Abstract No: |
Submitted on: |
22 Dec 2000, 12:32 GMT
Title: |
Magnetic Rotation in 196Pb![]() |
Author(s): |
A.K. Singh1, N. Nenoff1, D. Rossbach1, A. Görgen1, F.Azaiez2, A. Astier3,
D. Bazzacco4, M. Bergström5, C. Bourgeois2, N. Buforn3, K. Hauschild6, A. Korichi7, W. Korten6, A. Lopez-Martens7, R. Lucas6, H.J. Maier8,
H. Hübel1, T. Kröll4, E. Mergel1, N. Redon3, P. Reiter8, C. Rossi-Alvarez4, G.
Schönwasser1, O. Stezowski3, P. Thirolf8, A. N. Wilson9
Affiliation(s): |
1 Institut für Strahlen-und Kernphysik, Universität Bonn, Germany
2 IPN, Orsay, IN2P3/CNRS, F-91406 Orsay, France 3 IPN Lyon, IN2P3/CNRS, Université Lyon-1, France 4 Dipartimento di Fisica and INFN, Sezione di Padova, Padova, Italy 5 Institut für Kernphysik, Universität Köln, Germany 6 CEA/Saclay, DAPNIA/SPhN, F-91191 Gif sur Yvette, France 7 CSNSM Orsay, IN2P3/CNRS, F-91405 Orsay, France 8 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München, Germany
9 Department of Physics, University of York, York YO10 5DD, UK
Since the first discovery of regular bands of enhanced
magnetic dipole transitions in the Pb isotopes [1] a large number
of such bands has been found. From their properties it soon became clear
that they represent a new mode of nuclear excitation [2],
for which the name "Magnetic Rotation" was suggested [3].
The magnetic rotational bands are built on states which result from a
coupling of
high-spin particle to high-spin hole excitations. In the Pb region,
high-spin particle states can be formed by proton excitations into the h9/2 and i13/2 orbitals and high-spin
hole states are available by neutron excitations in the i13 /2subshell. Such proton-particle/neutron-hole states have large components
magnetic moments perpendicular to the total angular momentum.
The magnetic
moments rotate about the total angular momentum axis giving rise to the
enhanced M1 radiation.
We have investigated magnetic rotational bands and their linking
transitions to lower-lying states
in 196Pb. High spin states in this nucleus have been populated in the
170Er(30Si,4n) reaction and -ray
coincidences were measured using the Euroball IV spectrometer array. The
analysis revealed several new M1 bands in addition to the previously known
ones [4] and showed that some transitions within the bands have
to be
reordered. Most of the bands are now linked to lower levels. On the basis
of spins, parities and excitation energies configuration assignments can
be made. The results are compared to neighbouring Pb isotopes and to
tilted-axis cranking calculations.
Supported by BMBF (contract no. 06 BN 907) and by the
European Community - Access to Research Infrastructure. A.K.S acknowledges
financial support from the AVH foundation.