High Spin Physics 2001, Warsaw, February 6-10, 2001

Abstract No: 022
Submitted on: 30 Dec 2000, 16:18 GMT
Title: Total Routhian surface calculations for 149Ce
Author(s): R. Kaczarowski,1 W. A. Plóciennik,1
A. Syntfeld,2 H. Mach,3 W. Kurcewicz,2 W. Urban,2B. Fogelberg3 and P. Hoff4
Affiliation(s): 1The Andrzej Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies, 05-400 Swierk, Poland
2Institute of Experimental Physics, Warsaw University, Hoza 69, 00-681 Warsaw, Poland
3Department of Radiation Sciences, Uppsala University, 61 182 Nykoping, Sweden
4Department of Chemistry, University of Oslo, P.O. Box1033, Blindern, 0315 Oslo, Norway

Rotational states in 149Ce were calculated using TRS model. Configurations at $\beta _{2}$ =0.23, $\gamma$=1$^{\circ }$ and $\beta _{4}$ =0.08 were assigned to these states. Good agreement was found beetwen experimental [1] and calculated angular momenta.


A. Syntfeld, H. Mach, R. Kaczarowski, W. Kurcewicz, W. Urban, B. Fogelberg and P. Hoff,to be published .

Preferred presentation of the contribution: in the oral session.

High Spin Conference