Publikacje w czasopismach
Z. Lalak, “Dynamical mass scale and approximate scaling symmetry in the higgs sector,” Physics letters b, vol. 725, iss. 4–5, pp. 389-393, 2013.
[Bibtex]@article{Lalak2013389, title = "Dynamical mass scale and approximate scaling symmetry in the Higgs sector", journal = "Physics Letters B ", volume = "725", number = "4–5", pages = "389 - 393", year = "2013", note = "", issn = "0370-2693", doi = "", url = "", author = "Zygmunt Lalak", abstract = "Abstract We investigate basic consequences of the assumption that the mass scale of the perturbative sector responsible for the spontaneous symmetry breaking is generated dynamically in a theory with a large \{UV\} scale. It is assumed that in addition to an elementary scalar there exists an additional scalar, a modulus, which controls the dynamical hierarchy of scales in the manner similar to that of supersymmetric gaugino condensation. It is shown that a light degree of freedom appears that couples to the gauge bosons and to charged fermions in a specific way which is different from the couplings of the dilaton of the exact scale invariance. " }
Z. Lalak and M. Lewicki, “Fine-tuning in ggm and the 126 gev higgs particle,” Journal of high energy physics, vol. 2013, iss. 5, 2013.
[Bibtex]@article{JHEP05(2013)125, year={2013}, journal={Journal of High Energy Physics}, eid={125}, volume={2013}, number={5}, doi={10.1007/JHEP05(2013)125}, title={Fine-tuning in GGM and the 126 GeV Higgs particle}, url={\%282013\%29125}, publisher={Springer-Verlag}, keywords={Supersymmetry Phenomenology}, author={Lalak, Zygmunt and Lewicki, Marek}, language={English}, abstract="In this paper we reanalyze the issue of fine-tuning in supersymmetric models which feature Generalized Gauge Mediation (GGM) in the light of recent measurement of the mass of the light Higgs particle and taking into account available data on the value of the muon magnetic moment \( {g_{\mu }}-2 \) . We consider GGM models with 3, 5 and 6 input parameters and reduce the fine-tuning by assuming simple relations between them at the high scale. We are able to find solutions which give the correct value of the light Higgs mass and are less fine-tuned than models with standard gauge mediation (and with gravity mediation), however one never finds fine-tung measure lower than about 102 if one neglects the data on \( {g_{\mu }}-2 \) and and about four times more if one takes the constraint given by \( {g_{\mu }}-2 \) into account. In general the current \( {g_{\mu }}-2 \) data push the models towards the high fine-tuning region. It is interesting to note, that once one removes the contributions to the finetuning induced by μ and B μ , then in the case with neglected \( {g_{\mu }}-2 \) constraint one can easily find realistic vacua with fine-tuning of order 1 or lower, while the fine-tung remains always large when the \( {g_{\mu }}-2 \) constraint is enforced. One should note, that in the last case even a small shift of the light Higgs mass towards smaller values both reduces fine-tuning and helps to improve agreement of a model with \( {g_{\mu }}-2 \) data." }
S. Enomoto, S. Iida, N. Maekawa, and T. Matsuda, “Beauty is more attractive: particle production andmoduli trapping with higher dimensional interaction,” Journal of high energy physics, vol. 2014, iss. 1, 2014.
[Bibtex]@article{JHEP01(2014)141, year={2014}, journal={Journal of High Energy Physics}, eid={141}, volume={2014}, number={1}, doi={10.1007/JHEP01(2014)141}, title={Beauty is more attractive: particle production andmoduli trapping with higher dimensional interaction}, url={\%282014\%29141}, publisher={Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, keywords={Nonperturbative Effects; GUT}, author={Enomoto, Seishi and Iida, Satoshi and Maekawa, Nobuhiro and Matsuda, Tomohiro}, language={English}, abstract="We study quantum effects on moduli dynamics arising from particle production near the enhanced symmetry point (ESP). We focus on non-renormalizable couplings between the moduli field and the field that becomes light at the ESP. Considering higher dimensional interaction, we find that particle production is significant in a large area, which is even larger than the area that is expected from a renormalizable interaction. It is possible to find this possibility from a trivial adiabatic condition; however the quantitative estimation of particle production and trapping of the field in motion are far from trivial. In this paper we study particle production and trapping in detail, using both the analytical and numerical calculations, to find a clear and intuitive result that supports trapping in a vast variety of theories. Our study shows that trapping driven by a non-renormalizable interaction is possible. This possibility has not been considered in previous works. Some phenomenological models of particle physics will be mentioned to complement discussion." }
L. G. Almeida, S. J. Lee, S. Pokorski, and J. D. Wells, “Study of the standard model higgs boson partial widths and branching fractions,” Phys. rev. d, vol. 89, p. 33006, 2014.
[Bibtex]@article{PhysRevD.89.033006, title = {Study of the standard model Higgs boson partial widths and branching fractions}, author = {Almeida, Leandro G. and Lee, Seung J. and Pokorski, Stefan and Wells, James D.}, journal = {Phys. Rev. D}, volume = {89}, issue = {3}, pages = {033006}, numpages = {9}, year = {2014}, month = {Feb}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevD.89.033006}, url = {}, abstract = "The discovery of the Higgs boson, with a mass known to be better than the percent level, enables precision Higgs boson analyses for the first time. Toward this goal, we define an expansion formalism of the Higgs boson partial widths and branching fractions that facilitates such studies. This expansion yields the observables as a perturbative expansion around reference values of Standard Model input observables (quark masses, QCD coupling constant, etc.). We compute the coefficients of the expansion using state-of-the-art results. We also study the various sources of uncertainties in computing the partial widths and branching fractions more precisely. We discuss the impact of these results with efforts to discern new physics through precision Higgs boson studies." }
E. Dudas, G. von Gersdorff, S. Pokorski, and R. Ziegler, “Linking natural supersymmetry to flavour physics,” Journal of high energy physics, vol. 2014, iss. 1, 2014.
[Bibtex]@article{JHEP01(2014)117, year={2014}, journal={Journal of High Energy Physics}, eid={117}, volume={2014}, number={1}, doi={10.1007/JHEP01(2014)117}, title={Linking natural supersymmetry to flavour physics}, url={\%282014\%29117}, publisher={Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, keywords={Supersymmetry Breaking; Quark Masses and SM Parameters; Supersymmetric Standard Model}, author={Dudas, Emilian and von Gersdorff, Gero and Pokorski, Stefan and Ziegler, Robert}, language={English}, abstract="With the aim of linking natural supersymmetry to flavour physics, a model is proposed based on a family symmetry $G \times U(1)$, where $G$ is a discrete nonabelian subgroup of $SU(2)$, with both F-term and (abelian) D-term supersymmetry breaking. A good fit to the fermion masses and mixing is obtained with the same $U(1)$ charges for the left- and right- handed quarks of the first two families and the right-handed bottom quark, and with zero charge for the left-handed top-bottom doublet and the the right handed top. The model shows an interesting indirect correlation between the correct prediction for the $V_{ub}/V_{cb}$ ratio and large right-handed rotations in the $(s, b)$ sector, required to diagonalise the Yukawa matrix. For the squarks, one obtains almost degenerate first two generations. The main source of the FCNC and CP violation effects is the splitting between the first two families and the right-handed sbottom determined by the relative size of F-term and D-term supersymmetry breaking. The presence of the large right-handed rotation implies that the bounds on the masses of the first two families of squarks and the right handed sbottom are in a few to a few tens TeV range. The picture that emerges is light stops and left handed sbottom and much heavier other squarks." }
M. Badziak, M. Olechowski, and S. Pokorski, “Light staus and enhanced higgs diphoton rate with non-universal gaugino masses and so(10) yukawa unification,” Journal of high energy physics, vol. 2013, iss. 10, 2013.
[Bibtex]@article{JHEP10(2013)088, year={2013}, journal={Journal of High Energy Physics}, eid={88}, volume={2013}, number={10}, doi={10.1007/JHEP10(2013)088}, title={Light staus and enhanced Higgs diphoton rate with non-universal gaugino masses and SO(10) Yukawa unification}, url={\%282013\%29088}, publisher={Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, keywords={Supersymmetry Phenomenology}, author={Badziak, Marcin and Olechowski, Marek and Pokorski, Stefan}, language={English}, abstract="It is shown that substantially enhanced Higgs to diphoton rate induced by light staus with large left-right mixing in MSSM requires at the GUT scale non-universal gaugino masses with bino and/or wino lighter than gluino. The possibility of such enhancement is investigated in MSSM models with arbitrary gaugino masses at the GUT scale with additional restriction of top-bottom-tau Yukawa unification, as predicted by minimal SO(10) GUTs. Many patterns of gaugino masses leading to enhanced Higgs to diphoton rate and the Yukawa unification are identified. Some of these patterns can be accommodated in a well-motivated scenarios such as mirage mediation or SUSY breaking $F$-terms being a non- singlet of SO(10). Phenomenological implications of a scenario with non-universal gaugino masses generated by a mixture of the singlet $F$-term and the $F$-term in a 24-dimensional representation of SU(5) $\subset$ SO(10) are studied in detail. Possible non-universalities of other soft terms generated by such F-terms are discussed. The enhancement of Higgs to diphoton rate up to 30\% can be obtained in agreement with all phenomenological constraints, including vacuum metastability bounds. The lightest sbottom and pseudoscalar Higgs are within easy reach of the 14 TeV LHC. The LSP can be either bino-like or wino-like. The thermal relic abundance in the former case may be in agreement with the cosmological data thanks to efficient stau coannihilation." }
M. Badziak, M. Olechowski, and S. Pokorski, “New regions in the nmssm with a 125 gev higgs,” Journal of high energy physics, vol. 2013, iss. 6, 2013.
[Bibtex]@article{JHEP06(2013)043, year={2013}, journal={Journal of High Energy Physics}, eid={43}, volume={2013}, number={6}, doi={10.1007/JHEP06(2013)043}, title={New regions in the NMSSM with a 125 GeV Higgs}, url={\%282013\%29043}, publisher={Springer-Verlag}, keywords={Supersymmetry Phenomenology}, author={Badziak, Marcin and Olechowski, Marek and Pokorski, Stefan}, language={English}, abstract="It is pointed out that mixing effects in the CP-even scalar sector of the NMSSM can give 6-8 GeV correction to the SM-like Higgs mass in moderate or large $\tan\beta$ regions with a small value of the singlet-higgs-higgs superfields coupling $\lambda\sim\mathcal{O}(0.1)$. This effect comes mainly from the mixing of the SM-like Higgs with lighter singlet. In the same parameter range, the mixing of the heavy doublet Higgs with the singlet may strongly modify the couplings of the singlet-like and the 125 GeV scalars. Firstly, the LEP bounds on a light singlet can be evaded for a large range of its masses. Secondly, the decay rates of both scalars can show a variety of interesting patterns, depending on the lightest scalar mass. In particular, a striking signature of this mechanism can be a light scalar with strongly suppressed (enhanced) branching ratios to $b\bar{b}$ ($gg$, $c\bar{c}$, $\gamma\gamma$) as compared to the SM Higgs with the same mass. The $\gamma\gamma$ decay channel is particularly promising for the search of such a scalar at the LHC. The 125 GeV scalar can, thus, be accommodated with substantially smaller than in the MSSM radiative corrections from the stop loops (and consequently, with lighter stops) also for moderate or large $\tan\beta$, with the mixing effects replacing the standard NMSSM mechanism of increasing the tree level Higgs mass in the low $\tan\beta$ and large $\lambda$ regime, and with clear experimental signatures of such a mechanism." }
Teksty w publikacjach pokonferencyjnych
Z. Lalak, SUSY, hierarchy and flavour – lecturesIFJ PAN and IF UŚ, 2013.
[Bibtex]@unpublished{LHCPhenoNet2013LalakZ, author = {Zygmunt Lalak}, institution = {LHCPhenoNet Summer School, Cracow, Poland}, publisher = {IFJ PAN and IF UŚ}, howpublished = {University Lecture}, year = {2013}, month = sep, day = {7--12}, title = {{SUSY}, Hierarchy and flavour - Lectures}, pages = {1--75}, url = {\&confId=1} }
- M. Badziak, M. Olechowski, and S. Pokorski, “125 GeV Higgs and enhanced diphoton signal of a light singlet-like scalar in NMSSM.” 2013, p. 257.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{2013arXiv1310.4518B, author = "Badziak, Marcin and Olechowski, Marek and Pokorski, Stefan", title = "{125 GeV Higgs and enhanced diphoton signal of a light singlet-like scalar in NMSSM}", journal = "PoS", volume = "EPS-HEP2013", pages = "257", year = "2013", month = oct, eprint = "1310.4518", archivePrefix = "arXiv", primaryClass = "hep-ph", url = {}, note = "7 pages, 3 figures, to appear in the Proceedings of The European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics (EPS-HEP2013), 18-24 July 2013, Stockholm, Sweden, mainly based on arXiv:1304.5437", abstract = "NMSSM with a light singlet-like scalar and strongly suppressed couplings to $b$ and $\tau$ is investigated. It is shown that in such a scenario the singlet-like scalar to diphoton signal can be larger than for the SM Higgs for a wide range of masses between 60 and 110 GeV, in agreement with all the LEP and LHC data. Enhancement of the singlet-like scalar to diphoton signal is correlated with positive correction to the SM-like Higgs mass from mixing between SM-like Higgs and the singlet. It is also shown that the couplings to $b$ and $\tau$ and, in consequence, branching ratios of the SM-like Higgs are anti-correlated with those of the singlet-like scalar. If the singlet-like scalar to diphoton signal is enhanced, the signal strengths of the 125 GeV Higgs in the diphoton and $WW^*/ZZ^*$ channels are predicted to be smaller than for the SM Higgs." }