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Exact Results in Quantum Theory & GravityŚcisłe rezultaty teorii kwantów i grawitacji2017/2018prof. dr hab. Jan Dereziński, prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Meissner dr Wojciech Kamiński, dr Grzegorz Łach Pasteura 5, room 1.03, Fridays 14:15 - < 16:00 |
My talk will focus on the theory of classical representations of SL(2,R). First I will present the representations of Lie algebra sl(2,R). Then I will
present a transition from the representation of Lie algebra to the representation of Lie group, discussing possible problems in this procedure. This
requires a brief discussion on the representations of universal cover of SL(2,R). With the knowledge of the action of Lie algebra representations I will
derive conditions for the unitarity of SL(2,R) representations. At the end of my talk I will summarize the series of unitary representations of SL(2,R).
The purpose of the talk will be to show that the three operators: the Schroedinger operator with inverse square potential, the dilation operator and
operator of multiplication squared generate unitary representations of the universal cover of SL(2,R).
Date | Speaker | Title | Slides |
06.10.2017 | Wojciech Kamiński (IFT) | Bunch-Davies states in de Sitter and unitary representations of SO(1,4) | |
13.10.2017 | Benjamin Bahr (U. Hamburg) | Knotted graphs and volume of four-dimensional polytopes | |
20.10.2017 | Hironori Mori (IFT) | Comments on the Localization in Supersymmetric Gauge Theories | |
27.10.2017 | Paweł Duch (UJ) | Weak adiabatic limit in perturbative quantum field theory | |
03.11.2017 | Katarzyna Budzik (FUW) | Unitary representations of the Lorentz group | |
10.11.2017 | Andrea Dapor (FAU Erlangen) | Cosmological Effective Hamiltonian from full LQG | |
17.11.2017 | Adam Bednorz (IFT) | Are we living in spaghetti? | |
24.11.2017 | Grzegorz Łach (IFT) | Four faces of the Casimir effect | |
01.12.2017 | Vadim Belov (U. Hamburg) | On the `volume simplicity' (and the ways towards it) | |
08.12.2017 | --- | IFT Symposium | |
15.12.2017 | Krzysztof Meissner (IFT) | Conformal Standard Model | |
12.01.2018 | Michał Heller (AEI, NCBJ) | Towards Complexity for Quantum Field Theory States | |
19.01.2018 | Maciej Kolanowski (FUW) | SYK model and beyond | |
26.01.2018 | Miłosz Panfil (IFT) | Edge singularities in non-equilibrium steady states: a study case of exotic states of matter | |
02.03.2018 | Kamil Serafin (IFT) | Renormalization of 1/r^2 potential | |
09.03.2018 | Jan Chwedeńczuk (IFT) | Role of mode and particle entanglement in the violation of the Bell inequalities | |
16.03.2018 | --- | CFT Symposium | |
23.03.2018 | Daniel Siemssen (U. Wuppertal) | Solving the Semiclassical Einstein Equation | |
30.03.2018 | --- | Easter Friday | |
06.04.2018 | Mateusz Szczygieł | Discretization of the continuum state in the description of photoionization
processes | |
13.04.2018 | Ehsan Hatefi (IFT) | D-brane Effective Actions | |
20.04.2018 | Jerzy Lewandowski (IFT) | Quasi-local black hole theory | |
27.04.2018 | Katja Sagerschnig (U. Vienna) | The geometry of almost Einstein (2,3,5) distributions | |
18.05.2018 | Jan Chwedeńczuk (IFT) | Role of mode and particle entanglement in the violation of the Bell
inequalities, part II | |
25.05.2018 | |||
01.06.2018 | Paweł Wójcik | Geometry of the universal covering of SL(2, R) | |
08.06.2018 | Mateusz Szczygieł, Katarzyna Budzik | Representations of SL(2,R), Unitary representations of the universal cover of SL(2,R) | |
15.06.2018 | Helder Larraguivel | TBA |