Abstract No: |
Submitted on: |
21 Dec 2000, 12:07 GMT
Title: |
Population of high spin states in fragmentation reactions
Author(s): |
Pfützner1, P.H. Regan2, P. Walker2, Zs. Podolyak2,
M. Caamaño2, J. Gerl3, M. Hellström3, P. Mayet3,
and M. Mineva4 for the GSI ISOMER Collaboration
Affiliation(s): |
1Institute of Experimental Physics, Warsaw University, PL-00-681
Warszawa, Poland 2 Department of Physics, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 7XH, U.K. 3 GSI, Planckstrasse 1, D-64291 Darmstadt, Germany 4 Div. of Cosmic and Subatomic Physics, Lund University, SE-22100 Lund, Sweden
The use of projectile fragmentation reactions at intermediate and
relativistic energies, combined with unambiguous channel
selection afforded by state of the art magnetic
separators, has proved to be a very sensitive technique in the
study of exotic nuclei which are often inaccessible by other,
more standard high-spin methods.
As recently demonstrated by results from both GANIL and GSI,
the application of this technique for the spectroscopy of
s isomer decays, allows the first identification of
excited states in nuclei very far from stability, even with
secondary beam production rates as low as a few ions per
minute [1,2].
However, rather surprisingly, one of the key variables in
this method, namely the population of high-spin states in
fragmentation reactions, has, until now, not been systematically
The current work reports on measurements of the population of more
than twenty isomers produced by fragmentation of 1 GeV/nucleon
208Pb at SIS/FRS facility at GSI Darmstadt.
The isomers observed range from low spin example up to decays
states in 179W and 181Re.
The dependence of measured isomeric ratios on the number
of abraded nucleons, spin and excitation energy above the yrast
line will be discussed and compared with predictions from a
simple, `sharp cut-off' model based on the abrasion-ablation
description of the fragmentation process [3].