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Exact Results in Quantum Theory & GravityŚcisłe rezultaty teorii kwantów i grawitacji2015/2016prof. dr hab. Jan Dereziński, prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Meissner dr Wojciech Kamiński, dr Grzegorz Łach Pasteura 5, room 1.03, Fridays 14:15 - < 16:00 |
The lack of external and fixed time is encoded into the canonical formalism of general relativity by means of the Hamiltonian constraint. The lack of time does not imply the lack of evolution but
rather brings to the fore the role of internal clocks which are some largely arbitrary internal degrees of freedom with respect to which the evolution of timeless systems can be described. I will
take this idea seriously and try to understand what it may imply for quantum mechanics when the fixed external time is replaced by arbitrary internal clocks.
Date | Speaker | Title | Slides |
07.10.2016 | Grzegorz Łach | Principle of the conservation of effort and how to bypass it | |
14.10.2016 | Antoine Géré | A 3D toy model for noncommutative theories | |
21.10.2016 | Marcin Napiórkowski | From Many-Body Quantum Mechanics to Gross-Pitaevskii equation and beyond | |
28.10.2016 | Michał Wrochna | Quantum fields on asymptotically de Sitter spacetimes and their extension across the conformal horizon | |
04.11.2016 | Pawel Jakubczyk | Functional renormalization group perspective on the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless
transition | |
11.11.2016 | - | Independence Day | |
18.11.2016 | Maciej Nieszporski | Proper discretizations of differential equations | |
25.11.2016 | Krzysztof Wohlfeld | On the relations between the basic models of the correlated electrons systems on a lattice | |
02.12.2016 | Daniel Siemssen | Propagators | |
09.12.2016 | Petr Hořava | TBA | |
16.12.2016 | Chun-Yen Lin | Transition Amplitudes with Quantum Dynamical Spacetimes | |
21.12.2016 | Hermann Nicolai | Cosmobilliards | |
13.01.2017 | Jacek Wosiek | Beyond complex Langevin equations: from simple examples to positive representation of Feynman path
integrals directly in Minkowski time | |
20.01.2017 | Krzysztof Wohlfeld | On the relations between the basic models of the correlated electrons systems on a lattice, part II | |
03.03.2017 | Jochen Zahn | Gauge Theory in Background Fields | |
10.03.2017 | Jacopo De Nardis | Emerging non-equilibrium dynamics of integrable systems | |
17.03.2017 | Krzysztof Meissner | Conformal anomalies | |
24.03.2017 | Mehdi Assanioussi | TBA | |
31.03.2017 | Grzegorz Łach | Non-adiabatic Perturbation Theory | |
07.04.2017 | Andrzej Görlich | Introduction to Exact Renormalization Group | |
14.04.2017 | - | Easter | |
21.04.2017 | stringtheory.pl | TBA | |
28.04.2017 | Rafał Demkowicz-Dobrzanski | Exact results in Quantum Metrology | |
05.05.2017 | Jan Dereziński | Toy model of renormalisation group | |
12.05.2017 | Chris Fewster (U. York) | On preferred states for quantum fields in curved spacetimes | |
19.05.2017 | - | FFK 2017 Conference | |
26.05.2017 | Przemysław Małkiewicz | Quantum dynamics of Hamiltonian constraint systems | |
02.06.2017 | Pawel Kasprzak | Sparse sampling |