved photon processes |
M. Krawczyk, A. Zembrzuski, M. Staszel, |
Physics Reports (2001) |
33 |
The Light Higgs
Window in the 2HDM at GigaZ |
M. Krawczyk, J. Zochowski, P. Mättig |
European Physical Journal
C19, 463-469 (2001) |
34 |
An Effective
Model for Quark Masses and Mixings |
W. Krolikowski |
Acta Physica
Polonica (2001) |
35 |
Sterile Neutrino
Creating a Reduced LSND Effect |
W. Krolikowski |
preprint IFT-01-21
(2001) |
36 |
LSND Effect
as a Chooz-Restricted "Sterile" Perturbation of Three-Neutrino
Texture |
W. Krolikowski |
preprint IFT-01-14 (2001) |
37 |
Neutrino Texture Dominated by Majorana Lefthanded Mass
Matrix |
W. Krolikowski |
Acta Physica Polonica (2001) |
38 |
Prediction of LSND effect
as a 'sterile' perturbation of the bimaximal texture for three active
neutrinos |
W. Krolikowski |
preprint IFT-01-03 (2001) |
39 |
Possible LSND effect as a
small perturbation of the bimaximal texture for three active neutrinos |
W. Krolikowski |
Acta Physica Polonica (2001) |
40 |
An Alternative: Two Mixing Texture for Three Neutrinos or Three
Mixing Texture for Four Neutrinos |
W. Krolikowski |
Acta Physica Polonica B32, 75-84 (2001) |
41 |
Boundary Terms in Brane
Worlds |
Z. Lalak, R. Matyszkiewicz |
JHEP, (2001) |
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in Five-Dimensional Brane Worlds |
Z. Lalak |
New developments in fundamental interaction theories: 37th Karpacz
Winter School of Theoretical Physics (2001), |
43 |
Supersymmetry in Warped Brane Worlds |
Z. Lalak |
CERN-TH/2001-244 (2001) |
44 |
Non-BPS Branes of
Supersymmetric Brane Worlds |
Z. Lalak, A. Falkowski, P. Brax |
Physics Letters (2001) |
45 |
Supersymmetry and Vacuum
Energy in Five Dimensional Brane Worlds |
Z. Lalak |
Nucl. Phys.
Proc. Suppl., (2001) |
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Four Dimensional
Supergravities from Five Dimensional Brane Worlds |
Z. Lalak, A. Falkowski, S. Pokorski |
Phys. (2001) |
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Gauged Supergravities with Universal Hypermultiplet and Warped
Brane Worlds |
Z. Lalak, A. Falkowski, S. Pokorski |
Lett. B509, 337 - 345 (2001) |
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Domain Walls without Cosmological Constant in Higher Order
Gravity |
K. Meissner, M. Olechowski |
Physical Review Letters (2001) |
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on spheres and a q-matrix model |
J. Pawelczyk |
New developments in fundamental interaction theories: 37th Karpacz
Winter School of Theoretical Physics (2001), |
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on spheres and a q-matrix model |
J. Pawelczyk, H. Steinacker, Matrix Description
of D-Branes on Three Spheres, JHEP |
0112, 018 (1-14)
(2001) |
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on spheres and a q-matrix model |
S. Pokorski, Physics of Extra
Dimensions as IR Limit of Four-Dimensional Theories, J.
Phys. |
G27, 2479 - 2484 (2001) |
52 |
The Standard Model
in the Latticized Bulk |
S. Pokorski, Hsin-Chia Cheng, Christopher T. Hill, Jing Wang |
Phys. Rev. (2001) |
53 |
Gauge Invariant
Effective Lagrangian for Kaluza-Klein Modes |
S. Pokorski, Christopher T. Hill, Jing Wang |
Phys. Rev. (2001) |
54 |
Brane effects
on extra dimensional scenarios: A tale
of two gravitons |
S. Pokorski, M. Carena, A. Delgado, J. Lykken, M. Quiros, C.E.M.
Wagner |
Nucl. Phys. (2001) |
55 |
Delta F=2 Processes
in the MSSM in Large tan beta Limit |
J. Rosiek |
in proceedings of SUSY'2001, Dubna |