Next: Fermi surfaces and kinetic
Up: Infinite Nuclear Matter
Previous: Introduction
The four basic degrees of freedom of homogeneous INM are the
isoscalar scalar density
the isovector scalar density
the isoscalar
vector density s0, and the isovector vector density s1.
They can be expressed through the usual neutron and proton,
spin-up, and spin-down densities in the following way.
Similarly, densities of protons and neutrons
with spin up and down can be expressed as:
is the relative isospin excess,
is the relative spin excess, and
is the relative spin-isospin excess,
In symmetric unpolarized INM Ii = 0, while in asymmetric INM
Polarized INM has
spin-isospin polarized nuclear matter has
Next: Fermi surfaces and kinetic
Up: Infinite Nuclear Matter
Previous: Introduction
Jacek Dobaczewski