Abstract No: |
Submitted on: |
7 Jan 2001, 23:00 GMT
Title: |
Discrete Line Spectroscopy at ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Author(s): |
M.A.Riley1, J.Simpson2, A.P.Bagshaw3, J.C.Lisle3,
A.Pipidis1,4, R.W.Laird3, F.G. Kondev1,5,
D. Applebe2, M.A.Bentley6, D. Campbell1,
D.M.Cullen3, P.J.Dagnall3,
C. Fox7, G.B.Hagemann8, S.L.King7, V. Putnel2,
S.L. Shepherd7, A.G.Smith3, J. Smith3,
S.Törmänen8, A. Afanasjev
9,10,11, I. Ragnarsson11, and
D.E. Archer13,
T.B. Brown1, R.M. Clark12, M. Devlin14,
P. Fallon12, D.J.Hartley16, I.M. Hibbert7,
D.T. Joss15, D.R. LaFosse14, P.J. Nolan7,N.J. O'Brien15,
J. Pfohl1, E.S. Paul7, D.G. Sarantites14, R.K.Sheline1,
R. Wadsworth15, M.T. Matev 16,18,
J. Dobaczewski17,18, G.A. Lalazissis9,
W. Nazarewicz
16,18,19, W. Satu![]()
Affiliation(s): |
1Florida State U.,USA. 2Daresbury Lab., UK. 3U. of Manchester, UK. 4U. of Surrey, UK. 5ANL, USA. 6Staffordshire U., UK. 7U. of Liverpool, UK. 8NBI, Denmark. 9Tech. Universität München, Germany. 10U. of Latvia, Latvia. 11Lund Inst. of Tech., Sweden. 12LBNL, USA. 13LLNL, USA. 14Washington U., USA. 15U. of York, UK. 16U. of Tennessee, USA. 17CNRS-IN2P3, France. 18Warsaw U., Poland. 19ORNL, USA.
The quest to observe increasingly high angular momentum states
in atomic nuclei has driven the field of high spin nuclear
spectroscopy for many years.
It is in the light mass A 160 Dy and Er nuclei that the
highest spin states in
normal deformed nuclei have been observed
(spin I
and Eexcit
30 MeV) [1,2].
Aside from the question of the limiting spin at
which discrete states in nuclei exist,
other fundamental issues concern the effect of
rotation on the nuclear equilibrium shape, on the nuclear
pairing correlations and
charting the correct single-particle spectrum of states at ultra-high spins.
We have performed two recent experiments using the Euroball
-ray spectrometer to explore the N = 91 - 94 erbium
isotopes (
159-162Er) in order to shed light on these important
Several key systematic trends have been identified and will be discussed.
GAMMASPHERE coupled with the Microball charged-particle
detector has made possible a new class of nuclear lifetime
measurements. For the first time, it has been possible to extract
differential lifetime measurements free from common systematic errors
for over 15 different nuclei (various isotopes of Ce, Pr, Nd, Pm, and Sm) at
high spin from a single experiment [3].
This comprehensive study establishes
Z, N, and configuration dependent quadrupole moment trends in the
A135 light rare-earth region. Detailed comparisons are made with
theoretical calculations using the Cranked Skyrme Hartree-Fock framework
which lead to theoretical estimates for the effective deformation parameters
the single-particle orbitals in this region.