In this work, we proposed a method to regularize the two-body off-diagonal MR DFT kernels and we presented the first application thereof to a representative case of the angular-momentum projection. The method is based on two general assumptions:
A certain disadvantage of the method is the fact that, to achieve a
desired accuracy, the auxiliary integrals require more quadrature
nodes. In addition, one has to invert or perform the SVD
decomposition of the auxiliary matrices , see Eqs. (25)
and (35)), which can be a potential source of numerical
inaccuracies. Both problems become more acute with increasing power
of the overlap multiplying the kernel. Nevertheless, in this
exploratory study we have demonstrated that both the LR and QR
schemes can be realized. Problems encountered for the calculations
involving the SLy4 functional reflect the inadequacy of the scheme in
applications to fractional-power density-dependent terms, which lead
to non-analytic dependence of kernels on the Euler angles.
An interesting feature of our calculations is that they reveal the fact of how much the effects of using EDFs that are not derived from true interactions can be inconspicuous. Our calculations show that even the slightest departure from the true interaction is immediately detectable through the sum rules, but it can be completely invisible when looking at energies of low-lying states, which are often perfectly stable.
Finally, in principle the proposed regularization scheme can also be generalized to the generator coordinate method (GCM). For that, it would be enough that the GCM overlaps and matrix elements can be expanded on a set of appropriate orthogonal polynomials, whereupon coefficients analogous to those given in Eqs. (25) and (35) can be easily determined. In the case discussed in the present paper, or, for that matter, for any symmetry-restoration problem, such orthogonal polynomials are provided by the properties of the underlying integration over the symmetry group. However, depending on the particular case, more general implementations of our regularization scheme, within the full GCM approach, should also be possible.
This work was supported in part by the Polish National Science Centre (NCN) under Contract No. 2012/07/B/ST2/03907, by the THEXO JRA within the EU-FP7-IA project ENSAR (No. 262010), by the ERANET-NuPNET grant SARFEN of the Polish National Centre for Research and Development (NCBiR), and by the Academy of Finland and University of Jyväskylä within the FIDIPRO programme.
Jacek Dobaczewski 2014-12-06