Abstract No: |
Submitted on: |
22 Dec 2000, 9:39 GMT
Title: |
The structure of heavy octupole and superheavy quadrupole deformed nuclei.
Author(s): |
P.A. Butler1
Affiliation(s): |
1Oliver Lodge Laboratory, University of Liverpool, U.K.
This contribution will be divided into two parts. In the first
part I will describe experimental attempts to determine the sign
of the electric dipole moment (relative to the electric octupole
moment) in the octupole deformed nucleus 226Ra. Sensitivity to
this quantity is observed in the measured yields of -ray
transitions following very low energy Coulomb excitation.
In the second part I will report on recent progress in the development
of new spectroscopic techniques that promise to elucidate the
structure of deformed superheavy nuclei in the region
of 254No. The
in 254No has been identified using recoil-tagged
conversion electron spectroscopy.
This technique has been applied to the measurement of
the strongly converted rotational bands in 253No.
Both experimental projects have been carried out by a collaboration between the University of Liverpool and the University of Jyväskylä at the Jyväskylä cyclotron laboratory.