Abstract No: |
Submitted on: |
18 Dec 2000, 11:31 GMT
Title: |
Search for the Jacobi instability in rapidly rotating 46Ti*
Author(s): |
A. Maj1, M. Kmiecik1, W. Królas1, J. Styczen1,
A. Bracco2, F. Camera2, B. Million2,
J.J. Gaardhøje3, B. Herskind3,
M. Kicinska-Habior4, J. Kownacki4
Affiliation(s): |
1The Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics,
Kraków, Poland
2Milano University and INFN, sez. Milano, Milano, Italy 3The Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark 4Institute of Experimental Physics, Warsaw University, Warsaw, Poland |
Hot and rotating nuclei are expected
to develop many different shapes with increasing rotational frequency.
At low angular momentum, if their thermal
energy is low, shell effects are dominant and nuclei are either spherical
or prolate with rather small deformations. When the thermal energy
is sufficiently large, the role of shell effects becomes smaller
and according to the liquid drop model [1] the nucleus, under the
influence of rotation, undergoes a prolate(spherical)-oblate
shape phase transition. The size of the oblate deformation
increases with the rotational frequency. When the rotational frequency is
sufficiently large, the nucleus might undergo another shape phase transition,
in which the nucleus becomes triaxially elongated.
This transition called Jacobi transition (Jacobi instability) is expected
to be rather better seen in light nuclei, where high rotational frequencies
can be reached before the fission competition dominates.
For example for nuclei with mass A45 the critical angular momentum
for the Jacobi transition is expected to be at
The first experimental evidence for the Jacobi shape transition
was obtained for the 45Sc compound nuclei
based on inclusive spectra [2].
In the photon absorption cross-section, apart from the lorentzian shape centered
at 18 MeV corresponding to the GDR of nuclei with small deformation,
a shoulder at E25 MeV was found. This has suggested
large effective deformation of the compound system at high rotational
frequencies. However, the corresponding
A2 coefficient of the angular distributions did not show the
correct expected behaviour.
To verify the existence of Jacobi shapes and to understand the
unexpected behaviour of the measured angular anisotropy
another experiment was made for the neighbouring 46Ti nucleus.
It allowed to obtaine more exclusive data corresponding to better
selected regions of the angular momentum.
For this experiment the HECTOR array [3]
and the accelerator facility of
the Niels Bohr Institute in Risø (Denmark) were employed.
The reaction used was 98 MeV 18O on 28Si
target, producing the compound nucleus 46Ti at the
excitation energy of 81 MeV, and with angular momentum distribution
having lmax32
. The high-energy spectra, measured in the
BaF2 detectors at different angles, were obtained as a function of
the multiplicity filter's folds. The results of this experiment, confirming the
existence of Jacobi shapes, will be presented and the comparison to
the theoretical prediction will be discussed.