The large-scale microscopic nuclear mass calculations, such as those of Refs. [13,20,21,22], typically require that the variational equations are repeatedly solved for thousands of nuclei. For example, when adjusting the parameters of the energy density functional to measured masses, one has to calculate ground-state configurations of around two-thousand nuclei many times during the fitting process.
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Our group has been laying out theoretical foundations and constructing computational tools to tackle this ambitious task. We utilize a fast HFBRAD code for spherical HFB calculations [23], which takes no more than 10 CPU minutes per nucleus on an Intel Xeon 2.8 GHz processor, as well as the HFBTHO code for axially deformed HFB calculations [24,25] with acceptable processor speed - averaging to about 1 CPU hour per nucleus.
The large-scale mass calculations based on the HFB+THO code,
extended with a minimal MPI communication in order to run in a
parallel regime across the nodes of the multiprocessor computer, are
illustrated in Figs. 1 and 2, which display,
calculated charts of nuclear deformations and two-neutron separation
energies for particle-bound even-even nuclei.
We used the SkP energy functional [16], which has a general
form given by Eqs. (4) and (5).
Our load-balancing routine, which scales the problem to 200 processors,
allows us to perform these calculations in a single 24 wall-clock
hour run on a 4 Tflop machine Cheetah at ORNL (1 Tflop=
floation-point operations/sec) [22].
For the details of the Skyrme-HFB deformed nuclear mass table
with SLy4 and SkP energy density functionals, see Ref. [26].
In the following,
some particular aspects of our Skyrme-DFT
calculations are briefly discussed.