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Self-consistent mean-field theory is widely used for describing bulk
properties of nuclei [Bender et al.(2003)Bender, Heenen, and
Reinhard]. In the guise of density-functional
theory, it is also used throughout atomic and molecular physics.
The approach is more ``microscopic" -- nucleons are the only degrees of
freedom -- and far less phenomenological
than the collective particle-rotor model. Self-consistency connects
the single-particle states and the actual density distribution. The
principle that determines the single-particle wave functions thus optimizes
all multipole moments not fixed by global symmetries.
The density distributions of neutrons and protons are not proportional
to each other; they have slightly different deformations and radial profiles.
In odd-
nuclei, self-consistent calculations include rearrangement due
to the unpaired particle. Rearrangement causes polarization of the
core through orbital-current and spin-density terms
in the effective interaction. Core polarization is one of the effects on the
Schiff moment of
Ra that we investigate below.
Our approach is nonrelativistic and employs Skyrme interactions.
To get an idea of the range of results this kind of calculation
can produce, we use four different parameterizations of the Skyrme energy
functional, i.e., four different Skyrme forces. The four give similar
for many observables near stability,
but still have significant differences. Our favorite interaction, for reasons
explained below, is SkO' [Bender et al.(2002)Bender, Dobaczewski,
Engel, and Nazarewicz,Reinhard et al.(1999)Reinhard, Dean,
Nazarewicz, Dobaczewski, Maruhn, and Strayer], but we also show results
for the commonly
used forces SIII [Beiner et al.(1975)Beiner, Flocard,
Giai, and Quentin], SkM
[Bartel et al.(1982)Bartel, Quentin,
Brack, Guet, and Håkansson], and
SLy4 [Chabanat et al.(1998)Chabanat, Bonche,
Haensel, Meyer, and Schaeffer].
Next: Related Observables in Even
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Previous: Mean-field calculations for other
Jacek Dobaczewski