Link to website of lecture: Physics

Summary Results (Groups 1 i 2) (in Polish!!!)

Schedule of classes in winter semester 2015/2016
Date Group 1 (room no. 307) Group 2 (room no. 307)
3rd October 2015 08:15-10:30
first part of exercises
first part of exercises
17th October 2015 08:15-10:30
second part of exercises + reports entries
second part of exercises + reports entries
7th November 2015 08:15-10:30
TEST!!! + third part of exercises + first reports
TEST!!! + third part of exercises + first reports
21st November 2015 08:15-10:30
second part of reports + retake-test entries
second part of reports + retake-test entries
5th December 2015 08:15-10:30
third part of reports + RETAKE TEST!!!
third part of reports + RETAKE TEST!!!
19th December 2015 08:15-10:30
last part of reports + summary of classes
last part of reports + summary of classes

Exercises - classes no. 1 (in Polish!!!)
Exercises - classes no. 2 (in Polish!!!)

Results of test - Group 1 (in Polish!!!)
Results of test - Group 2 (in Polish!!!)

In the table below, there are information about the amount of points which are possible to achive during that classes and for what they are given. To pass the classes, student has to collect at least 13 points from 25 available. The points will be given for the attendance, the activity of student during classes, the test and aslo the presentation of report. General rules of the classes assessment are presented below:

  • Every student, who will get less than 6 points from the test, can retake the test. However, it is necessary to enroll for it to the lecturer during 4th classes. The retake-test will be organized during 5th classes.
  • If student decides to retake the test, then the total sum of points will be calculated based on the last test (points from this test will be considered to the final evaluation).
  • Student has to enroll for the preparation of report during 2nd classes and then (s)he has to present it during next classes - starting from 3rd classes.
  • Preparation and presentation of report is not necessary to pass the classes.
  • Student, who does not enroll for the preparation of report, receive the final mark based on the sum of points got from the attendance, the activity and the test.
  • It is assumed that the activity during the classes is related to the participation in the discussion during the presentations, solving the problems with exercises.
  • Reports should be presented in two-members group.
  • At least one week before presentation of report, lecturer should be informed about the topic of presentation and he has to accept its! If the lecturer is not informed in time or he does not accept the topic of presentation, the maximum number of points possible to obtain is 4 points or the lecturer has the right not to allow the group to present a their work.
  • The form of report can be optional (eg. lecture, multimedia presentation, simple physical experiment and its explanation).
  • Total time of presented report will be announced during 2nd classes.

Rules of classes
Attendance 2 points

0 absences 2 points
1 absences 1 point
2 absences 0 points
Activity 3 points
Test 10 points
Report 10 points
Sum 25 points