Computer Tools for Nuclear Physics A workshop on computer tools given by Krzysztof Piasecki (University of Warsaw).
To set up the environment, students are strongly recommended to contact Evaluation criteria for Part II:
Grading scale [%] :
[50 .. 60] = 3 , [61 .. 70] = 3+ , [ 71 .. 80] = 4 1. ROOT data analysis framework Tutorial | Macros 2. SRIM/TRIM package for particles in absorbers Tutorial 3. Calculators of two-body kinematics Tutorial 4. Cross section databases: Tutorials on EXFOR and photon- and hadron-induced reaction 5. TSpectrum package for ROOT Tutorial | Macros 6. PLUTO generator for particle emission Tutorial | Macros 7. Initial state of collision within Glauber model Tutorials | Macros 8. Microscopic transport models (introduction) Tutorial 9. Final state of collision: statistical models Thermal-FIST and Therminator2 Tutorials |