Q: first: how to get the bootrom program? A: goto http://www.fuw.edu.pl/~jt/ and choose network boot. Q: is 1MB RAM enough to boot? A: yes, even comfortably if it is 640kB classic + 384 extended RAM. Q: how to make bootrom image? A: making raw bootcom: assemble BOOTROMX.ASM, link and exe2bin it; cooking bootcom: use MKBJ.EXE (needs raw bootrom, driver, and parameters - name of image loaded from server, driver args) Q: what error message "ROM overflow" means? A: packet driver is too big for raw ROM image, need either use smaller packet driver (maybe use PKLITE to compress it), or assemble bootromx.asm specifying larger ROM size. Or both. Q: what if I cannot find good (small enough) packet driver? A: look at "Clarion" (actually "Crynwr") collection, it contains drivers for many cards, and usually they are suitable. Q: how to boot from defined server? A: using MKBI specify server with boot-image file (from SYS:LOGIN) name: \\serwer\boot-image-file-name Q: what parameters for MKBJ.EXE mean? A: first four specify filenames (MKBJ shows info when invoked), then driver args follow (and they depend on driver you use). Q: do I have to specify IRQ and IO address in the ROM image? A: yes, if packet driver needs it to work properly; you always have to specify packet interrupt for the driver as 0x65. Q: how to boot image from disk for testing? A: boot-emu.zip contains program and data for it; unpack this to some directory (necessary are: bs-setup.exe, *.bin - 3 files), put bootrom image there and invoke bs-setup; it will ask for disk to be setup (it may be FAT-12 or FAT-16 disk, can be big - probably up to 2GB if BIOS can access it) and bootrom image name, and then will write own boot sector and put some file in root directory (bootfile.bin), this all will cause during boot from the disk to ask for boot selection - Disk or Rom, selecting disk will boot as previously, selecting Rom boot using the rom image; the bs-setup can also uninstall it; requires: boot from FAT-12 or FAT-16 floppy or partition. Q: ASKBOOT asks again when I answer 'R', what to do? A: the bootrom contains code to boot from disk if available, it asks when it is hard disk, but simply boots from floppy, you must remove floppy from drive before answering 'R'; on hard disk, answer 'Y' to question "Boot from NetWare fileserver?"; you can patch bootrom image - in J06JAN.TXT (->mail-log.txt). Q: it displays 1:name-of-my-server, what does it mean? A: it means correct communication, setup files in SYS:LOGIN now; look into guide.txt for detailed info what is needed there. Q: what are most known problems? A: - packet driver size - many interrupt vectors used by it - media type and half/full duplex on UTP fast (100M) - PNP/PCI - IRQ must be allowed for NIC Q: what are most important files on server? A: boot image: net$boot.sys (EXE + prefix), it reads configuration from net$boot.dat Q: what environment provides bootrom when program is loaded? A: 1. services for DOS calls 02h, 09h, 40h(handles 0-2 only - to console; lost if closed), 3Dh (server files only), 3Fh (both console and server files), 3Eh, 42h, 35h, 25h, 4Ah(ignored), 31h (can be used exactly once by driver when it stays TSR); 2. program is loaded to predefined address (default 4000h:0); everything else must be provided by code received from server; in bootprog.zip there is MBOOTIMG.EXE (which makes image to be put in SYS:LOGIN) and some files the image can be built of: LOADEXE.BIN (which is needed if the next file is an EXE) and and some program which can be used to process DOS boot. Q: what EPROM for what card? A: (for 32-pin socket: 28-pin EPROM can be used, but not any 28-pin: 27512 is OK, 27128 is wrong, I suppose 27256 is OK - seems it is problem of A14 pin; need put the EPROM in socket leaving 4 free pin holes on marked side of the socket (pin holes 1,2,31,32) for 28-pin socket use any of 27128, 27256, 27512 (providing its size - 16k/32k/64k - is sufficient). Q: what files are needed on my file server in SYS:LOGIN? A: first, the file referenced in your bootrom - usually its name is NET$BOOT.SYS; next my NET$BOOT.SYS reads NET$BOOT.DAT, and it must be on the same server unless you change the program; next the NET$BOOT.DAT contains a line for the network card: 0xcard_address=disk_image+config_sys comments (card_address is 12 hex digits, +config_sys is optional); and unless disk_image and/or config_sys contain server name (\\server\filename), they must be on the same server where NET$BOOT.DAT is; next config_sys may invoke NWBCOPY.SYS to access more files, and they must be where it is specified...