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We have calulated the Schiff moment in
Ra in the approximation that
the T-violating interaction has zero range. Our calculations, which are
self-consistent and include core polarization, give results that are generally
a few times smaller than earlier estimates based on the particle-rotor model.
Accepting the very recent results of Ref. [Dmitriev and Sen'kov()], we currently
find the Schiff
moment of
Ra to be (generically) several hundred times that of
Hg, though the enhancement factor depends significantly on the source
of T violation, and we
expect it to decrease at least a little when we use the finite-range
force. Work towards including a finite range in HFODD is in progress. We
also plan to apply the self-consistent methods used here to other light
actinides, as well as to
Hg, where we suspect octupole correlations
may play some role [Engel et al.(1999)Engel, Friar, and
Hayes]. Maintaining self consistency in
Hg should automatically control the spurious Schiff strength
encountered in Ref. [Dmitriev and Sen'kov()].
After many years of neglect,
the question of which isotopes
are best for EDM measurements is now being rapidly addressed.
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Up: Time-reversal violating Schiff moment
Previous: Laboratory Schiff Moment of
Jacek Dobaczewski