ഀ ഀ ഀ
ഀ ഀ ഀSurname | ഀName | ഀInstitute | ഀ||
1 | ഀAcatrinei | ഀCiprian Sorin | ഀacatrine%th.if.uj.edu.pl | ഀTheoretical Physics Institute, Jagellonian University, Kraków | ഀ
2 | ഀAfonso | ഀCarlos Manuel Marques | ഀcafonso%nfist.ist.utl.pt | ഀInstituto Superior Tecnico, Lisboa | ഀ
3 | ഀAlesci | ഀEmanuele | ഀalesci%fis.uniroma3.it | ഀDepartment of Physic "Edoardo Amaldi", University of Rome and Centre de Physique Theorique, Marseille | ഀ
4 | ഀAmbjørn | ഀJan | ഀambjorn%nbi.dk | ഀNiels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen and Institute for Theoretical Physics, Utrecht | ഀ
5 | ഀBahr | ഀBenjamin | ഀbbahr%aei.mpg.de | ഀAlbert-Einstein-Institute, Potsdam | ഀ
6 | ഀBarrett | ഀJohn | ഀjwb%maths.nottingham.ac.uk | ഀSchool of Mathematical Sciences, University of Nottingham | ഀ
7 | ഀBengtsson | ഀIngemar | ഀingemar%physto.se | ഀFysikum, Stockholm University | ഀ
8 | ഀBeny | ഀCedric | ഀcedric.beny%gmail.com | ഀUniversity of Waterloo | ഀ
9 | ഀBianchi | ഀEugenio | ഀe.bianchi%sns.it | ഀScuola Normale Superiore, Pisa | ഀ
10 | ഀBorsten | ഀLeron | ഀleron.borsten02%imperial.ac.uk | ഀSouth Kensington, Imperial College, London | ഀ
11 | ഀBudd | ഀTimothy | ഀT.G.Budd%phys.uu.nl | ഀInstitute for Theoretical Physics, Utrecht | ഀ
12 | ഀChacon-Acosta | ഀGuillermo | ഀgca%xanum.uam.mx | ഀUniversidad Autonoma Metropolitana Iztapalapa | ഀ
13 | ഀChmielowiec | ഀWitold | ഀwchmiel%cft.edu.pl | ഀCenter for Theoretical Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warszawa | ഀ
14 | ഀCodello | ഀAlessandro | ഀa.codello%gmail.com | ഀSISSA Trieste | ഀ
15 | ഀCzuchry | ഀEwa | ഀEwa.Czuchry%fuw.edu.pl | ഀKatedra Metod Matematycznych Fizyki UW, Warszawa | ഀ
16 | ഀDemiański | ഀMarek | ഀmarek.demianski%fuw.edu.pl | ഀInstytut Fizyki Teoretycznej UW, Warszawa | ഀ
17 | ഀDiaz-Polo | ഀJacobo | ഀJacobo.Diaz%uv.es | ഀUniversidad de Valencia | ഀ
18 | ഀDobrski | ഀMichał | ഀmdobrski%im0.p.lodz.pl | ഀCenter of Mathematics and Physics, Technical University of Łódź | ഀ
19 | ഀDomagała | ഀMarcin | ഀMarcin.Domagala%fuw.edu.pl | ഀInstytut Fizyki Teoretycznej UW, Warszawa | ഀ
20 | ഀDowdall | ഀRichard | ഀpmxrd1%exmail.nottingham.ac.uk | ഀUniversity of Nottingham | ഀ
21 | ഀEngle | ഀJonathan | ഀengle%cpt.univ-mrs.fr | ഀCentre de Physique Theorique, Marseille | ഀ
22 | ഀFernandez-Borja | ഀEnrique | ഀEnrique.Fernandez%uv.es | ഀUniversidad de Valencia | ഀ
23 | ഀFlori | ഀCecilia | ഀcecilia.flori%aei.mpg.de | ഀAlbert-Einstein-Institute, Potsdam | ഀ
24 | ഀFranzen | ഀAnne | ഀanne-franzen%web.de | ഀUniversität zu Köln | ഀ
25 | ഀFreidel | ഀLaurent | ഀlfreidel%perimeterinstitute.ca | ഀPerimeter Institute, Waterloo | ഀ
26 | ഀGaray | ഀIñaki | ഀigael%iem.cfmac.csic.es | ഀCSIC, Instituto de Estructura de la Materia, Madrid | ഀ
27 | ഀGiesel | ഀKristina | ഀgieskri%aei.mpg.de | ഀAlbert-Einstein-Institute, Potsdam | ഀ
28 | ഀGoerlich | ഀAndrzej | ഀatg%th.if.uj.edu.pl | ഀInstitute of Physics, Jagiellonian University, Kraków | ഀ
29 | ഀGomez Vergel | ഀDaniel | ഀimtg005%iem.cfmac.csic.es | ഀCSIC, Instituto de Estructura de la Materia, Madrid | ഀ
30 | ഀGustavsson | ഀAnna | ഀanna.gustavsson%imperial.ac.uk | ഀTheoretical Physics Group, Department of Physics, Imperial College London | ഀ
31 | ഀHellmann | ഀFrank | ഀpmxfh%maths.nottingham.ac.uk | ഀUniversity of Nottingham | ഀ
32 | ഀJankowski | ഀJakub | ഀdrharry%poczta.onet.pl | ഀFaculty of Physics and Astronomy, Uniwersytet Wrocławski | ഀ
33 | ഀJohnston | ഀSteven | ഀsteven.johnston%imperial.ac.uk | ഀTheoretical Physics Group, Department of Physics, Imperial College London | ഀ
34 | ഀJurman | ഀDanijel | ഀdjurman%irb.hr | ഀRudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb | ഀ
35 | ഀKaldecova | ഀHedvika | ഀhedvika.kadlecova%centrum.cz | ഀInstitute of Theoretical Physics, Charles University in Prague | ഀ
36 | ഀKamiński | ഀWojciech | ഀwojciech.kaminski%fuw.edu.pl | ഀInstytut Fizyki Teoretycznej UW, Warszawa | ഀ
37 | ഀKaradi | ഀMatyas | ഀM.Karadi%damtp.cam.ac.uk | ഀUniversity of Cambridge, DAMTP | ഀ
38 | ഀKasprzak | ഀPaweł | ഀPawel.Kasprzak%fuw.edu.pl | ഀKatedra Metod Matematycznych Fizyki, UW, Warszawa | ഀ
39 | ഀKaźmierczak | ഀMarcin | ഀMarcin.Kazmierczak%fuw.edu.pl | ഀInstytut Fizyki Teoretycznej UW, Warszawa | ഀ
40 | ഀKorcyl | ഀPiotr | ഀkorcyl%th.if.uj.edu.pl | ഀInstitute of Physics, Jagiellonian University, Kraków | ഀ
41 | ഀKorzyński | ഀMikołaj | ഀmikolaj.korzynski%fuw.edu.pl | ഀInstytut Fizyki Teoretycznej UW, Warszawa | ഀ
42 | ഀKostecki | ഀRyszard Paweł | ഀkostecki%fuw.edu.pl | ഀInstytut Fizyki Teoretycznej UW, Warszawa | ഀ
43 | ഀKowalski-Glikmann | ഀJerzy | ഀjerzykg%op.pl | ഀInstytut Fizyki Teoretycznej, Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Wrocław | ഀ
44 | ഀLewandowski | ഀJerzy | ഀlewand%fuw.edu.pl | ഀInstytut Fizyki Teoretycznej UW, Warszawa | ഀ
45 | ഀLivine | ഀEtera | ഀEtera.Livine%ens-lyon.fr | ഀEcole Normale Superieure, Paris | ഀ
46 | ഀLopez Ruiz | ഀFrancisco | ഀflopez%iaa.es | ഀInstituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia (C.S.I.C), Granada | ഀ
47 | ഀMa | ഀYongge | ഀyonggema%yahoo.com | ഀBeijing Normal University, Dept of Physics, Beijing | ഀ
48 | ഀMajewski | ഀPrzemysław | ഀprzemek.majewski%gmail.com | ഀWydział Fizyki UW, Warszawa | ഀ
49 | ഀMałkiewicz | ഀPrzemysław | ഀPrzemyslaw.Malkiewicz%fuw.edu.pl | ഀSołtan Institute for Nuclear Studies, Warszawa | ഀ
50 | ഀManrique Ascencio | ഀElisa | ഀelisa%ifm.umich.mx | ഀUniversity of Mexico (UAM-I), Del.Iztapalapa. Mexico | ഀ
51 | ഀMartinez-Pascual | ഀEric | ഀpmxem2%nottingham.ac.uk | ഀUniversity of Nottingham | ഀ
52 | ഀModesto | ഀLeonardo | ഀleonardo.modesto%virgilio.it | ഀDepartment of Physics, Bologna University | ഀ
53 | ഀMustatea | ഀAleksandru | ഀAlexandru.Mustatea%cpt.univ-mrs.fr | ഀCentre de Physique Theorique, Marseille | ഀ
54 | ഀNaish-Guzman | ഀIleana | ഀpmxin%nottingham.ac.uk | ഀSchool of Mathematical Sciences, University of Nottingham | ഀ
55 | ഀOkołów | ഀAndrzej | ഀAndrzej.Okolow%fuw.edu.pl | ഀInstytut Fizyki Teoretycznej UW, Warszawa | ഀ
56 | ഀPawłowski | ഀTomasz | ഀpawlowsk%gravity.psu.edu | ഀInstitute For Gravitational Physics & Geometry, Pennsylvania State University | ഀ
57 | ഀPeng | ഀXu | ഀmoooonbird%gmail.com | ഀBeijing Normal University, Beijing | ഀ
58 | ഀPercacci | ഀRoberto | ഀpercacci%sissa.it | ഀSISSA Trieste | ഀ
59 | ഀPereira | ഀRoberto | ഀrvp2_718%yahoo.com | ഀCentre de Physique Theorique, Marseille | ഀ
60 | ഀPhilpott | ഀLydia | ഀlydia.philpott%gmail.com | ഀImperial College, London | ഀ
61 | ഀPidokrajt | ഀNarit | ഀnarit%physto.se | ഀDepartment of Physics, Stockholm University | ഀ
62 | ഀPiechocki | ഀWłodzimierz | ഀWlodzimierz.Piechocki%fuw.edu.pl | ഀInstitute for Nuclear Studies, Theory Division, Warszawa | ഀ
63 | ഀPietrykowski | ഀArtur | ഀhearthie%ift.uni.wroc.pl | ഀInstytut Fizyki Teoretycznej, Uniwersytet Wrocławski | ഀ
64 | ഀPrain | ഀAngus | ഀaprain%math.uwaterloo.ca | ഀUniversity of Waterloo | ഀ
65 | ഀPrémont-Schwarz | ഀIsabeau | ഀipremont-schwarz%perimeterinstitute.ca | ഀUniversity of Waterloo and Perimeter Insitute, Waterloo | ഀ
66 | ഀPushkina | ഀIrina | ഀI.Pushkina%phys.uu.nl | ഀSpinoza Institute, Utrecht University | ഀ
67 | ഀRahmede | ഀChristoph | ഀrahmede%sissa.it | ഀSISSA Trieste | ഀ
68 | ഀReuter | ഀMartin | ഀreuter%zino.physik.uni-mainz.de | ഀInstitut für Physik (ThEP), Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz | ഀ
69 | ഀRovelli | ഀCarlo | ഀrovelli%cpt.univ-mrs.fr | ഀCentre de Physique Theorique de Luminy, Marseille | ഀ
70 | ഀSahlmann | ഀHanno | ഀH.Sahlmann%phys.uu.nl | ഀInstitute for Theoretical Physics, Utrecht University | ഀ
71 | ഀSamsarov | ഀAndjelo | ഀasamsarov%irb.hr | ഀRudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb | ഀ
72 | ഀSandhoefer | ഀBarbara | ഀbs324%thp.Uni-Koeln.de | ഀUniversität zu Köln | ഀ
73 | ഀSatz | ഀAlejandro | ഀpmxas3%nottingham.ac.uk | ഀUniversity of Nottingham, School of Mathematical Sciences | ഀ
74 | ഀSchiller | ഀEryk | ഀeryk%feniks.fema.krakow.pl | ഀJagiellonian University, Kraków | ഀ
75 | ഀSchlenker | ഀJean-Marc | ഀjmschlenker%gmail.com | ഀLaboratoire Emile Picard, Institut de Mathématiques, Université Toulouse III | ഀ
76 | ഀShaeri | ഀMaryam | ഀppxms1%nottingham.ac.uk | ഀUniversity of Nottingham | ഀ
77 | ഀSmerlak | ഀMatteo | ഀmatteo.smerlak%ens-lyon.fr | ഀEcole Normale Superieure, Paris | ഀ
78 | ഀStachowiak | ഀTomasz | ഀtjsta%ift.uni.wroc.pl | ഀFaculty of Physics and Astronomy, Uniwersytet Wrocławski | ഀ
79 | ഀSurówka | ഀPiotr | ഀsurowka%th.if.uj.edu.pl | ഀJagiellonian University, Kraków | ഀ
80 | ഀSzulc | ഀŁukasz | ഀLukasz.Szulc%fuw.edu.pl | ഀInstytut Fizyki Teoretycznej UW, Warszawa | ഀ
81 | ഀSzydłowski | ഀMarek | ഀuoszydlo%cyf-kr.edu.pl | ഀDepartment of High Energy Astrophysics, Astronomical Observatory, Jagiellonian University, Kraków | ഀ
82 | ഀTafel | ഀJacek | ഀJacek.Tafel%fuw.edu.pl | ഀInstytut Fizyki Teoretycznej UW, Warszawa | ഀ
83 | ഀThiemann | ഀThomas | ഀthiemann%aei.mpg.de | ഀAlbert-Einstein-Institute, Potsdam | ഀ
84 | ഀTlas | ഀTamer | ഀT.Tlas%damtp.cam.ac.uk | ഀDAMTP, University of Cambridge | ഀ
85 | ഀVicary | ഀJamie | ഀjamie.vicary%imperial.ac.uk | ഀImperial College, London | ഀ
86 | ഀVidotto | ഀFrancesca | ഀfrancescavidotto%libero.it | ഀUniversity of Padua, Department of Physics "G. Galilei", Padova | ഀ
87 | ഀWalkus | ഀAdrian | ഀwalkus%ift.uni.wroc.pl | ഀInstitute of Theoretical Physics, University of Wrocław | ഀ
88 | ഀWerpachowski | ഀRoman | ഀroman.werpachowski%gmail.com | ഀCentrum Fizyki Teoretycznej PAN, Warszawa | ഀ
89 | ഀWilliams | ഀRuth | ഀR.M.Williams%damtp.cam.ac.uk | ഀDAMTP, University of Cambridge | ഀ
90 | ഀWinitzki | ഀSergei | ഀswinitzk%hotmail.com | ഀLudwig-Maximilians University, Munich | ഀ
91 | ഀWorden | ഀKeith | ഀk.worden%sheffield.ac.uk | ഀUniversity of Sheffield | ഀ
92 | ഀWoronowicz | ഀMariusz | ഀworonow%ift.uni.wroc.pl | ഀInstitute of Theoretical Physics, Wrocław University | ഀ
93 | ഀYang | ഀJinsong | ഀyangksong%gmail.com | ഀBeijing Normal University | ഀ
94 | ഀYoussef | ഀAhmed | ഀayoussef84%gmail.com | ഀEcole Normale Superieure, Paris | ഀ
95 | ഀŻyczkowski | ഀKarol | ഀkarol%tatry.if.uj.edu.pl | ഀCentre for Theoretical Physics, Warszawa and Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian University, Kraków | ഀ