Organisation of Conferences and Advisory Boards
Main organizer of conferences:
Organizing committee:
Rencontres de Moriond: Electroweak Interactions and Unified Theories (since 2005)
EPS HEP Conferences: Lisbon2005, Manchester 2007, Cracow 2009, Grenoble 2011
Scalars Warsaw 2011, 2013, Pascos 2014
Advisory committee:
Annual Planck European Meetings “From the Planck Scale to the Electroweak Scale”: Bad Honnef
2004, Trieste 2005, Paris 2006, Warsaw 2007, Barcelona 2008, Padua 2009, CERN 2010, Lisbon 2011,
Warsaw 2012, Bonn 2013, Paris 2014
International Schools/Conferences of Theoretical Physics in Ustron (since 2000)
String Phenomenology Conferences: Ann Arbor 2004, Frascati 2007, Warsaw 2009
Conference Physics at LHC, Cracow 2006