Source code for photonpacket.hist1d

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from .frameseries import frameseries

[docs]class hist1d: ''' Paramters ''' hist = np.array([]) bins = np.array([]) N = 0 normed = False
[docs] @staticmethod def fromcounts(N): ''' Paramterers --------- N: np.array array of counts ''' bins = np.arange(np.max(N)+2) h = np.histogram(N, bins=bins) return hist1d(h[0],h[1])
[docs] @staticmethod def fromfs(fs,**kwargs): ''' Parameters -------- fs: frameseries frameseries object args: density - passed to numpy.histogram min - minimal bin value max - maximal bin value offset - offset from automatic maximal bin value ''' dens = kwargs['density'] if 'density' in kwargs else False vmin = kwargs['min'] if 'min' in kwargs else 0 offset = kwargs['offset'] if 'offset' in kwargs else 1 vmax = kwargs['max'] if 'max' in kwargs else np.max(fs.N)+offset+1 bins = np.arange(vmin,vmax+1) h = np.histogram(fs.N, bins=bins,density=dens) return hist1d(h[0],h[1])
def __init__(self, hist, bins): ''' ''' self.hist = hist self.bins = bins self.N = np.sum(hist)
[docs] def plot(self, log=False, normed=False): ''' ''' if normed:[:-1], self.hist/self.N, log=log) else:[:-1], self.hist, log=log)
[docs] def mean(self): ''' ''' return np.average(self.bins[:-1], weights=self.hist, axis=0)
[docs] def mean2(self): ''' ''' return np.average(self.bins[:-1], weights=self.hist, axis=0)**2
[docs] def avgn2(self): ''' ''' return np.average(self.bins[:-1]**2, weights=self.hist, axis=0)
[docs] def var(self): ''' ''' return self.avgn2() - self.mean2()
[docs] def g2(self): ''' ''' return 1.0+(self.avgn2()-self.mean2()-self.mean())/self.mean2()
[docs] def thmodes(self): ''' ''' return self.mean2()/(self.avgn2()-self.mean2()-self.mean())
[docs] def subbinomial(self): ''' ''' pass
[docs] def qmandel(self): ''' ''' pass