When using zero-range pairing forces such as the density-dependent delta force, one has to introduce the energy cut-off [35]. Within the unprojected HFB calculations, a pairing cut-off is introduced by using the so-called equivalent single-particle spectrum [31]. After each iteration, one calculates an equivalent spectrum and corresponding pairing gaps :
Obviously, the above procedure cannot be directly applied to the HFB+VAPNP method, where the intrinsic quantities, in particular the `quasiparticle' energies , do not have obvious physical meaning. A reasonable practical prescription for can be proposed in terms of intrinsic () HFB fields and . After each iteration of Eq. (65), the average quasiparticle energies,
The results of such a procedure are illustrated in Fig. 1. The left-most spectrum shows the neutron equivalent energies obtained within the LN method applied to =70 and =50, and the dashed line shows the position of the corresponding LN neutron Fermi energy . For , this spectrum is very similar to the HF bound single-particle energies of this nucleus. Our method, based on the average quasiparticle energies (85), gives almost identical negative equivalent energies and quite similar positive ones. In particular, for highly positive equivalent energies, in the region of the cut-off energy 60MeV, similar continuum quasiparticle states appear in both methods; this guarantees the correct application of the cut-off procedure. The five equivalent spectra shown on the right hand side of Fig. 1 were calculated directly from the unphysical `quasiparticle' energies obtained for several selected values of the intrinsic particle numbers and . It is obvious that these spectra (even at =70 and =50) bear no resemblance to the real single-particle spectra and cannot be used to define the cut-off procedure.