Possible information/warning messages when assembling bootrom (using Borland's TASM, from source which is in bootrom.zip): "ROMPAGES not defined, assumed default (20h)" You produced default (16kB = 32page) bootrom image. Specify /DROMPAGES=value to change the default. "*Warning* BOOTROMX.ASM(42) Pass-dependent construction ..." You can specify /ml to avoid this warning. Source changing and/or maybe strange combinations of options and/or using other assembler may cause other warnings or even errors during assembly. I cannot predict all possible. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Messages when making bootrom (with a program from bootr-mk.zip): "Usage: MKBI output ROM-BOOT.BIN driver server-file driver args" Insufficient parameters were specified; specify as shown here. Read .TXT file in the zip for more info about using the program. "Buffer overflow" ROM image is larger than buffer in the program; change RomSize in it. Note it is static array and probably 56kB is maximum. "ROM overflow" Driver is too large for ROM image; use another driver, or ROM image for greater EPROM. Maybe you can PKLITE driver? Also, if you specify wrong file name (non-existent for input or non-writable for output) TP library gives strange messages. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Messages from the bootrom: "Boot from NetWare fileserver? " The computer has hard disk and can be booted from it or from bootrom. No promise any of these will succeed, but there is a choice. Answer Y (to use bootrom) or N (to use hard disk). "Fatal Error: Unsupported INT XXh, AH=XXh. Cannot continue." (optionally with "at XXXX:XXXXh" if SHOWBADCALLER defined) Some software (e.g. the packet driver used in the bootrom, or program loaded from server) uses some INT which is not supported by the bootrom. Must either change the software or add support for the interrupt to the bootrom. "Fail to open|read boot image file." Usually it is result of communication problem, or lack of the file on server, or the file cannot be read (why???). "SAP query..." "..send failed" (if SAPWAIT defined) First is normal (in version which repeats SAP query), next most likely means disconnected cable. Check cables if seen. I found it working on some BNC card and not working on TP one (i.e. in spite of disconnected cable it was not shown). ------------------------------------------------------------------ Messages from loaded image (from bootprog.zip):