Abstract No: |
Submitted on: |
29 Dec 2000, 14:14 GMT
Title: |
Terminating rotational bands in nuclei - detailed configuration
assignment at very high spin
Author: |
Ingemar Ragnarsson
Affiliation: |
Department of Mathematical Physics, Lund Institute of Technology Box 118, S-22100, Lund, Sweden |
The description of nuclear high spin bands in terms of the
configuration constrained cranked Nilsson-Strutinsky (CNS) approach
will be discussed. Pairing is neglected in these calculations, making
it possible to get a simple understanding of the different
configurations. Examples from different mass regions show very good
agreement between calculations and experiment in many cases, making it
possible to assign detailed configurations. In this assignment,
the fact that the configurations have well-defined maximum spin
values is very important, independently of if the bands really
terminate or not [1].
Special emphasis will be put on the Z=66 Dy isotopes where the rotational
bands show very different properties depending on the number of proton
holes in the (g7/2d5/2) subshells of the Z=64 proton core.
Thus, bands terminating smoothly at
have been identified
in 156Dy [2,3]
while a teminating `magnetic band' has been observed
in 154Dy [4].