RefSimplify[expr, ref→{a, b, ...}] returns simplest expression from list of results of replacing, in expr, spinor ref with a, b, ... |
RefSimplify[expr, ref→patt] uses, for replacement, spinors found in expr that match pattern patt. |
RefSimplify[expr, refPatt→...] replaces all occurrences of labels that match refPatt . |
RefSimplify[expr, refPatt⧴...] replaces all occurrences of labels that match refPatt . refPatt can contain named sub-patterns that can be used on RHS of ⧴. |
RefSimplify[expr, ref] uses all spinors found in expr except ref. |
RefSimplify[expr, refPatt] replaces all occurrences of labels that match refPatt . For replacement uses all spinors found in expr except those that match refPatt . |
RefSimplify[expr, {ref1, ref2→patt2, refPatt3→{a3, b3, ...}, ... }] simplifies expr with respect to reference vectors matching: ref1, ref2, refPatt3, ... |
RefSimplify[expr, {{ref11, ref12→patt12, ...}, {refPatt21→{a21, b21, ...}, ...}, ... }] returns a List, each element of this list is a result of simplification of expr using subsequent list of patterns and rules. |
RefSimplify[expr] simplifies expr with respect to all explicit reference vectors found in expr. |
"PostReplace" | Simplify | function used to postprocess result of reference vectors replacement | |
"SimplicityMeasure" | LeafCount | function used to measure "simplicity" of results for different reference vectors, result with smallest value is considered simplest | |
"IndependentSpinors" | True | whether composite vectors, constructed by treating replacement labels as independent B and A spinors, should be used | |
"ReplacementPattern" | _?SpinorQ | pattern used to extract, from given expression, spinors for replacement | |
"ExcludeReplacedRef" | True | whether replaced reference vectors should be excluded from list of spinors extracted from expression | |
"ExcludeInfinities" | True | whether indeterminate and infinite results should be excluded from results | |
"QuietInfinityWarnings" | True | whether messages informing about infinities and indeterminate results should be quieted | |
"Verbose" | False | whether subsequent results and warrnings about reference vectors not present in expression should be printed | |
"PrintFunction" | Function[{rule,simplicity,result,accepted},With[{rejected=If[accepted,"" (*else*),"Rejected: "]},Print[rejected,simplicity,": ",rule,": ",result]]] | function used to print result if "Verbose" option is set to true. This function should accept 4 arguments: replacement rules used for obtaining poarticular result, simplicity of result, result itself, boolean informing whether result was accepted |
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