Jeffrey Everts

Jeffrey Everts

Assistant Professor @FUW

jeffrey.everts AT

Welcome to my website! I am a theoretical physicist working in soft condensed matter and biophysics at the Institute of Theoretical Physics, located in the Faculty of Physics at the University of Warsaw. On this website you can find everything related to my research, teaching, and my group.

My current research focuses on the phase behaviour and transport properties of complex liquids. Within this broad field, I am particularly interested in anisotropic fluids, like liquid crystals and chiral active fluids. The interplay of anisotropic order with ionic charges forms a central theme in my work. Furthermore, I am interested in self and collective diffusion in classical many-body systems.

Interested students are always welcome to contact me for possible student projects, which can have a strong analytical or numerical component. Please have a look at my publications to get a flavour of what I am working on.

Potential PhD students can apply for a fully-funded position via the Doctoral School for Natural and Exact Sciences, where you can usually apply in May for positions starting in October. Currently I have no open postdoc positions but I am happy to aid in applying for external funding, such as MCSA fellowships (deadline typically mid-September), or fellowships offered by NAWA, such as the Ulam programme (closing end of May). Another possibility are fellowships offered by NCN, such as Sonata (closing mid-December) or Sonatina (closing mid-March).