Source code for photonpacket.frameseries

import numpy as np
from .bincountnd import bincountnd
from scipy.spatial import KDTree
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from copy import deepcopy
from .message import message, progress

from .frameutils.arraysplit import arraysplit

    import pickle as pickle
    import pickle

# main frameseries class

[docs]class frameseries: N = np.array([]) shape = (()) Nframes = 0 photons = np.array([]) idxs = np.array([]) dtype = np.uint16
[docs] class fs_frames: ''' ''' def __init__(self, fs): ''' ''' self.fs = fs def __getitem__(self, key): ''' ''' if isinstance(key, slice): start, stop, step = key.indices(self.fs.Nframes) frames = [] i = start while i < stop: frames.append(self.fs.photons[self.fs.idxs[i]:self.fs.idxs[i+1]]) i += step return np.array(frames, dtype=np.object) elif isinstance(key, list) or isinstance(key, np.ndarray): if max(key) > self.fs.Nframes: raise KeyError else: frames = [] for i in key: frames.append(self.fs.photons[self.fs.idxs[i]:self.fs.idxs[i+1]]) return np.array(frames, dtype=np.object) elif isinstance(key, int): if key > self.fs.Nframes: raise KeyError else: st_idx = self.fs.idxs[key] end_idx = self.fs.idxs[key+1] photons = self.fs.photons[st_idx:end_idx] return np.array([photons]) else: raise TypeError
[docs] def asarray(self): ''' ''' return np.array(arraysplit(self.fs.photons, self.fs.idxs[1:-1]), dtype=np.object)
def __repr__(self): ''' ''' return np.array(arraysplit(self.fs.photons, self.fs.idxs[1:-1]), dtype=np.object).__repr__()
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d): ''' Create `frameseries` object from dictionary Parameters --------- photons : :class:`numpy.ndarray` idxs : :class:`numpy.ndarray` shape : tuple cut : bool dtype : data-type Returns --------- See Also --------- Notes --------- Examples --------- ''' d = dict(d) photons = d.pop('photons', [[]]) idxs = d.pop('idxs', []) if len(photons)>1: shape = photons.max(0) shape = d.pop('shape', shape) fs = cls(photons, idxs, shape, cut = False) fs.__dict__.update(d) return fs
def __init__(self, photons, idxs, shape, cut = True, dtype = np.uint16): ''' Create `frameseries` object from photons and indices Parameters --------- photons : :class:`numpy.ndarray` idxs : :class:`numpy.ndarray` shape : tuple cut : bool dtype : data-type Returns --------- See Also --------- Notes --------- Examples --------- ''' self.photons = photons self.idxs = idxs #maybe from N? self.frames = frameseries.fs_frames(self) self.Nframes = len(idxs) - 1 self.shape = shape self.dtype = dtype # calculate photon numbers self.N = np.diff(idxs) #from arg? # cut to rectangular shape if requested if cut: self.cuttoshape(self.shape) def __getitem__(self, key): ''' ''' if isinstance(key, slice): start, stop, step = key.indices(self.Nframes) frame_mask = np.full(self.Nframes, False) frame_mask[start:stop:step] = True ph_mask = np.repeat(frame_mask, self.N) photons = self.photons[ph_mask] N = self.N[frame_mask] idxs = np.r_[0, np.cumsum(N)] return frameseries(photons, idxs, self.shape, cut=False, dtype=self.dtype) elif isinstance(key, list) or isinstance(key, np.ndarray): if max(key) > self.Nframes: raise KeyError else: frame_mask = np.full(self.Nframes, False) frame_mask[key] = True ph_mask = np.repeat(frame_mask, self.N) photons = self.photons[ph_mask] N = self.N[frame_mask] idxs = np.r_[0, np.cumsum(N)] return frameseries(photons, idxs, self.shape, cut=False, dtype=self.dtype) elif isinstance(key, int): st_idx = self.idxs[key] end_idx = self.idxs[key+1] photons = self.photons[st_idx:end_idx] return singleframe(photons, np.array([0, end_idx - st_idx]), self.shape, cut=False, dtype=self.dtype) else: raise TypeError def __setitem__(self, key, fr): ''' ''' # fr is a numpy array if isinstance(fr, np.ndarray): # fr is a series of frames if fr.dtype == np.object: if isinstance(key, int) and len(fr) == 1: pass elif isinstance(key, list) or isinstance(key, np.ndarray): if len(key) == len(fr): pass else: raise KeyError elif isinstance(key, slice): pass else: raise KeyError # fr is a single frame elif fr.dtype == self.dtype: if isinstance(key, int): pass else: # this does not make sense raise KeyError else: raise TypeError # fr is a frameseries elif isinstance(fr, frameseries): if isinstance(key, int) and len(fr) == 1: pass elif isinstance(key, list) or isinstance(key, np.ndarray): if len(key) == len(fr): pass else: raise KeyError elif isinstance(key, slice): pass else: raise KeyError else: raise KeyError def __del__(self): del self.photons del self.idxs del self.N del self.frames
[docs] def store(self, fname): ''' Store pickled frameseries Parameters --------- fname : string file name ''' pickle.dumps(self, open(fname, 'wb'))
[docs] def cuttoshape(self, shape): ''' Cut frames to shape Parameters --------- shape : Returns --------- See Also --------- Notes --------- Examples --------- ''' from .region import rect self.shape = shape # prepare a rectangle r = rect((0,0),(shape[0],shape[1])) cfs = r.getframeseries(self, reshape=False) self.idxs = cfs.idxs self.photons = cfs.photons self.N = cfs.N
[docs] def accumframes(self,first=0,nframes='all',**kwargs): ''' Accumulate all photons from frames ranging from first to first+nframes defaults to all frames Parameters --------- 'kwargs' : minphotons, maxphotons (filters out frames), nphotons Returns --------- accum : :class:`numpy.ndarray` See Also --------- Notes --------- Examples --------- ''' # count photons in each pixel frame_mask = np.ones(self.N.shape[0],dtype=np.bool) if (nframes != 'all' or first != 0): if isinstance(first,int): first = max(0,min(first,self.N.shape[0])) if(nframes == 'all'): nframes = max(self.N.shape[0] - first,0) nframes = max(0,min(nframes,self.N.shape[0])) nrest = max(self.N.shape[0] - first - nframes,0) frame_mask *= np.r_[np.zeros(first,dtype=np.bool),np.ones(nframes,dtype=np.bool),np.zeros(nrest,dtype=np.bool)] else: raise KeyError if 'minphotons' in kwargs: frame_mask *= (self.N >= kwargs['minphotons']) if 'maxphotons' in kwargs: frame_mask *= (self.N <= kwargs['maxphotons']) if 'coords' in kwargs: coords = kwargs['coords'] else: coords = slice(0,2) mask = np.repeat(frame_mask, self.N) phts = self.photons[mask] if 'nphotons' in kwargs: nphotons = kwargs['nphotons'] if (nphotons>0) and (len(phts)>nphotons): phts = phts[:nphotons] accum = bincountnd(np.array(phts[:,coords], dtype=self.dtype), self.shape) return accum
[docs] def delneighbours(self, r=5, metric='euclidean'): ''' Find photon pairs that are too close to each other and remove second photon from the frame args: radius, metric (c.f. scipy.spatial.distance.pdist) ''' ''' This is an old version of delneighbours that does not actually delete all neigbours that should be deleted for i, frame in enumerate(self.frames): progress(i) if len(frame)>=2: kdt=KDTree(np.array(frame)) ridx=[] kdtq=kdt.query_pairs(r,p=2.0) for pidx in kdtq: if (pidx[1] not in ridx) and (pidx[0] not in ridx): ridx.append(pidx[1]) mask=np.ones(len(frame),dtype=np.bool) for j in ridx: mask[j]=False self.N[i]=np.sum(mask) self.frames[i]=frame[mask] self.concat = np.concatenate(self.frames) ''' def outofrange(frame, rng): tmp = pdist(frame, metric) tmp = squareform(tmp)<rng plist = list(range(0,frame.shape[0])) for j in plist: tmp[:,j]=False for i in np.where(tmp[j])[0]: try: plist.remove(i) except ValueError: pass return plist masks = [] newN = [] for i in range(len(self.idxs)-1): frame = self.photons[self.idxs[i]:self.idxs[i+1]] tmp = self.idxs[i]+np.array(outofrange(frame, r),dtype=np.uint32) masks.append(tmp) newN.append(tmp.shape[0]) progress(i) mask = np.array(np.hstack(masks),dtype=np.uint32) self.photons = self.photons[mask] self.N = np.array(newN) self.idxs = np.array(np.r_[0, np.cumsum(self.N)],dtype=np.int32)
[docs] def accumautocoinc(self): ''' Accumulate autocoincidences Parameters --------- Returns --------- See Also --------- Notes --------- Examples --------- ''' accum = np.zeros( shape=(self.shape[0],self.shape[0],self.shape[1],self.shape[1]), dtype=np.uint32) for frame in self.frames: if frame.shape[0] > 0: binautocoinc(frame, accum) return accum
[docs] def rotate(self, angle, centerpoint): ''' Rotate coordinate system Parameters --------- angle : Returns --------- See Also --------- Notes --------- Examples --------- ''' cc_frames = np.array(self.photons, dtype=np.float) - centerpoint rcc_frames = np.zeros(shape=cc_frames.shape, dtype=cc_frames.dtype) rcc_frames[:,0] = cc_frames[:,0]*np.cos(angle) + cc_frames[:,1]*np.sin(angle) rcc_frames[:,1] = cc_frames[:,1]*np.cos(angle) - cc_frames[:,0]*np.sin(angle) rcc_frames += centerpoint self.photons = np.array(np.around(rcc_frames), dtype=self.dtype) self.cuttoshape(self.shape)
[docs] def rescalediv(fs,factor): 'rescale photon positions by factor = old_div / new_div' shpsc = lambda shp: tuple(np.array(np.round(np.array(shp)*factor),dtype=np.int32)) shp = shpsc(fs.shape) phts = np.array(np.around(fs.photons*factor),dtype=fs.photons.dtype) fs.__init__(photons=phts,idxs=fs.idxs,shape=shp,cut=True,dtype=fs.dtype)
[docs] def rescale(self, scale, centerpoint): ''' Rescale coordinate system Parameters --------- factor : axis : Returns --------- See Also --------- Notes --------- Examples --------- ''' # TODO: implement scaling pass
[docs] def len(self): ''' Get total length fo series of frames `Nframes` Parameters --------- Returns --------- See Also --------- Notes --------- Examples --------- ''' return self.Nframes
def __len__(self): ''' Get total length of series of frames `Nframes` Parameters --------- Returns --------- See Also --------- Notes --------- Examples --------- ''' return self.Nframes
[docs] def shift(self, n): ''' Shift frames Parameters --------- n : Returns --------- See Also --------- Notes --------- Examples --------- ''' self.photons = np.r_[self.photons[self.idxs[n]:], self.photons[:self.idxs[n]]] self.N = np.roll(self.N, n) self.idxs = np.r_[0, np.cumsum(self.N)]
[docs] def transform(self, transform): ''' Affine tranformation of photons. Parameters --------- transform : tuple (a,b,c,d,e,f), where ((a,b), (c,d)) is transformation matrix and (e,f) is the added vector ''' a, b, c, d, e, f=transform cc_frames = np.array(self.photons, dtype=np.float) rcc_frames = np.zeros(shape=cc_frames.shape, dtype=cc_frames.dtype) rcc_frames[:,0] = cc_frames[:,0]*a + cc_frames[:,1]*b + e rcc_frames[:,1] = cc_frames[:,1]*d + cc_frames[:,0]*c + f self.photons = np.array(np.around(rcc_frames), dtype=self.dtype) self.cuttoshape(self.shape)
[docs] def append(self, fs): ''' Append antoher frameseries to current frameseries ''' self.idxs = np.concatenate([self.idxs, self.idxs[-1] + fs.idxs[1:]]) self.N = np.concatenate([self.N, fs.N]) self.photons = np.concatenate([self.photons, fs.photons]) self.Nframes = self.Nframes + fs.Nframes
[docs] def timeseries(self, samples=1000): ''' Get photon numbers as resampled time series ''' tmp = np.cumsum(self.N)[samples:] tmp2 = np.cumsum(self.N)[:-samples] return (tmp - tmp2) / float(samples)
[docs] def plot(self, samples=1000): ''' Plot the series as a time series of photon number after resampling ''' plt.plot(self.timeseries(samples))
[docs] def copy(self): ''' Copies the frameseries in memory and returns new object ''' return deepcopy(self)
[docs] def mean(self, uncert=False): ''' ''' from .stat1d import mean return mean(self, uncert)
[docs] def g2(self, uncert=False): ''' ''' from .stat1d import g2 return g2(self, uncert)
[docs] def std(self, uncert=False): ''' ''' from .stat1d import std return std(self, uncert)
[docs] def thmodes(self, uncert=False): ''' ''' from .stat1d import thmodes return thmodes(self, uncert)
[docs] def var(self, uncert=False): ''' ''' from .stat1d import var return var(self, uncert)
[docs] def imshow(self, **kwargs): ''' ''' plt.imshow(self.accumframes(), **kwargs)
[docs] def maskframes(self, frame_mask): ''' ''' mask = np.repeat(frame_mask, self.N) self.photons = self.photons[mask] self.N = self.N[frame_mask] self.idxs = np.r_[0, np.cumsum(self.N)] self.Nframes = len(self.idxs) - 1
[docs] def delframes(self, max_photons=20): ''' ''' frame_mask = self.N <= max_photons self.maskframes(frame_mask)
[docs] def delsubsequent(self, Nf=10): ''' Delete Nf frames after photon is detected in one ''' tmp = np.cumsum(self.N)[Nf:] tmp2 = np.cumsum(self.N)[:-Nf] running_sum = (tmp - tmp2) frame_mask = np.concatenate([np.zeros(Nf+1,dtype=np.bool),running_sum[:-1]==0]) self.maskframes(frame_mask)
[docs] def delsubsmask(self, Nf=10): ''' Get the mask corresponding to delsubsequent function; does not alter the object ''' tmp = np.cumsum(self.N)[Nf:] tmp2 = np.cumsum(self.N)[:-Nf] running_sum = (tmp - tmp2) mask=np.concatenate([np.zeros(Nf+1,dtype=np.bool),running_sum[:-1]==0]) return mask
[docs]class singleframe(frameseries): ''' '''
[docs] def scatter(self): plt.scatter(self.photons[:,1], self.photons[:,0])
# functions
[docs]def fsconcat(fslist): ''' Concatenate frameseries ''' photons = np.concatenate([fs.photons for fs in fslist]) fs_idxs = np.array([fs.idxs[-1] for fs in fslist]) fs_idxs = np.r_[0, np.cumsum(fs_idxs)] idxs = np.concatenate([fs.idxs[1:] + fs_idxs[i] for i, fs in enumerate(fslist)]) idxs = np.r_[0, idxs] return frameseries(photons, idxs, shape = fslist[0].shape, cut=False, dtype=fslist[0].dtype)
[docs]def fsmerge(fslist): ''' Merge frame-by-frame ''' N = np.sum(np.array([fs.N for fs in fslist]), axis=0) idxs = np.r_[0,np.cumsum(N)] new_photons = np.zeros((idxs[-1],2),dtype=fslist[0].dtype) tN=0 for fs in fslist: r = np.arange(fs.idxs[-1]) rN = np.repeat((idxs-np.r_[0,np.cumsum(fs.N)])[:-1]+tN,fs.N) tN+=fs.N new_photons[r+rN] = np.copy(fs.photons) return frameseries(new_photons, idxs, shape = fslist[0].shape, cut=False, dtype=fslist[0].dtype)
[docs]def fsplot(fslist, samples=1000): ''' Plot mutltiple frameseries as photon number time series ''' for fs in fslist: fs.plot(samples)
[docs]def emptyframe(shape): return singleframe(np.empty(shape=(0, 2), dtype=np.uint16), shape, cut=False)
[docs]def loadfs(fname): ''' Load frameseries from file ''' fs = pickle.load(open(fname, 'rb')) if fs.__class__ == frameseries: return fs else: print('Error: pickled object not of class frameseries.')