Exact Results in Quantum Theory & Gravity

¦cisłe rezultaty teorii kwantów i grawitacji

Years 2014-2019

Pasteura 5, room 1.40, Fridays 14:15 - < 16:00

Schedule for Fall 2019 & Spring 2020

Date Speaker Title Slides
11.10.2019 Piotr Sułkowski (IFT) Strings, knots, quivers, and hypergeometric functions, part I
18.10.2019 Piotr Sułkowski (IFT) Strings, knots, quivers, and hypergeometric functions, part II
25.10.2019 Jakub Jankowski (IFT) Physicist's view on resurgence
01.11.2019 no seminar
08.11.2019 no seminar
15.11.2019 Michał Tomza (IFT) Reaching the quantum regime of ultracold ion-atom collisions: theory guides experiment. Part I
22.11.2019 Alexander Stottmeister (Münster) Operator-algebraic construction of 1+1-dimensional gauge theory and Jones' unitary actions of Thompson's groups
29.11.2019 Witold Bardyszewski (IFT) Topological phase transition in low dimensional structures
06.12.2019 Jakub Jankowski (IFT) Gauge/gravity duality: unification of ideas
13.12.2019 Mikołaj Misiak (IFT) Effective Field Theories in R_xi gauges
20.12.2019 Michał Dereziński (UC Berkeley) Unbiased estimator for linear regression via a determinantal point process
10.01.2020 Michał Tomza (IFT) Reaching the quantum regime of ultracold ion-atom collisions: theory guides experiment. Part II
17.01.2020 Paweł Sznajder Velocity fluctuations and plasma-like screening in sedimenting suspension
24.01.2020 Krzysztof Meissner (IFT, NCBJ) Electron pairs' sliding states in superconductivity
28.02.2020 Adam Latosiński (KMMF) The pinch technique for Feynman diagrams. Part I
06.03.2020 Adam Latosiński (KMMF) The pinch technique for Feynman diagrams. Part II
13.03.2020 Savely Karshenboim (LMU + Pulkovo Observatory) seminar cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic
20.03.2020 Michał Siłkowski (IFT) seminar postponed due to COVID-19 pandemic
27.03.2020 Jan Kwapisz (IFT) [on-line] Asymptotic Safety in Quantum Gravity and Phenomenology of Particles, part I
03.04.2020 Jan Kwapisz (IFT) [on-line] Asymptotic Safety in Quantum Gravity and Phenomenology of Particles, part II
17.04.2020 Miłosz Panfil (IFT) [on-line] Quantum Integrability in Condensed Matter
24.04.2020 Carlos Perez (IFT) [on-line] On random noncommutative geometry and the spectral action for fuzzy geometries
08.05.2020 no seminar Juwenalia
15.05.2020 Michał Siłkowski (IFT) [on-line] Long-range asymptotics of exchange energy in the hydrogen molecule. Part II
29.05.2020 Carlos Perez (IFT) [on-line] On random noncommutative geometry and the spectral action for fuzzy geometries, Part II
05.06.2020 Astrid Eichorn (U. Heidelberg & U. Southern Denmark)) [on-line] Frontiers of quantum gravity

Schedule for Fall 2018 & Spring 2019

Date Speaker Title Slides
05.10.2018 Jan Dereziński (KMMF) From the conformal group to symmetries of hypergeometric type equations. Part I
12.10.2018 Jan Dereziński (KMMF) From the conformal group to symmetries of hypergeometric type equations. Part II
19.10.2018 Romuald Janik (UJ) Towards holography for quantum mechanics – a toy model for AdS/CFT
26.10.2018 Jan Dereziński (KMMF) From the conformal group to symmetries of hypergeometric type equations. Part III
02.11.2018 no seminar
09.11.2018 Grzegorz Łach (IFT UW) Casimir Friction
16.11.2018 Jeremy Faupin (Univ. de Lorraine) Hamiltonian models of the Fermi theory of weak interactions with cut-offs
23.11.2018 Gioele Botta (IFT UW) Quantum reduced loop gravity effective hamiltonians from a statistical regularization scheme
30.11.2018 Adrian Lewandowski (AEC, ITP, University of Bern) LSZ-reduction for fields with mixing
07.12.2018 Helder Larraguivel (IFT UW) Matrix integrals as exact results
14.12.2018 Andrij Panasyuk (UWM) On linear-quadratic Poisson pencils on gl(3)
21.12.2018 Jarosław Wawrzycki (IFJ PAN) Solution of the Adiabatic Limit Problem. QED Without Infinities
11.01.2019 Kamil Serafin (IFT UW) Off-shell Coulomb potential from QED
18.01.2019 Jan Dereziński (KMMF) From the conformal group to symmetries of hypergeometric type equations. Part IV
25.01.2019 Mikolaj Korzyński (CFT) Probing the spacetime curvature using geometric optics
01.03.2019 Radosław Adamczak (MIMUW) Uncertainty principles for random matrices
08.03.2019 Nguyen Viet Dang (U. Lyon) Renormalization, Gaussian Free Fields and a conjecture of Quillen on determinant lines
15.03.2019 Mikołaj Misiak (IFT) Perturbative calculations in QFT and the Laporta algorithm
22.03.2019 no seminar
29.03.2019 Michał Siłkowski (IFT) Long-range asymptotics of exchange energy in the hydrogen molecule
05.04.2019 Jacek Wojtkiewicz (KMMF) Rieman zeta function, prime number distribution, Riemann hypothesis
12.04.2019 Marcin Napiórkowski (KMMF) A variational approach to the interacting Bose gas
19.04.2019 no seminar Good Friday
26.04.2019 Robert Alicki (UG) Quantum features of macroscopic fields. Entropy and dynamics
10.05.2019 no seminar Juwenalia
17.05.2019 Magdalena Stobińska (IFT) Quantum interference enables constant-time quantum information processing
24.05.2019 Andrzej Dragan Unruh massive particles cannot be observed
31.05.2019 Jarosław Piasecki (IFT) Bose Gas Within the Hartree-Fock Approximation
14.06.2019 Jacek Wojtkiewicz (KMMF) Rieman zeta function, prime number distribution, Riemann hypothesis, part II

Schedule for Fall 2017 & Spring 2018

Date Speaker Title Slides
06.10.2017 Wojciech Kamiński (IFT) Bunch-Davies states in de Sitter and unitary representations of SO(1,4)
13.10.2017 Benjamin Bahr (U. Hamburg) Knotted graphs and volume of four-dimensional polytopes
20.10.2017 Hironori Mori (IFT) Comments on the Localization in Supersymmetric Gauge Theories
27.10.2017 Paweł Duch (UJ) Weak adiabatic limit in perturbative quantum field theory
03.11.2017 Katarzyna Budzik (FUW) Unitary representations of the Lorentz group
10.11.2017 Andrea Dapor (FAU Erlangen) Cosmological Effective Hamiltonian from full LQG
17.11.2017 Adam Bednorz (IFT) Are we living in spaghetti?
24.11.2017 Grzegorz Łach (IFT) Four faces of the Casimir effect
01.12.2017 Vadim Belov (U. Hamburg) On the `volume simplicity' (and the ways towards it)
08.12.2017 IFT Symposium
15.12.2017 Krzysztof Meissner (IFT) Conformal Standard Model
12.01.2018 Michał Heller (AEI, NCBJ) Towards Complexity for Quantum Field Theory States
19.01.2018 Maciej Kolanowski (FUW) SYK model and beyond
26.01.2018 Miłosz Panfil (IFT) Edge singularities in non-equilibrium steady states: a study case of exotic states of matter
02.03.2018 Kamil Serafin (IFT) Renormalization of 1/r^2 potential
09.03.2018 Jan Chwedeńczuk (IFT) Role of mode and particle entanglement in the violation of the Bell inequalities
16.03.2018 CFT Symposium
23.03.2018 Daniel Siemssen (U. Wuppertal) Solving the Semiclassical Einstein Equation
30.03.2018 Easter Friday
06.04.2018 Mateusz Szczygieł Discretization of the continuum state in the description of photoionization processes
13.04.2018 Ehsan Hatefi (IFT) D-brane Effective Actions
20.04.2018 Jerzy Lewandowski (IFT) Quasi-local black hole theory
27.04.2018 Katja Sagerschnig (U. Vienna) The geometry of almost Einstein (2,3,5) distributions
18.05.2018 Jan Chwedeńczuk (IFT) Role of mode and particle entanglement in the violation of the Bell inequalities, part II
01.06.2018 Paweł Wójcik Geometry of the universal covering of SL(2, R)
08.06.2018 Mateusz Szczygieł, Katarzyna Budzik Representations of SL(2,R), Unitary representations of the universal cover of SL(2,R)
15.06.2018 Helder Larraguivel What can we learn from the topological recursion?

Schedule for Fall 2016 & Spring 2017

Date Speaker Title Slides
07.10.2016 Grzegorz Łach Principle of the conservation of effort and how to bypass it
14.10.2016 Antoine Géré A 3D toy model for noncommutative theories
21.10.2016 Marcin Napiórkowski From Many-Body Quantum Mechanics to Gross-Pitaevskii equation and beyond
28.10.2016 Michał Wrochna Quantum fields on asymptotically de Sitter spacetimes and their extension across the conformal horizon
04.11.2016 Pawel Jakubczyk Functional renormalization group perspective on the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition
11.11.2016 Independence Day
18.11.2016 Maciej Nieszporski Proper discretizations of differential equations
25.11.2016 Krzysztof Wohlfeld On the relations between the basic models of the correlated electrons systems on a lattice
02.12.2016 Daniel Siemssen Propagators
09.12.2016 'Conformal Universe II' Conference
16.12.2016 Chun-Yen Lin Transition Amplitudes with Quantum Dynamical Spacetimes
21.12.2016 Hermann Nicolai Cosmobilliards
13.01.2017 Jacek Wosiek Beyond complex Langevin equations: from simple examples to positive representation of Feynman path integrals directly in Minkowski time
20.01.2017 Krzysztof Wohlfeld On the relations between the basic models of the correlated electrons systems on a lattice, part II
03.03.2017 Jochen Zahn Gauge Theory in Background Fields
10.03.2017 Jacopo De Nardis Emerging non-equilibrium dynamics of integrable systems
17.03.2017 Krzysztof Meissner Conformal anomalies
24.03.2017 Mehdi Assanioussi Approximation methods for the dynamics in deparametrized LQG models
31.03.2017 Grzegorz Łach Non-adiabatic Perturbation Theory
07.04.2017 Andrzej Görlich Introduction to Exact Renormalization Group
14.04.2017 Easter
21.04.2017 'stringtheory.pl' Conference
28.04.2017 Rafał Demkowicz-Dobrzanski Exact results in Quantum Metrology
05.05.2017 Jan Dereziński Toy model of renormalisation group
12.05.2017 Chris Fewster (U. York) On preferred states for quantum fields in curved spacetimes
19.05.2017 FFK 2017 Conference
26.05.2017 Przemysław Małkiewicz Quantum dynamics of Hamiltonian constraint systems
02.06.2017 Pawel Kasprzak Sparse sampling

Schedule for Fall 2015 & Spring 2016

Date Speaker Title Slides
2.10.2015 Jan Derezinski On the excitation spectrum of quantum gases I
9.10.2015 Adam Latosiński Gauge covariant propagators: derivation and applications
16.10.2015 Jan Dereziński On the excitation spectrum of quantum gases II
23.10.2015 Vladimir Yerokhin Bound-electron g factor in light ions
30.10.2015 Alfred Michel Grundland (Université de Montréal) Soliton surfaces in the symmetry approach
06.11.2015 Grzegorz Łach (IFT UW) Casimir Friction
13.11.2015 Johannes Thürigen (MPI Potsdam) Spin-foam sums for all Loop Quantum Gravity
20.11.2015 Pawel Czachorowski (IFT UW) Explicitly correlated exponential functions for H2 molecule - the Taylor series algorithm
27.11.2015 '100 Years of General Relativity' conference
04.12.2015 'Scalars' conference
11.12.2015 Ingo Runkel (Universität Hamburg) Defects as dictionary
18.12.2015 IFT symposium
08.01.2016 Adrian Lewandowski (IFT UW) Chiral anomaly in nonlocal regularization
15.01.2016 Jaromir Panas (IFT UW) Dynamical mean-field theory study of the Bose-Hubbard model
22.01.2016 Wojciech Kamiński (IFT UW) Asymptotics of classical 6-j and 10-j symbols
26.02.2016 Carmen Li (Penn State Univ.) Transverse deformations of extreme horizons
04.03.2016 Marek Napiórkowski (IFT UW) Critical Casimir forces and Bose-Einstein condensaton in an imperfect Bose gas
11.03.2016 Piotr Sułkowski (IFT UW) Quantization, matrix models, and conformal field theory
18.03.2016 Javier De Lucas Araujo (IFT UW) Lie systems and geometric phases
25.03.2016 Good Friday
01.04.2016 Junya Yagi Quiver gauge theories, TQFTs and integrable lattice models
08.04.2016 Daniel Siemssen The Potential in General Linear Electrodynamics: Causal Structure, Propagators and Quantization
15.04.2016 Wojciech Kamiński (IFT UW) Stress-energy tensor in QFT on curved background
22.04.2016 Leszek Stolarczyk (WCh UW) Quasiparticle model of many-fermion systems based on the Coupled-Cluster Ansatz, part I
29.04.2016 Leszek Stolarczyk (WCh UW) Quasiparticle model of many-fermion systems based on the Coupled-Cluster Ansatz, part II
06.05.2016 'Juwenalia'
13.05.2016 Axel Cortez Cubero In and out of equilibrium thermodynamics of planar field theories: exact results
20.05.2016 Andrzej Dragan Something quantum and relativistic
03.06.2016 Grzegorz Łach (IFT UW) Atom-atom interactions with retardation and without Born-Oppenheimer approximation
10.06.2016 Miłosz Panfil Quench Dynamics in Two-Dimensional (Integrable) SUSY Models

Schedule for Fall 2014 & Spring 2015

Date Speaker Title Slides
03.10.2014 Bianca Dittrich A new surface based representation for loop quantum gravity
10.10.2014 Andrzej Dragan Relativistic quantum information - an overview
17.10.2014 Casey Tomlin A novel weak-coupling limit of Euclidean gravity II: The quantum constraint algebra and some speculative remarks
24.10.2014 Satoshi Nawata Quantum 6j-symbols
31.10.2014 Masahide Manabe Penner model, topological recursion, and quantum spectral curve
07.11.2014 Adrian Lewandowski The hierarchy problem
14.11.2014 Krzysztof A. Meissner Exact calculations in Quantum Field Theory
21.11.2014 Daniel Siemssen Quantum field theory on curved spacetime and the semiclassical Einstein equation
28.11.2014 Jonathan Engle Diffeomorphism invariant loop quantum gravity and cosmology
05.12.2014 Vojtech Patkos Radiative corrections to atomic spectra
12.12.2014 Andrzej Okolow Construction of spaces of quantum states for field theories via projective techniques - examples
19.12.2014 Grzegorz Lach High precision calculations for 1-2 nuclei and 1-2 electrons
09.01.2015 Hanno Sahlmann Gaussian measures on connections and their continuity properties
16.01.2015 Suzanne Lanery Projective Quantum State Spaces for Theories of Connections
23.01.2015 Mariusz Puchalski Explicitly correlated methods in light atomic and molecular systems
27.02.2015 Rodrigo Vargas Quantum Field Theory without Feynman Diagrams
06.03.2015 Prof. Neil Lambert (King's College, London) An introduction to string theory and M-theory
13.03.2015 Prof. Neil Lambert (King's College, London) An introduction to string theory and M-theory
20.03.2015 Prof. Neil Lambert (King's College, London) An introduction to string theory and M-theory
27.03.2015 Grzegorz Lach Residual entropy of ice
03.04.2015 Good Friday
10.04.2015 Kasia Rejzner Quantization of relative observables in perturbative algebraic QFT
17.04.2015 Ryszard Kostecki Quantum information geometry for quantum foundations
24.04.2015 Norbert Bodendorfer Symmetry reductions in loop quantum gravity based on classical gauge fixings
01.05.2015 Holiday
08.05.2015 Juwenalia
15.05.2015 Aleksander Wolszczan Searching for radio flares from ultracool dwarfs and exoplanets
22.05.2015 Prof. Neil Lambert (King's College, London) Introduction to Superstring Theory Part II
29.05.2015 Prof. Neil Lambert (King's College, London) Introduction to Superstring Theory Part II