The Time Arrow in Planck Gas
Miroslaw Kozlowskia, Janina Marciak-Kozlowskab, c |
a Institute of Experimental Physics, Warsaw
Ho\.za 69, 00-681 Warsaw, Poland
b Institute of Electron Technology,
Al. Lotników 32/46, 02-668 Warsaw, Poland
c Author
to whom correspondence should be addressed.
In this paper the quantum heat transport equation (QHT)
is applied to the study of thermal properties of Planck gas, i.e. gas of
the massive particles with mass equal Planck mass, Mp=((h/2p)c/G)1/2 and relaxation time equals Planck time, tp=((h/2p)G/c5)1/2. The quantum of thermal energy for Planck gas, EPlanck=1019 GeV and quantum thermal diffusion coefficient
DPlanck=((h/2p) G/c)1/2 are calculated. Within the framework
of QHT the thermal phenomena in Planck gas can be divided into two
classes, for time period shorter than tp the time reversal symmetry
holds and for time period longer than tp, time symmetry is broken,
i.e. time arrow is created.
Key words: Planck gas; Quantum heat transport; Time arrow
1 Introduction
The enigma of Planck Era, i.e. the event characterized by Planck time,
Planck radius and Planck mass is a very attractive for speculations. In
this paper we discuss the new (as we think) interpretation of the Planck
time. We define Planck gas - the gas of massive particles all with
masses equal Planck mass Mp=((h/2p) c/G)1/2 and relaxation for
transport process equals the Planck time: tp=((h/2p) G/c5)1/2.
To the description of the thermal transport process in Planck gas we
apply the quantum heat transport equation (QHT) derived in our earlier
paper [1]. The QHT is the specification of the hyperbolic heat
conduction equation HHC [1,2] to the quantum limit of heat transport
i.e. when de Broglie wave length, lB equals mean free
path, l. When QHT was applied to the description of thermal
excitation of the matter it was shown that the excited matter response is
quantized on the different levels (atomic, nuclear) with quantum thermal
energy equal Eatomic ~ 9 eV, Enuclear ~ 7 MeV. In this paper using QHT we calculate quantum thermal
energy for Planck gas the heaton , EPlanck ~ 1019 GeV and quantum diffusion coefficient for Planck gas
DPlanck= |
æ ç
(h/2p) G c
ö ÷
. |
The QHT for Planck gas is the damped wave equation which for time period
Dt ~ tp is the hyperbolic wave equation with preserved time
reversal symmetry. On the other hand for time period Dt >> tp the QHT
is parabolic diffusion equation with broken time symmetry. It seems that Planck
time tp divides the transport phenomena on two classes: for
pre -Planck times the time reversal symmetry holds and for
post -Planck time the time symmetry is broken, i.e. time arrow is created.
2 Thermal properties of the Planck gas
In the following we will describe the thermal properties of the Planck gas. To
that aim we use hyperbolic heat transport equation (HHC) [1]
lB vh
¶2T ¶t2
+ |
lB l
¶T ¶t
= |
(h/2p) Mp
Ñ2T. |
| (1) |
In equation (1) Mp is the Planck mass lB - de Broglie wave
length and l - mean free path for Planck mass.
The HHC equation describes the dissipation of the thermal energy induced by
temperature gradient ÑT.
Recently the dissipation processes in the cosmological context (e.g.
viscosity) were described in the frame of EIT (Extended Irreversible
Thermodynamics) [2,3]. With the simple choice for viscous pressure
it is shown that dissipative signals propagate with the light velocity, c
[2]. Considering that the relaxation time t is defined as [1],
for thermal wave velocity vh=c, one obtains
t = |
(h/2p) Mpc2
= |
æ ç
(h/2p) G c5
ö ÷
=tp, |
| (3) |
i.e. the relaxation time is equal the Planck time tp. The gas of massive
particles with masses equal Planck mass Mp and relaxation time for transport
processes equals Planck time tp we will define as the Planck gas.
According to the result of the paper [1] we define the quantum of the
thermal energy, the heaton for the Planck gas
(h/2p)w = |
(h/2p) tp
= |
æ ç
(h/2p)c G
ö ÷
c2=Mpc2, |
| |
| (4) |
With formula (2) and vh=c we calculate the mean free
path, l, viz.
l = vhtp=ctp=c |
æ ç
(h/2p)G c5
ö ÷
= |
æ ç
(h/2p) G c3
ö ÷
. |
| (5) |
From formula (5) we conclude that mean free path for Planck gas is equal
Planck radius. For Planck mass we can calculate the de Broglie wave length
lB= |
(h/2p) Mpvh
= |
(h/2p) Mpc
= |
æ ç
G(h/2p) c3
ö ÷
=l. |
| (6) |
As it is defined in paper [1] equation (6) describes the quantum
limit of heat transport. When formulae (5), (6), are substituted to
the equation (1) we obtain:
tp |
¶2 T ¶t2
+ |
¶T ¶t
= |
(h/2p) Mp
Ñ2T. |
| (7) |
Equation (7) is the quantum hyperbolic heat transport equation (QHT) for
Planck gas. Equation (7) can be written as:
¶2T ¶t2
+ |
æ ç
c5 (h/2p)G
ö ÷
¶T ¶t
=c2Ñ2T. |
| (8) |
It is interesting to observe that QHT is the damped wave equation and
gravitation influences the dissipation of the thermal energy. In paper
[4] P. G. Bergmann discussed the conditions for the thermal
equilibrium in the presence of the gravitation. As it was shown in that
paper, the thermal equilibrium of spatially extended systems is
characterized by the ``global'' temperature and a ``local'' temperature
which is sensitive to the value of the gravitational potential.
On the other hand equation (8) describes the correlated random walk of
Planck mass. For mean square displacement of random walkers we have
áx2ñ = |
2(h/2p) Mp
é ê
t tp
-(1-e-t/tp) |
ù ú
. |
| (9) |
From formula (6), we conclude that, for t ~ tp,
and we have thermal wave with velocity c. For t >> tp, we have
áx2 ñ ~ |
2(h/2p)t Mp
æ ç
t tp
-1 |
ö ÷
= |
2(h/2p) Mp
t=2DPlanckt, |
| (12) |
DPlanck= |
(h/2p) Mp
= |
æ ç
(h/2p)G c
ö ÷
| (13) |
denotes the diffusion coefficient for Planck mass.
We can say that for time period of the order of Planck time QHT
describes the propagation of thermal wave with velocity equal c and for time
period much longer than tp QHT describes the diffusion process with
diffusion coefficient dependent on gravitation constant G.
The quantum hyperbolic heat equation (7) as a hyperbolic equation
shed a light on the time arrow in Planck gas. When QHT is written in the
equivalent form
tp |
¶2T ¶t2
+ |
¶T ¶t
= |
æ ç
(h/2p) G c
ö ÷
Ñ2T, |
| (14) |
then, for time period shorter than tp, we have preserved time
reversal for thermal processes, viz,
and, for t >> tp,
¶T ¶t
= |
æ ç
(h/2p)G c
ö ÷
Ñ2T, |
| (16) |
the time reversal symmetry is broken.
These new properties of QHT open new possibilities for the interpretation of
Planck time. Before tp thermal processes in Planck gas are symmetrical in
time. After tp the time symmetry is broken. Moreover it seems that
gravitation is activated after tp and this fact creates time arrow (formula (16)).
3 Conclusions
In this paper the thermal properties of the Planck gas are discussed. We
have developed quantum heat transport equation (QHT) for Planck gas, with
quantum thermal diffusion coefficient DPlanck=((h/2p) G/c)1/2.
The quantum of the thermal energy, the heaton for Planck gas is
defined and calculated, EPlanck=1019 GeV. It is shown
that for t > Planck time, the time symmetry is broken.
I thank the referee, unknown to me, who brought reference [3],
to my attention as well suggesting alternative explanation for formula
(3). This study was made possible by financial support from Polish Committee for
Science Research under grant No 8T11B 046 09 and 8T11B 002 12.
- [1]
- Marciak-Kozlowska, J., Kozlowski, M., Foundations of Physics
Letters 9, 235 (1996)
- [2]
- Jou, D., Casas-Vasquez, J., Lebon, G., Extended Irreversible
Thermodynamics (Springer, Berlin, 1993)
- [3]
- Maartens, R., Class. Quantum Grav. 12, 1455 (1995)
- [4]
- Bergmann, P. G. in Cosmology and Particle Physics V. de Sabbata and
H. Tso-Hsiu (eds) Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994, p. 9
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On 8 Jul 2002, 15:19.