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Exact Results in Quantum Theory & GravityŚcisłe rezultaty teorii kwantów i grawitacji2021/2022prof. dr hab. Jan Dereziński, prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Meissner dr Wojciech Kamiński, dr Grzegorz Łach <--Pasteura 5, room 1.40, Fridays 14:15 - < 16:00--> |
In this talk, I want to introduce a newly developed relational approach to relativistic quantum physics steaming from the theory of operational quantum reference frames (QRFs). I will begin by introducing the QRF framework in the context of Special Relativity by taking the Poincare group as the underlying symmetry structure. From these considerations, a novel and relational perspective on the notion of a quantum field emerges, which is then extended to curved geometries by replacing the Poincare group with a Lorentz bundle. The formalism is also capable of dealing with indefinite background geometries when formulated in the context of the frame bundles.
The talk is based on a recent preprint http://arxiv.org/abs/2405.15455.
Date | Speaker | Title | Slides |
06.10.2023 | Wojciech Kamiński (IFT) | On classification of conformal anomalies | |
13.10.2023 | Blażej Ruba (U. Copenhagen) | Semiclassical analysis of SU(2)-invariant quantum channels | |
20.10.2023 | no seminar (coincides with a PhD defence) | ||
27.10.2023 | Paweł Jakubczyk (IFT) | Casimir amplitudes and scaling functions for Bose gases with
nonstandard dispersions | |
03.11.2023 | no seminar (1-2.11 are days off) | ||
10.11.2023 | Dawid Maskalaniec (FUW) | Collinear limits and infinite tower of soft graviton symmetries | |
17.11.2023 | Tom Devereaux (U. Stanford) | Transport and Superconductivity in Strongly Interacting Quantum Matter:
Role of Exact and Un-biased Numerical Simulations | |
24.11.2023 | Mikołaj Korzyński (CFT) | Redshift drift, position drift and parallax in general relativity | |
01.12.2023 | Markus Froeb (U. Leipzig) | All-order existence of and recursion relations for the operator product expansion in Yang-Mills theory
| |
08.12.2023 | Christian Gerard (U. Paris-Saclay) | The Euclidean vacuum state for linearized gravity on de Sitter spacetime (on-line) | |
15.12.2023 | Syed Naqvi (UJ) | Chaos and Einstein-Rosen gravitational waves | |
12.01.2024 | Christian Gerard (U. Paris-Saclay) | The Euclidean vacuum state for linearized gravity on de Sitter spacetime II | |
19.01.2024 | Andrzej Herdegen (UJ) | Infrared structure beyond locality in electrodynamics | |
26.01.2024 | Nicola Pinamonti (U. Genova) | Existence and uniqueness of solutions of the semiclassical Einstein equation in
cosmological models | |
01.03.2024 | Nguyen Viet Dang (U. Paris-Sorbonne) | The Phi43 measure on Riemannian manifolds. (on-line) | |
08.03.2024 | Paweł Duch (UAM) | Construction of Gross-Neveu model using Polchinski flow equation | |
15.03.2024 | Long Meng (École de Ponts, ParisTech) | Rigorous justification of the Dirac-Fock model from Mittleman's definition of QED. (on-line) | |
22.03.2024 | Krzysztof Pachucki (FUW) | Finite nuclear mass correction to the hyperfine splitting in hydrogenic systems | |
05.04.2024 | Christian Gaß (KMMF) | Point potentials on symmetric spaces in any dimension | |
12.04.2024 | no seminar | | |
19.04.2024 | no seminar | | |
26.04.2024 | Krzysztof Myśliwy (IFT) | Simulating critical anion chemistry with indirect excitons | |
17.05.2024 | Paweł Jakubczyk (IFT) | The derivative expansion of the nonperturbative RG | |
24.05.2024 | Maciej Kolanowski (UCSB) | Where do Schwarzian modes live? | |
07.06.2024 | Christian Gaß (KMMF) | Two-point functions from operator theory and alpha vacua in de Sitter space | |
07.06.2024 | Jan Głowacki | Towards relational foundations for Quantum Field Theory |