General description: This package is designed to boot a PC from network containing NetWare 3+ or compatible server, using a network adapter to get programs from the server, generally to boot DOS 5.0-6.x, and my aim was to make it as small and flexible as I could for NewWare. Workstations can share boot images and have separate configs. The "small" means 2.5kB of EPROM used for my code (it does not contain driver which is usually 6kB or larger), and minimal requirements can be like 128kB RAM, 16kB ROM. The "flexible" means a piece of code can be read from the server into the PC memory, and executed with ability to read files from the server using standard DOS calls (like INT 21h, AX=3D00 to open). The package consists of: a bootrom + a program which builds it, an utility to test it without burning an eprom, a program which can be read by it to support DOS boot, and few utilities which may help during the boot (e.g. various actions from CONFIG.SYS), an important one is cleanup which frees memory used by boot. They are in the following files: +,,,, Next to read: required.txt, guide.txt