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This page describes my tests for network boot.

Detect NEx000 and clones, including PCI
Contains an .exe with sources inside (pkunzip to extract), and
a .com which detects NEx000 or clone and shows its parameters:
bus size (NE1000 or NE2000), io port, irq, ethernet address.

CAUTION: there was a bug in previous version, fixed 1-Aug-2000.
The bug caused bad parameters passed to the driver, in spite
they were previously correctly shown. Please use new version.

I expect it to detect correctly any NEx000 clone without
breaking network communication - let me know of any problems.

The .exe together with .com which can be extracted from it can
be used to make universal auto-detecting driver from Crynwr
NE1000 and NE2000 drivers - it produces a .com file containing
NEx000 detect code, and the drivers, which which selects proper
driver and adds parameters telling what is IRQ and IO base.

The .com in the is the driver detect without any
driver, therefore it tells parameters and says "No driver".

Jerzy Tarasiuk (jt AT