November 7th at 4:15 p.m.,
Rafał R. Suszek (KMMF WFUW)
will give a talk on
"Quantum (field) theory as a functor, part I"
abstraction of the basic structural pattern underlying any attempt at
quantising a physical model yields a functor from a geometric category
modelling the spacetime propagation and interactions of the physical
entities (particles, strings etc.) into the algebraic category of
vector spaces (possibly with additional structure). This very general
observation may - under favourable circumstances - lead to highly
nontrivial insights and concrete computational results concerning the
physical theory and the ambient geometry itself. Emblematic of this
line of thought is the development of the Topological Quantum Field
Theory, having its origin in the pioneering works of Segal, Witten,
Atiyah, Turaev et al., and spanning a remarkable wealth of topics and
ideas - from topological invariants generalising the Jones polynomial,
all the way to the categorial quantisation programme for
two-dimensional Conformal Field Theory and the state-sum models of
Quantum Gravity. In these lectures, we present an elementary
introduction to the axiomatics of TQFT (Part I), discuss its
applications to the study of low-dimensional topology (Part II), and -
time permitting (Part III?) - indicate its field-theoretic realisations
and generalisations furnished by higher geometric structures that define
lagrangean models of dynamics of topologically charged objects.
The Colloquium takes place Thursdays
in the Seminar Room in the KMMF building, ul. Hoża 74
(5th floor), Warszawa.
For more information, consult the Colloquium's webpage http://www.fuw.edu.pl/~psulkows/seminar/