Project title:
Spectroscopy studies of a microcavity exciton-polaritons flow in II-VI semiconductors
Project duration
from 2018-01-30 to 2021-01-29
In the project, using the structures containing optical microcavities with quantum emitters, we intend to demonstrate the ability to manipulate the polariton flow through photonic waveguides, which will be produced by dry etching methods. In addition, the trapping of polaritons in structural defects will be investigated. We also plan to observe polariton tunneling between microstructures (e. g. two micropillars or photonic waveguides) and we will present a new concept of reflectivity based focusing system inspired by the analogous effect found in the domain of plasmonic-polaritons and geometrical optics.
The problem of polariton fluid is the basis of a new field of science related to the coherent, spatial flow of polaritons. Determining of the flow parameters such as the free path and the lifetime of these quaziparticles is crucial in the considering this group of materials as a potential candidate for applications. Thanks to controlled manipulations the paths and circuits can be produced, which can be used to build quantum devices. Issues in the field of polaritronics are also an important in the field of fundamental research revealing of quantum mechanics.
Project results:
Publications in peer-reviewed journals:
K. Sawicki, T. J. Sturges, M. Ściesiek, T. Kazimierczuk, K. Sobczak, A. Golnik, W. Pacuski, J. Suffczyński
Polariton lasing and energy-degenerate parametric scattering in non-resonantly driven coupled planar microcavities,
Nanophotonics 10(9), 2421-2429 (2021).
M. Ściesiek, K. Sawicki, K. Sobczak, T. Kazimierczuk, A. Golnik, J. Suffczyński,
Long-Distance Coupling and Energy Transfer between Exciton States in Magnetically Controlled Microcavities ,
Communications Materials 1, 78 (2020)
K. Sawicki, M. Jurczak, W. Pacuski, J. Suffczyński,
Direct Interbranch Relaxation of Polaritons in a Microcavity with Embedded CdSe/(Cd,Mg)Se Quantum Wells,
Journal of Electronic Materials 49, 4531–4536 (2020).
K. Sawicki, J.-G. Rousset, R. Rudniewski, W. Pacuski, M. Ściesiek, T. Kazimierczuk, M. Nawrocki, J. Suffczyński,
Triple threshold lasing from a photonic trap in a Te/Se-based optical microcavity,
Communications Physics 2, 38 (2019).