For the discussion of various spurious modes in the RPA method we refer the reader to, e.g., Ref. [13]. In the present study, we only consider spherical ground states neglecting pairing correlations, so the only spurious excitation is generated by the total linear momentum. Therefore, the only affected RPA mode is the isoscalar mode. In traditional RPA calculations that construct and diagonalize the full RPA matrix, the spurious mode is typically removed after the RPA diagonalization. Often a modified transition operator (11) is used, which has the property of , as long as the commutator is evaluated within a complete set of basis states. In a finite model spaces of localized orbitals this relation is no more exactly valid, and the corrected operator does not remove spurious components exactly.
To remove the spurious isoscalar mode from our physical RPA excitations
we use the same method as in Ref. [6], where the basis
vectors are orthogonalized against the spurious translational mode
and its conjugate "boost" operator , which have
the form:
When more symmetries are broken, formulas equivalent to Eqs. (22)-(24) can be used to remove spurious components coming from each broken symmetry of the mean field.